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Government Agencies Prepare for Potential Shutdown Starting October 1 as Congress Debates Spending Deal

  • Government agencies are preparing for a potential shutdown starting Oct 1 if Congress doesn't pass a spending deal.

  • Office of Management and Budget notified agencies on Sept 28 to prepare for furloughs.

  • Capitol Police union warned members a shutdown could last 2-4 weeks. Police would still work but without pay.

  • Up to 4 million federal workers could lose pay during a shutdown, half of whom are military.

  • All federal workers would receive back pay once spending deal is passed, but some struggled during 2018 shutdown.

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Goldman Sachs warns that a US government shutdown is likely to occur in 2023 due to lawmakers' failure to agree on a budget, which could negatively impact stocks and economic growth.
There is a possibility of a government shutdown as Congress faces a deadline to pass 12 spending bills, with the most likely scenario being a continuing resolution to extend last year's spending levels for a designated period of time.
Lawmakers in Congress are facing a potential government shutdown at the end of the month, with the possibility of a shutdown becoming increasingly inevitable due to the lack of progress in negotiations and disputes between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, hardliners in his party, and the US Senate.
Lawmakers in Congress have less than two weeks to reach a deal on funding the government past September 30, and there is a risk of a partial government shutdown if an agreement is not reached. Some GOP groups are discussing a 30-day stopgap spending patch with border security measures attached, but a shutdown is expected to be short-term.
The White House warns that a government shutdown at the end of the month could have damaging consequences for the economy, national security, and the American public.
Congress faces the risk of a government shutdown as Republican infighting and dysfunction threaten to derail funding, highlighting the long-running chaos and dysfunction in American politics.
The US government faces a potential shutdown if Congress fails to agree on funding past September 30, which would be the first shutdown since December 2018 and could result in a longer standoff between parties.
If Congress fails to provide funding for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1, many U.S. government services would be disrupted, federal workers would be furloughed without pay, and essential workers would remain on the job without pay.
Millions of federal employees and military personnel face the prospect of a government shutdown, which would result in financial hardships for American families, disruptions in services, and potential harm to the economy.
The looming government shutdown may disrupt the return of student loan payments on October 1, as loan servicers struggle to handle the influx of borrowers seeking assistance.
The federal government is likely to face a shutdown that will affect various services, disrupt workers' pay, and create political turmoil as Republicans demand deep spending cuts.
The federal government is at risk of shutting down on October 1 if a last-minute spending deal is not reached, potentially leading to delayed paychecks for millions of federal workers and negative effects on the economy, according to the AP.
If lawmakers fail to pass a budget by October 1, the government will shut down and it could have several negative impacts on the economy, such as furloughed workers, difficulty in obtaining mortgages, and the Federal Reserve lacking important data for monetary policy decisions.
Millions of government employees face the prospect of not receiving their paychecks at the end of the month and are preparing for financial hardships as Congress nears a government shutdown.
The federal government is on the verge of a shutdown, with potential consequences for various areas of governance.
A potential government shutdown looms as Congress struggles to pass a funding bill by Saturday night, which could result in federal workers going without pay and essential services continuing while non-essential services halt.
Federal workers are bracing for another potential government shutdown, which not only tests their financial stability but also their commitment to public service.
If the federal government shuts down, Social Security checks will still be distributed, but numerous publicly funded agencies will stop work, employees won't be paid, and other federal programs and services will be affected.
Over 1 million military members and furloughed civilian employees are at risk of going without pay during the government shutdown, which would have significant global impacts on military readiness and send a dangerous message to adversaries, according to Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh.
If Congress fails to act, a potential government shutdown this weekend could harm the U.S. credit rating, according to Moody's. The agency highlighted the U.S.'s weak fiscal planning and dysfunctional budgeting process as factors that may negatively impact its credit rating.
The U.S. is on the verge of a government shutdown as Congress debates spending levels and aid to Ukraine, which could potentially affect government operations and federal workers' paychecks.
If a government shutdown occurs this weekend, subcontracted workers like Willie Price who work for third-party vendors risk losing their income and benefits, further exacerbating the economic impact of the pandemic.
A government shutdown is looming, and if lawmakers fail to pass a budget or stopgap measure by September 30, federal agencies deemed non-essential will cease operations, impacting federal workers, government benefits recipients, air travel, and the overall economy.
Unless Congress acts soon, the federal government is at risk of shutting down again, leaving millions of federal workers without pay, as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his caucus clash over maintaining government operations or implementing drastic spending cuts demanded by conservatives.
The Senate voted 76-22 to keep a six-week government funding measure on track to pass this weekend, but it looks increasingly likely the federal government will shut down when funding runs out Saturday.
The U.S. government is facing a potential shutdown if Congress does not resolve a deadlock by this weekend, which would result in furloughs or unpaid work for federal workers and military employees, but experts believe the impact on the economy and stock market will be short-lived.
Congress is facing a potential government shutdown as the Republican-led House and Democratic-controlled Senate struggle to reach a short-term funding agreement before the looming deadline.
As government funding runs out at the end of September, federal government services are at risk of halting until funding resumes, potentially impacting federal workers, nutrition and food assistance programs, national parks, health care, and law enforcement efforts.
A government shutdown due to a short-term spending bill will cause financial hardship for federal employees and contractors, but there are steps they can take such as contacting their landlord or mortgage loan servicer for assistance.
Summarizing the text given, the US is preparing for a government shutdown as the funding deadline approaches, with potential consequences including delays in work authorizations for migrants, impacts on the Federal Aviation Administration, uncertainty in the House regarding a procedural vote, and concerns about the effects on small businesses and border security.
A government shutdown is looming as lawmakers have until the end of the day Saturday to reach a deal or the U.S. will face one of the largest government shutdowns in history, impacting millions of workers and services.
House Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene blames Democrats for the imminent government shutdown occurring when funding expires on Saturday, as Republicans and Democrats struggle to reach an agreement on a new funding bill, risking furloughs for federal workers and potential backlash in Congress.
Congress passed a stopgap funding bill to keep the government open through mid-November, avoiding a shutdown that would have had devastating effects, allowing federal workers to continue receiving pay and preventing disruptions to air travel and relief efforts in the wake of natural disasters.
Congress averted a government shutdown with a temporary deal that keeps funding at current levels until Nov. 17, providing relief for millions of Americans and avoiding a potential furlough of federal employees and delayed food assistance programs, but leaving some, like House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, facing challenges and excluding additional U.S. aid to Ukraine.