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Globalization Shifts as Trade Pacts Fade and Production Moves from China

  • Globalization is transforming as goods trade declines and services exports boom.

  • Trump started de-globalization by withdrawing from trade pacts, adding tariffs, and limiting China trade.

  • Biden continued restricting China trade and subsidizing US green tech and chips.

  • Limits on China pushed companies to move operations from there to other low-wage nations.

  • These trends of reshoring and friendshoring production are seen as de-globalization.

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### Summary India's total exports and imports of goods and services surpassed $800 billion in the first half of 2023, with a healthy growth in the services sector offsetting a slowdown in global demand. ### Facts - 📈 Exports of goods and services rose by 1.5% to $385.4 billion in January-June 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. - 📉 Imports declined by 5.9% to $415.5 billion during the first half of 2023, compared to January-June 2022. - 💵 Standalone goods exports dropped by 8.1% to $218.7 billion, while imports contracted by 8.3% to $325.7 billion. - 💼 Services exports grew by 17.7% to $166.7 billion, while imports rose by 3.7% to $89.8 billion during the six-month period. - 💰 The depreciation of the Indian Rupee didn't prevent the decline in merchandise exports, and weak global demand and loss of competitiveness in labor-intensive sectors contributed to the modest decline. - 🌍 Several factors, including conflicts, inflation, monetary policies, and financial uncertainty, are expected to weaken world trade in 2023. - 🛡️ India should focus on increasing product quality and supply chain competitiveness, retain policy space in free trade agreements and Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), and be prepared to respond to unilateral policy decisions. - 📊 Among the product categories contributing to India's exports, 11 out of 29 registered positive export growth, while 18 declined during January-June 2023. - 📱 Smartphone exports surged to $7.5 billion in the first half of 2023, up from $2.5 billion in the same period in 2022. - 🌐 India's exports declined in 134 of the 240 countries it exports goods to, with major declines observed in the USA, UAE, China, Bangladesh, and Germany. - 🌐 India's export promotion should focus on the 41 countries where its exports exceed $1 billion, accounting for 87% of its exports. - 👥 The top 15 countries with which India has the highest trade deficit include China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Switzerland. - 📉 The share of free trade agreement partners in India's merchandise exports decreased from 30.1% in the first half of 2022 to 26.8% in 2023. - ⛽ Import of crude petroleum declined by 7.6% to $73.2 billion in January-June 2023, with Russia's share in India's import of petroleum crude increasing significantly. - 🌍 Import growth from major suppliers like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE declined during this period.
Australia's exports to China, which have been severely impacted by trade restrictions, are expected to improve as some restrictions have been rolled back, particularly for commodities like barley and coal, although challenges remain for industries such as wine.
Globalization is shifting towards a strategy of security of supply, with companies diversifying their manufacturing operations and seeking suppliers closer to home, such as India, in order to reduce risks and uncertainties associated with relying solely on China.
Global industrial production and containerized freight flows have remained stagnant, challenging previous predictions of a strong rebound and indicating a reliance on the services sector for global growth.
Chinese exporters are navigating a bumpy road back overseas amid a turbulent economic recovery, but are adapting to changes in global supply chains by diversifying production lines and exploring new markets such as the US.
The World Trade Organization has revised its forecast for global trade growth, halving its estimate due to rising interest rates and various economic challenges, with a particular impact on iron, steel, office equipment, textiles, and clothing. The slowdown in trade has raised concerns about the potential negative impact on living standards worldwide, particularly in poor countries.