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5 ChatGPT prompts for web developers

ChatGPT, the AI-powered language model, offers web developers innovative ideas and solutions for navigating the complexities of the crypto landscape, including designing cryptocurrency price trackers, crafting secure payment gateways, creating portfolio trackers, developing crypto analytics dashboards, and implementing user-friendly blockchain explorer interfaces.

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This article discusses the recent advancements in AI language models, particularly OpenAI's ChatGPT. It explores the concept of hallucination in AI and the ability of these models to make predictions. The article also introduces the new plugin architecture for ChatGPT, which allows it to access live data from the web and interact with specific websites. The integration of plugins, such as Wolfram|Alpha, enhances the capabilities of ChatGPT and improves its ability to provide accurate answers. The article highlights the potential opportunities and risks associated with these advancements in AI.
- The article discusses the launch of ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. - ChatGPT is a free and easy-to-use AI tool that allows users to generate text-based responses. - The article explores the implications of ChatGPT for various applications, including homework assignments and code generation. - It highlights the importance of human editing and verification in the context of AI-generated content. - The article also discusses the potential impact of ChatGPT on platforms like Stack Overflow and the need for moderation and quality control.
The main topic of the article is the development of AI language models, specifically ChatGPT, and the introduction of plugins that expand its capabilities. The key points are: 1. ChatGPT, an AI language model, has the ability to simulate ongoing conversations and make accurate predictions based on context. 2. The author discusses the concept of intelligence and how it relates to the ability to make predictions, as proposed by Jeff Hawkins. 3. The article highlights the limitations of AI language models, such as ChatGPT, in answering precise and specific questions. 4. OpenAI has introduced a plugin architecture for ChatGPT, allowing it to access live data from the web and interact with specific websites, expanding its capabilities. 5. The integration of plugins, such as Wolfram|Alpha, enhances ChatGPT's ability to provide accurate and detailed information, bridging the gap between statistical and symbolic approaches to AI. Overall, the article explores the potential and challenges of AI language models like ChatGPT and the role of plugins in expanding their capabilities.
AI software like ChatGPT is being increasingly used by students to solve math problems, answer questions, and write essays, but educators, parents, and teachers need to address the responsible use of such powerful technology in the classroom to avoid academic dishonesty and consider how it can level the playing field for students with limited resources.
Claude, a new AI chatbot developed by Anthropic, offers advantages over OpenAI's ChatGPT, such as the ability to upload and summarize files and handle longer input, making it better suited for parsing large texts and documents.
A botnet powered by ChatGPT, called Fox8, was discovered on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), using auto-generated content to trick users into clicking links to cryptocurrency websites, indicating the potential for more sophisticated botnets utilizing advanced chatbots like ChatGPT for scams and disinformation.
AI-powered chatbot ChatGPT was used to create a week-long meal plan and shopping list for a runner on a budget, providing nutritious and budget-friendly meals with specified macros; however, the lack of personalization and human touch in the plan left room for improvement.
The use of AI tools, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, is raising concerns about the creation of self-amplifying echo chambers of flawed information and the potential for algorithmic manipulation, leading to a polluted information environment and a breakdown of meaningful communication.
A new tool called ChatGPT is being used by students to complete homework assignments, raising concerns about cheating and the reliability of information obtained from the internet. However, proponents argue that if used correctly, ChatGPT can be an efficient research tool.
OpenAI is releasing ChatGPT Enterprise, a version of its AI technology targeted at large businesses, offering enhanced security, privacy, and faster access to its services.
A developer has created an AI-powered propaganda machine called CounterCloud, using OpenAI tools like ChatGPT, to demonstrate how easy and inexpensive it is to generate mass propaganda. The system can autonomously generate convincing content 90% of the time and poses a threat to democracy by spreading disinformation online.
Bybit, a cryptocurrency exchange, has released an AI-powered trading assistant called TradeGPT that provides real-time market analysis and answers user questions using its language model, ChatGPT.
