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IBM Pledges to Provide Free AI Training to 2 Million Learners by 2026, Focusing on Underserved Groups

  • IBM commits to train 2 million learners in AI by end of 2026, focusing on underrepresented communities
  • Expanding collaborations with universities globally to provide AI training and courseware
  • Launching new generative AI course offerings through IBM SkillsBuild platform
  • Courses will be free and aim to address skills gap and workforce needs
  • Builds on existing IBM programs to skill 30 million people by 2030
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The main topic is the emergence of AI in 2022, particularly in the areas of image and text generation. The key points are: 1. AI models like DALL-E, MidJourney, and Stable Diffusion have revolutionized image generation. 2. ChatGPT has made significant breakthroughs in text generation. 3. The history of previous tech epochs shows that disruptive innovations often come from new entrants in the market. 4. Existing companies like Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are well-positioned to capitalize on the AI epoch. 5. Each company has its own approach to AI, with Apple focusing on local deployment, Amazon on cloud services, Meta on personalized content, Google on search, and Microsoft on productivity apps.
### Summary A new Wall Street report suggests that IBM could benefit from artificial intelligence (AI) in its consulting business, potentially leading to cost reductions through automation. ### Facts - 💼 Analysts at Melius Research believe that IBM's consulting business could capitalize on AI to cut labor costs through automation. - 💸 CNBC's Jim Cramer suggests that IBM, along with Accenture, could benefit from the AI industry boom. - 👥 Other stocks to watch in relation to AI include Salesforce and ServiceNow.
IBM's consulting business could potentially benefit from artificial intelligence by using automation to reduce labor costs, marking a potential "golden age" for the industry, according to analysts at Melius Research.
Artificial intelligence will initially impact white-collar jobs, leading to increased productivity and the need for fewer workers, according to IBM CEO Arvind Krishna. However, he also emphasized that AI will augment rather than displace human labor and that it has the potential to create more jobs and boost GDP.
IBM CEO Arvind Krishna believes that AI is the solution to shrinking workforces and declining working-age populations in developed countries, as it can increase worker productivity and allow companies to do more with fewer employees.
Around 40% of the global workforce, or approximately 1.4 billion workers, will need to reskill over the next three years as companies incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) platforms like ChatGPT into their operations, according to a study by the IBM Institute for Business Value. While there is anxiety about the potential impact of AI on jobs, the study found that 87% of executives believe AI will augment rather than replace jobs, offering more possibilities for employees and enhancing their capabilities. Successful reskilling and adaptation to AI technology can result in increased productivity and revenue growth for businesses.
Intel and International Business Machines (IBM) are two AI stocks that haven't won over investors yet, but they have the potential for significant growth due to their focus on AI technologies and the opportunities presented by the surge in demand for AI accelerators.
Germany plans to increase its public funding for artificial intelligence (AI) research to nearly one billion euros over the next two years in an effort to close the skills gap with China and the United States, though it still falls significantly short of the US and private AI spending levels.
Companies that want to succeed with AI must focus on educating their workforce, exploring use cases, experimenting with proofs of concept, and expanding their capabilities with a continuous and strategic approach.
The 2023 U.S. Open will feature artificial intelligence technology, including AI commentary and a digital experience for fans, developed by IBM in collaboration with the United States Tennis Association.
AI has the potential to disrupt the job market, with almost 75 million jobs at risk of automation, but it is expected to be more collaborative than replacing humans, and it also holds the potential to augment around 427 million jobs, creating a digitally capable future; however, this transition is highly gendered, with women facing a higher risk of automation, particularly in clerical jobs.
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot trend in 2023, with the potential to add trillions to the global economy by 2030, and billionaire investors are buying into AI stocks like Nvidia, Meta Platforms, Okta, and Microsoft.
A new report from recruitment giant Randstad reveals that while there is a significant increase in job postings requiring skills in generative AI, there is a skills gap with only one in 10 workers being offered AI training opportunities, highlighting the need for employers to step up and fill this gap. Furthermore, the report indicates that businesses may be losing out on top talent, particularly Gen Z employees, by not providing AI training, and that employers have a responsibility to help create the talent of the future.
Bay Area community colleges are expanding their AI and machine-learning course offerings to meet the growing demand for workers in the field and provide students with access to high-paying jobs in the tech industry.
