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Black Caucus Urges Newsom to Appoint Rep. Lee to Feinstein's Seat Despite 2024 Run

  • The Congressional Black Caucus is urging Gov. Newsom to appoint Rep. Barbara Lee to Sen. Feinstein's vacant seat. They cite her progressive record and commitment to justice.

  • Newsom previously pledged to appoint a Black woman but said he won't choose someone who wants the seat permanently, like Lee.

  • Lee is the only Black woman running for the seat in 2024 against Reps. Schiff and Porter. She trails them in polls and funding.

  • Newsom said appointing someone who wants the seat full-time would be "unfair" to other Democratic candidates.

  • Lee responded she's concerned being appointed just to "check a box" is insulting to Black women who help Democrats win elections.

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