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Biden Administration Pushes Anti-Corruption Reforms in Ukraine While Voicing Concerns Over Ongoing Corruption

  • Leaked document shows Biden administration's concerns about corruption in Ukraine
  • Aims to reform Ukraine through anti-corruption measures like privatizing banks, decentralizing national security
  • Pushes Ukraine to implement NATO policies and reduce oligarchs' control of economy
  • Concerned corruption could cause Western allies to limit aid to Ukraine
  • In response, Zelensky cut 7 senior defense officials last month for alleged corruption
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Reports of corruption and mismanagement of funds in Ukraine could potentially harm Western support for the country's war effort, despite the Biden administration's announcement of a new round of assistance worth up to $1 billion.
Republicans have accused President Biden of corruptly changing US policy towards Ukraine and benefiting his son's business partners, citing a 2015 speech from Secretary of State Antony Blinken that praised Ukraine's anti-corruption efforts when Viktor Shokin was prosecutor general.
The Biden administration is working to maintain the flow of U.S. weapons to Ukraine despite the political turmoil in Congress, with President Biden planning to deliver a major speech on the importance of arming Ukraine and exploring alternative means of funding.
The collapse of Ukraine aid in Congress is a setback for the Biden administration as a minority of Republican lawmakers, including allies of former President Trump, flex their power and jeopardize assistance, highlighting the challenges of bipartisan support in Washington.