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Congress Races Against Shutdown Clock as Hardliners Push for Deeper Cuts

  • Congress rushing to avoid government shutdown before Saturday deadline as some Republicans push for steeper spending cuts
  • House expected to vote on funding package Tuesday but some conservatives oppose it, denying McCarthy majority
  • Trump encouraging hardline Republicans to "shut it down", Biden warns against reneging on deal
  • Senate trying to pass stopgap funding bill but tangled over adding more Ukraine aid
  • Looming shutdown would disrupt economy, federal services and pay for millions of Americans
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Main Topic: Congress likely to pass a short-term government funding bill to avoid a shutdown this fall. Key Points: 1. Speaker Kevin McCarthy believes a short-term funding bill is necessary due to lack of time for a full-year funding deal. 2. The length of the stopgap bill and policy terms still need to be agreed upon by congressional leaders. 3. The House and Senate are moving in different directions on appropriations, with the House seeking spending cuts and conservative policy provisions, while the Senate aims for bipartisan support and avoids controversial provisions.
House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy, faces the tough choice of either risking a government shutdown or alienating the hard-right flank of his party, which could lead to the loss of his speakership, as the House must pass a spending package to keep the federal government open before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy warns his caucus about the negative consequences of a government shutdown and emphasizes the need to pass spending bills to continue running the government.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has demanded an 8% temporary spending cut for domestic agencies and a resumption of border wall construction to hold off a US government shutdown, but the demands are unlikely to be accepted by the Democratic-led Senate.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his allies are pushing for a short-term spending plan that includes conservative priorities, but it remains uncertain if it can pass the House and avert a government shutdown.
The US Congress is facing opposition from far-right Republicans over a short-term spending bill, increasing the risk of a government shutdown and threatening Kevin McCarthy's role as speaker, as Republicans in the House of Representatives are divided and struggling to find money to keep federal agencies running.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warns that government shutdowns are a political liability for the Republican Party and supports Speaker McCarthy's efforts to avoid a government shutdown.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing challenges to his leadership as he tries to rally House Republicans to pass a conservative bill to keep the government open, but the bill is unlikely to prevent a federal shutdown.
Senate Republicans predict that Speaker Kevin McCarthy will need to reach out to House Democrats in order to prevent a government shutdown, as they don't believe he will be able to unify the entire GOP conference behind a measure to keep federal departments and agencies open.
Congress faces the risk of a government shutdown as Republican infighting and dysfunction threaten to derail funding, highlighting the long-running chaos and dysfunction in American politics.
The White House is preparing for a government shutdown that they believe the public will blame the GOP for, as Speaker Kevin McCarthy struggles to unify his party behind a spending bill, and economists suggest that a shutdown would benefit the Biden administration heading into the 2024 presidential election.
Hard-right Republicans are pushing for a disruptive federal shutdown as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's latest funding plan fails, leaving no endgame in sight and resulting in the White House telling federal agencies to prepare for a shutdown.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces uncertainty and potential government shutdown as hardline conservatives within the Republican party scuttled his spending plans, leading to an embarrassing defeat for GOP leadership and a lack of unity among members.
Despite lawmakers' efforts to avert a government shutdown, the country is headed for a shutdown due to the ongoing conflict between conservative hardliners and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, with some lawmakers resigning themselves to the prospect.
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is attempting to advance spending cuts that are unlikely to become law, potentially leading to a partial government shutdown, as some members of the party threaten to depose House Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he does not support steeper cuts.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy is advocating for a meeting with President Biden to discuss averting a government shutdown and addressing the situation at the southern border.
Unless Congress acts soon, the federal government is at risk of shutting down again, leaving millions of federal workers without pay, as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his caucus clash over maintaining government operations or implementing drastic spending cuts demanded by conservatives.
The possibility of a government shutdown looms as Congress struggles to agree on federal spending bills, potentially affecting federal and contract workers, restricting services, and impacting the DC region, Maryland, and Virginia.
The US is facing the possibility of a government shutdown as Republicans demand deep spending cuts, risking furloughs of federal workers and halting various services.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy insists that he will not take up Senate legislation to prevent a government shutdown, as Congress remains divided on funding and time runs out before midnight on Saturday.
Congress faces an imminent government shutdown as a funding bill fails in the House and Senate is predicted to need until Sunday for passage.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's bill to fund the government for a month has failed, leading to a potential government shutdown, as a small group of House Republicans seek to make McCarthy look bad and attempt to overthrow him.
As Speaker Kevin McCarthy resists scheduling a House vote on a spending bill, President Joe Biden's aides believe that any government shutdown will be blamed on McCarthy and his fellow Republicans rather than the White House, according to officials.
House Republicans are in a funding standoff that may lead to a government shutdown, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proposing a stopgap funding bill and facing threats from within his own party.
Congress averted a government shutdown with a temporary deal that keeps funding at current levels until Nov. 17, providing relief for millions of Americans and avoiding a potential furlough of federal employees and delayed food assistance programs, but leaving some, like House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, facing challenges and excluding additional U.S. aid to Ukraine.
The ousting of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy raises the odds of a government shutdown in November, which could negatively impact the stock market and further challenge an already struggling economy.
Republican senators are concerned about the sudden collapse of Speaker Kevin McCarthy's career in leadership and fear that it will lead to a government shutdown, putting pressure on finding a successor who can avoid such a scenario.