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China's Economic Woes Won't Derail S&P 500, But May Hurt Some Companies

  • China's economic struggles unlikely to hurt S&P 500 overall

  • But some companies with China exposure look riskier

  • China's recovery post-pandemic has been sluggish

  • Investors shouldn't ignore China issues completely

  • Need to watch companies with significant China operations

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The risks of China's economic slowdown have not been factored into the markets yet, according to Insigneo Chief Investment Officer Ahmed Riesgo, who believes that the crisis of confidence in China's economy will soon become a major global risk.
China's unexpected economic slowdown, driven by excessive investment in the property sector and local government spending, is leading experts to question whether a collapse is imminent, although they believe a sudden collapse is unlikely due to China's controlled financial system; however, the slowdown will have implications for global growth and emerging markets, particularly if the U.S. enters a recession next year.
Investors are avoiding global stocks with significant exposure to the Chinese market due to concerns over China's property slump and its impact on the economy, causing the MSCI World Index to recover to just 2% below its July-end figure.
China's economic challenges and failed rebound post-Covid are causing U.S. investors and businesses to view Chinese exposure as a liability, leading to underperformance in companies with high China exposure and potential bans on foreign devices, signaling a potential decline in China's economic growth.
Despite the risks and challenges of doing business in China, many Western companies still see it as a long-term bet due to its economic potential, but they are increasingly cautious and aware of the hazards they face.
Chinese stocks have passed the worst of the selling pressure and are still attractive to investors due to their cheap valuation and potential for growth, according to CLSA. However, Beijing needs to address concerns and risks in the economy. The MSCI China Index has fallen this year, but a pause in the Federal Reserve's tightening policy is expected to reverse market pessimism.
China's economy is at risk of a financial crash due to its property bubble and soaring debts, according to market veteran Ruchir Sharma.
China's economic woes may not be catastrophic as its policymakers and the country's vast resources, coupled with its massive economy and global interconnectedness, offer potential for recovery despite mounting financial and geopolitical pressures.
Investors are increasingly fearful due to a mix of factors including rising oil prices, expectations of higher interest rates, a sluggish Chinese economy, and the possibility of a US government shutdown, leading to concerns of a prolonged period of stagflation and a potential recession.
The S&P 500 has seen a strong bounce off its previous low, but it has yet to fully recover, and the recent rise in Treasury yields and geopolitical conflicts contribute to a cautious outlook on the market's future performance.
Investors in Asian markets are expected to be cautious as they focus on Chinese producer and consumer price inflation, which will indicate if wider deflationary pressures are cooling in the country's struggling economy.