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House GOP Divided Over Spending Bill as Moderate Members Quietly Seek Bipartisan Deal to Avert Shutdown

  • House GOP remains divided on spending bill to avert shutdown, while Democrats quietly negotiate with moderate Republicans as a backup plan.

  • Moderate House Republicans and Democrats have started talks on passing a spending bill through a discharge petition if McCarthy's bill fails.

  • Discharge petition allows 218 House members to bypass leadership and force a floor vote, though the process has hurdles.

  • Problem Solvers Caucus and New Democrat Coalition are involved in bipartisan discussions to keep government open.

  • Some moderate Republicans not ruling out discharge petition if needed to prevent a shutdown as Sept. 30 deadline nears.

Relevant topic timeline:
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House Republicans have failed to advance a bill to fund the Defense Department, indicating the difficulty they face in finding consensus and avoiding a government shutdown.
House GOP leaders are considering avoiding a government shutdown by approving a short-term continuing resolution instead of a massive bill to fund the Pentagon, as they face demands from hardliners for deeper spending cuts and specific funding levels.
House Republicans are divided over government spending, with hard-right lawmakers refusing to compromise on conservative demands, leading to the postponement of crucial votes and increasing the likelihood of a government shutdown.
Bands of far-right Republicans in the House and the Senate have caused chaos and brought the spending debate to a halt, creating the possibility of a government shutdown, as they refuse to compromise and demand their own spending cuts.
House Republicans' approach to government funding, which includes spending cuts and conservative policy priorities, has created a stark contrast with the Senate's bipartisan strategy, potentially leading to a damaging government shutdown.
Several House Republicans have reached a short-term funding deal to keep the government running, but it remains uncertain whether the proposal will gain enough support and pass in the Senate.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his allies are pushing for a short-term spending plan that includes conservative priorities, but it remains uncertain if it can pass the House and avert a government shutdown.
Summary: House Republican leaders have announced a deal on a short-term spending patch to avoid a government shutdown, but the deal is facing opposition from conservative Republicans who are rejecting the proposed cuts to non-defense programs and GOP border policies.
House Republicans' proposed spending bill is facing opposition from conservative members, putting its chances of passing in the GOP-led House at risk and increasing the likelihood of a government shutdown.
House Republicans are in the midst of a major internal revolt over the latest spending plan, with more than a dozen Republicans, including members of the Freedom Caucus, openly opposing the plan and threatening to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he relies on Democratic votes to avoid a government shutdown.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warns fellow Republicans to avoid brinksmanship that could lead to a government shutdown, stating that shutdowns are always a political "loser" for Republicans.
House Republicans are facing difficulty in reaching a consensus on a plan to fund the government, causing a delay in a planned procedural vote as they work towards finding agreement within their ranks.
Democrats believe that a government shutdown is inevitable and are strategizing on what a bipartisan deal to keep the government open will look like, with the expectation that it will closely resemble what Republicans already agreed to.
House Republicans are working to find a plan that will keep the government funded and avoid a shutdown, but face opposition from conservative lawmakers who want deeper spending cuts attached to the proposed legislation.
House Republicans are struggling to pass spending bills and find a solution to avoid a government shutdown, leading to potential infighting and a no confidence vote in House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's leadership.
House Republicans fail to start debate on a key military funding bill as five conservative rebels block the measure, raising concerns about a government shutdown.
Hard-right Republicans are pushing for a disruptive federal shutdown as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's latest funding plan fails, leaving no endgame in sight and resulting in the White House telling federal agencies to prepare for a shutdown.
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are preparing separate spending bills in an attempt to prevent a government shutdown, but these bills are expected to be rejected by the Democratic-controlled Senate.
Republicans lack a cohesive plan to prevent a looming government shutdown, leaving prospects grim as lawmakers failed to find a solution before heading home for the weekend, prompting some Republicans to consider working with Democrats.
House Republicans are working on a plan to move long-term spending bills through the chamber, but it is uncertain if they will gather enough support to avoid a government shutdown.
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is attempting to advance spending cuts that are unlikely to become law, potentially leading to a partial government shutdown, as some members of the party threaten to depose House Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he does not support steeper cuts.
Lawmakers are facing a tight deadline to reach an agreement on a budget resolution to avoid a government shutdown as spending laws are set to expire on September 30. House Republicans, led by Speaker Kevin McCarthy, are struggling to unite the GOP caucus and secure enough votes for a deal, while Democratic support would come with political consequences. Failure to reach an agreement would result in paused paychecks for federal employees and disruption of government services.
Lawmakers express concern over the possibility of a government shutdown as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces pressure to secure votes for a spending bill, with the House Freedom Caucus complicating budget negotiations and potential compromise with Democrats risking McCarthy's speakership.
Democrats are criticizing GOP-backed cuts in government funding, warning that a shutdown would endanger Americans and lead to disruptions in various federal services.
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House Republicans advance four full-year spending bills but fail to prevent a government shutdown as a continuing resolution will be needed to keep the lights on in Washington beyond the September 30 deadline.
House Republicans have rejected a bipartisan bill to fund government agencies, increasing the likelihood of a partial government shutdown by the weekend if legislation is not passed by Congress.
The House and Senate are moving forward with their own government funding plans, with the Senate unveiling a bipartisan measure that extends funding through Nov. 17 and provides money for Ukraine and disaster relief, while House Republicans advanced four GOP-crafted full-year spending bills that will not prevent a shutdown.
House Republicans voted to open debate on a package of spending bills in an attempt to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the week, aiming to put themselves in a better negotiating position with Democrats and the White House; however, a federal shutdown is still likely given disagreements over funding levels and aid for Ukraine.
Republicans pushing for a federal government shutdown are facing criticism from party moderates and risking the loss of key services and financial impact, but are driven by hard-right Republicans who oppose any measures supported by President Biden.
Congress is facing a potential government shutdown as the Republican-led House and Democratic-controlled Senate struggle to reach a short-term funding agreement before the looming deadline.
House Republicans are relying on a strategy of making the government shutdown about border security in order to rally Republicans and pressure holdouts to fall in line, while targeting a politically vulnerable issue for the White House.
House Republicans are prepared to oppose a last-minute proposal for a temporary funding agreement in the Senate, leading to an increased likelihood of a government shutdown.
House Republicans propose a short-term spending bill with across-the-board cuts and exemptions for national defense, veterans affairs, and homeland security, but it is uncertain if it will pass the House or Senate and a government shutdown is a possibility.
House Republicans are frustrated and without a clear plan to avert a government shutdown as the deadline for funding runs out today, with no agreement in sight.
House Republicans are in a funding standoff that may lead to a government shutdown, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proposing a stopgap funding bill and facing threats from within his own party.
House Republicans are facing a leadership crisis and are unable to pass legislation to fund the government, potentially leading to a shutdown, due to the ousting of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
House Republicans are struggling to agree on a solution to their leadership chaos as they discuss the possibility of reopening the chamber without a speaker, potentially leading to a bipartisan deal with Democrats.