Using AI tools like ChatGPT to write smart contracts and build cryptocurrency projects can lead to more problems, bugs, and attack vectors, according to CertiK's security chief, Kang Li, who believes that inexperienced programmers may create catastrophic design flaws and vulnerabilities. Additionally, AI tools are becoming more successful at social engineering attacks, making it harder to distinguish between AI-generated and human-generated messages.
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT are rapidly being adopted in the financial services industry, with major investment banks like JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley developing AI models and chatbots to assist financial advisers and provide personalized investment advice, although challenges such as data limitations and ethical concerns need to be addressed.
The hype around AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT is helping politicians become more comfortable with AI weapons, according to Palmer Luckey, the founder of defense tech startup Anduril Industries.
OpenAI offers ChatGPT plugins through its ChatGPT Plus subscription, providing access to a range of plugins that allow users to interact with external apps and services for various purposes such as travel arrangements, food delivery, job applications, and language learning. The article provides a step-by-step guide on how to access and use these plugins, along with a list of recommended plugins including AI Quest, A Review Summary, A-to-Z Video Summary, Calorie Coach, HiCollectors Finder, Kayak, Music, Podcast Search, Timeport, and What to Watch.
The development of large language models like ChatGPT by tech giants such as Microsoft, OpenAI, and Google comes at a significant cost, including increased water consumption for cooling powerful supercomputers used to train these AI systems.
AI-powered chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT can effectively and cost-efficiently operate a software development company with minimal human intervention, completing the full software development process in under seven minutes at a cost of less than one dollar on average.
Character.ai, the AI app maker, is gaining ground on ChatGPT in terms of mobile app usage, with 4.2 million monthly active users in the U.S. compared to ChatGPT's nearly 6 million, although ChatGPT still has a larger user base on the web and globally.
The ChatGPT app, which allows users to communicate with an AI language model, was featured in a news article about various topics including news, weather, games, and more.
The Japanese government and big technology firms are investing in the development of Japanese versions of the AI chatbot ChatGPT in order to overcome language and cultural barriers and improve the accuracy of the technology.
The use of AI in algorithmic trading is increasing, with models like ChatGPT being utilized for interpreting market trends and indicators, supporting traders with risk factors and investment opportunities in the cryptocurrency market. There is growing demand for AI and machine learning tools among retail traders, who believe they can enhance trading by detecting patterns and predicting price movements. However, while AI offers benefits, human traders remain crucial in the decision-making process and need to work in collaboration with AI tools to achieve the best outcomes.
Google is nearing the release of Gemini, its conversational AI software designed to compete with OpenAI's GPT-4 model, offering large-language models for various applications including chatbots, text summarization, code writing, and image generation.
Google aims to improve its chatbot, Bard, by integrating it with popular consumer services like Gmail and YouTube, making it a close contender to OpenAI's ChatGPT, with nearly 200 million visits in August; Google also introduced new features to replicate the capabilities of its search engine and address the issue of misinformation by implementing a fact-checking system.
ChatGPT can support the research process by suggesting topics, generating outlines, providing sources, identifying specific events, and even creating citations.
An anonymous Ethereum developer has created a code that allows artificial intelligence tools to deploy new ERC-20 tokens using OpenAI's ChatGPT API, resulting in the creation of tokens such as AstroPepeX, which has already generated $12.9 million in trading volume and other derivative projects using the script are expected to increase once a user interface is built.
The article discusses the best ChatGPT extensions, including ChatGPT Summary, SciSpace Copilot, YouTubeDigest, WebChatGPT, ChatGPT for Google, Sider, and GPT Workspace, each with different features such as summarizing articles, searching the web, integrating with Google Docs, and generating content for presentations.
ChatGPT Plus offers a wide range of plugins, with the Advanced Data Analysis and WebPilot plugins being the most useful for tasks such as data analysis and web browsing, respectively, although limitations exist in terms of concurrent plugin usage and the capabilities of WebPilot for complex web interactions.