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Government Shutdown Threat Looms as House GOP Fails to Pass Funding Bills

  • House Republicans are going home for the week despite risk of government shutdown due to lack of funding legislation progress.

  • Speaker McCarthy unable to pass procedural military funding vote due to opposition from hardliners in his party.

  • McCarthy seeking 30-day stopgap funding bill to avert shutdown, but passage in House and Senate unlikely.

  • Biden mocks House Republicans for leaving despite looming shutdown, notes previous shutdown furloughed 800,000 workers.

  • McCarthy expresses frustration with Republican holdouts wanting to "burn the whole place down" through shutdown.

Relevant topic timeline:
Republican hardliners are threatening to shut down the US government unless Joe Biden reduces spending on the FBI and ends "woke policies" at the defense department, among other demands.
President Joe Biden's administration is taking a wait-and-see approach to the potential government shutdown, confident that they can pressure House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to stick to the spending deal they struck in May rather than trying to create a new bipartisan bill.
President Joe Biden criticizes House Republicans for failing to reach a deal to fund the government, warning of a potential shutdown and reminding them of the consequences of the last shutdown in which 800,000 government workers were furloughed without pay.
President Biden warns of the potential consequences of a government shutdown, urging Republicans in Congress to take action to prevent it.
President Joe Biden and his administration are placing the blame on a small group of extremist House Republicans for the government shutdown that may occur, emphasizing the negative consequences that would be unleashed across the country as a result.
The week in politics saw the country hurtling toward a government shutdown and the beginning of House Republicans' impeachment inquiry of President Biden.
President Biden criticized Republicans for bringing the nation close to a government shutdown but commended the passage of a short-term funding bill to prevent it, while urging Congress to pass a separate bill providing more aid to Ukraine.