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China's biggest homebuilder is fighting for its life. Here's what you need to know about the real estate crisis

China's largest property developer, Country Garden, is on the brink of defaulting on its massive debts, reinforcing the deep slump in China's real estate market and potentially impacting the country's financial sector and global markets.

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China's real estate crisis, caused by a crackdown on risky behavior by home builders and a subsequent housing slowdown, is spreading to the broader economy, leading to sinking sales, disappearing jobs, and a decline in consumer confidence, business investment, and stock markets.
China's real estate market is experiencing a significant downturn, causing major developers to face massive losses and mounting debts, which is impacting the country's economy and global growth.
China's economy is facing a downward spiral due to a crisis in the debt-laden property sector, prompting seven city banks to reduce their growth forecasts for the country; concerns include falling into deflation, high unemployment rates, and the need for more proactive government support.
China's economic slump is worsening due to the prolonged property crisis, with missed payments on investment products by a major trust company and a fall in home prices adding to concerns.
China's largest private real estate developer, Country Garden, is in financial trouble, missing bond payments and posting a record loss, signaling further concerns about the country's property sector as housing prices and foreclosures continue to rise, while other economic indicators, such as industrial output and retail sales, fall short of expectations; these developments are raising concerns about the overall health of China's economy and its future growth prospects.
The collapse of Evergrande, China's second-largest property developer, has raised concerns about a potential financial crisis and a broader liquidity crisis in the country, as well as the impact on China's housing market and economy.
As China's economic crisis unfolds, it is becoming apparent that the immense debt accumulated in building infrastructure projects, coupled with high unemployment and personal decisions made by Xi Jinping, could pose a serious threat to the regime's stability and potentially lead to a post-Communist China.
China is facing challenges in defusing risks from its local government debt without resorting to major bailouts, as many local government financing vehicles (LGFVs) are struggling to generate enough income to pay off their debts and are experiencing difficulty in accessing financing from banks and investors. If the debt restructuring efforts fail, it could have a significant impact on China's economic growth and pose risks to the country's financial system.
China Evergrande Group, the world's most-indebted property developer, reported a narrower net loss for the first half of the year due to increased revenue, but it is still facing a crisis in China's property sector characterized by debt defaults and shattered consumer confidence in the country's economy.
China's property developers facing financial distress raises concerns about a debt crisis, potentially leading to a broader financial crisis, according to analyst Charlene Chu.
China's shadow lending industry is facing significant challenges as weak economic growth and a wave of defaults and restructurings in the property sector threaten the stability of trusts, leading to concerns of contagion and further economic problems.
China's property crisis has left small businesses and workers owed hundreds of billions of dollars, with suppliers waiting on at least $390 billion in payments, as new projects dry up and financial troubles plague real estate developers like Country Garden.
China is facing increasing financial stress as a property giant seeks to avoid default and a state-run bad debt manager experiences a bond slump, contributing to concerns about the country's economy.
China's troubled real estate company Country Garden plans to raise funds to avoid default and repay its loans, amid concerns that its liquidity crisis could have a wider impact on China's economy.
China's largest private property developer, Country Garden, has warned of default risks if its financial performance continues to deteriorate, following a record loss in the first half of the year. The company's net loss between January and June amounted to 48.9 billion yuan ($6.72 billion), compared to a net loss of 6.7 billion yuan in the second half of 2022 and a net profit of 612 million yuan in the first half of 2022. This comes as Chinese authorities are working to revive the troubled property market, which accounts for approximately a quarter of the country's economy.
China's property developer, Country Garden Holdings, is facing increased pressure on its property market as it prepares to report earnings for the first half after missing interest payments on its bonds.
China's property developer, Country Garden, has reported a record loss and warned of potential debt default, contributing to concerns about the recovery of the country's economy.
China is planning to relax home-purchase restrictions and implement new measures to address the debt crisis in its property sector, which accounts for a quarter of its economy, in an effort to boost consumer demand.
Country Garden Holdings, once a leading player in China's property industry, is facing a severe cash crunch that could have more extensive implications for the economy than the default of Evergrande Group, as its declining stock and bond values threaten to trigger broader damage to the real estate sector and consumer confidence.
China's largest private property developer, Country Garden, made interest payments on its U.S. dollar bonds just hours before the grace period deadline, avoiding default for the second time in four days and providing relief to the crisis-hit property sector.
Chinese property giant Country Garden has made overdue bond-coupon payments, but protests by frustrated investors continue as real estate companies default and the costs of maintaining stability become harder to meet, highlighting the challenges Beijing faces in dealing with the country's debt-ridden property sector.
China's economy risks falling into a vicious cycle of debt and deflation, but economist Shang-Jin Wei suggests that launching an aggressive bond-buying campaign and allowing the yuan to lose value may be necessary to avoid this trap.
China's real estate market slump raises the risk of developer defaults, potentially resulting in significant losses for Chinese banks and potential ripple effects beyond the country's borders.
China is showing signs of a balance-sheet recession similar to Japan's, with accumulating debt and falling house prices, but there are key differences that suggest it may not face the same fate. State-owned enterprises and property developers account for much of China's debt, and households have low debt relative to their assets. However, the Chinese government's reluctance to increase spending could prolong the recession.
Embattled developer Country Garden faces a new round of voting by creditors to extend several debt maturities, as it continues to navigate the crisis-hit Chinese property sector and avoid default.
China's economy is at risk of a financial crash due to its property bubble and soaring debts, according to market veteran Ruchir Sharma.
China's largest private property developer, Country Garden, has won approval from its creditors to extend repayment on six onshore bonds by three years, providing relief to the country's crisis-hit property sector.
China's property sector continues to struggle with deepening falls in new home prices, property investment, and sales in August, despite recent support measures, adding pressure to the country's economy.
China's housing crisis continues as thousands of building projects are halted or slowed, leading to defaults and restructuring, a loss of confidence in the market, and a decline in sales.
The real estate crisis in China has caused bond default rates to increase in the Asia-Pacific region, with defaults occurring more quickly than globally despite Asia's better credit rating.
Embattled Chinese developer Country Garden is facing a deadline to pay $15 million in interest on an offshore bond, with concerns growing over its ability to meet its debt obligations amid a struggling property sector and weak property sales in China. If the payment is not made within the 30-day grace period, the principal will become due immediately and trigger cross-default terms on other credit. Some offshore creditors have already begun talks with law firms, indicating a potential debt restructuring.
China's local authorities have amassed trillions of dollars in hidden debt, requiring the central government to consider drastic measures like enabling the sale of bad debt to asset managers and increasing tax revenue allocation to resolve the issue.