Bay Area community colleges are expanding their AI and machine-learning course offerings to meet the growing demand for workers in the field and provide students with access to high-paying jobs in the tech industry.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is predicted to generate a $14 trillion annual revenue opportunity by 2030, causing billionaires like Seth Klarman and Ken Griffin to buy stocks in AI companies such as Amazon and Microsoft, respectively.
Salesforce announced new AI initiatives at its Dreamforce conference, but analysts predict that it will take until 2024/2025 for these AI solutions to drive significant revenue growth for the company.
Artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to evolve and become more integrated into our lives in 2024, with advancements in generative AI tools, ethical considerations, customer service, augmented working, AI-augmented apps, low-code/no-code software engineering, new AI job opportunities, quantum AI, upskilling for the AI revolution, and AI legislation.
The World Economic Forum's "The Future of Jobs Report 2023" highlights that AI and machine learning specialists are in high demand, followed by sustainability specialists, business intelligence analysts, and information security analysts, as the fastest-growing roles driven by technology, digitalization, and sustainability.
Intel is integrating AI inferencing engines into its processors with the goal of shipping 100 million "AI PCs" by 2025, as part of its effort to establish local AI on the PC as a new market and eliminate the need for cloud-based AI applications.
The adoption of emerging technologies has increased since 2020, and to help professionals in the industry develop their skills, IEEE has launched the IEEE Academies learning paths, which cover artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and the smart grid.
IBM is positioned to take advantage of the AI revolution with its focus on enterprise solutions and potential for significant revenue growth, leading to a stock undervaluation of approximately 47%.
AI and automation are changing the landscape of computer science, potentially leading to lower pay and diminished job security for developers, while also raising questions about the value of learning to code and the role of AI in education.
IBM's AI and data platform, watsonx, aims to help businesses leverage foundation models and accelerate the adoption of generative AI through its newly launched features and capabilities, offering model flexibility and choice, transparency in AI models, and the ability to responsibly use third-party models.
The U.S. Chamber Foundation, in collaboration with IBM, has explored the use of AI models to help job seekers identify and showcase their skills through digital credentials, in order to match them with potential employment and education opportunities, while also considering the potential risks and unintended outcomes associated with such AI models.
Induced AI, a startup founded by teenagers, has raised $2.3 million in seed funding to develop a platform that automates workflows by converting plain English instructions into pseudo-code and utilizing browser automation to complete tasks previously handled by back offices. The platform allows for bi-directional interaction and can handle complex processes, making it distinct from existing models in the industry.
IBM CEO Arvind Krishna believes that automation will create more jobs than it eliminates, stating that increases in productivity do not necessarily lead to job losses but rather result in the creation of new roles and increased hiring. Krishna also discusses the impacts of AI on repetitive white-collar jobs and the ongoing AI arms race between the US and China.
SoftBank CEO, Masayoshi Son, predicts that artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence within the next 10 years, with artificial general intelligence growing 10 times smarter than humankind, and artificial super intelligence potentially surpassing human intelligence by a factor of 10,000 within 20 years.
IBM, with its specialized AI applications and Watson system, is positioned to be a major player in the AI market and drive solid growth, particularly in its consulting business, according to analysts at Bank of America. With the potential for billions of dollars in revenue, AI could finally turn IBM's AI expertise into a profitable business.
The rise and future of artificial intelligence is discussed in this episode of the Business Wars podcast, exploring whether movie depictions of AI accurately predict its forthcoming advancements.
Spending on generative AI solutions, which includes software, hardware, and IT/business services, is predicted to reach $143 billion by 2027, with enterprises investing nearly $16 billion in 2023 alone, according to a new report by International Data Corporation (IDC). This represents a compound annual growth rate of 73.3% over the 2023-2027 forecast period and demonstrates that generative AI is becoming a transformative technology with significant business impact.
The University at Albany and IBM are collaborating on a $20 million investment to establish the Center for Emerging Artificial Intelligence Systems (CEAIS) and advance AI research goals, while creating a SUNY AI Research Group to lead future strategies in AI research, education, policy, and workforce development.
Young people entering college should focus on getting a broad education in order to prepare for the disruptive impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce, according to billionaire investor Vinod Khosla. He predicts that AI will make a large portion of jobs obsolete, including highly paid fields like accounting and medicine, and recommends that college students diversify their knowledge to adapt to the rapidly changing society.