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McCarthy Backtracks on Stripping Ukraine Aid from Spending Bills But Path Forward Remains Murky as Shutdown Risk Looms

  • McCarthy now says Pentagon funding bill will move forward with Ukraine aid included after initially wanting to strip it out
  • Republicans struggling to rally votes to start debate on 4 government funding bills slated for vote on Tuesday
  • Even if Republicans start debate, unclear if they can pass bills or avert shutdown by Oct 1
  • McCarthy floated extending stopgap funding bill from 30 days to 45 days to buy more time for full-year bills
  • Some GOP members oppose even short-term funding bill, pushing to focus only on passing full bills despite risk of shutdown
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The crystal ball predicts that the Senate will advance some appropriations bills and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will try to pass an interim spending package, but it remains unclear if the House will accept a bipartisan continuing resolution from the Senate to avoid a government shutdown.
The White House is pressuring House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to approve aid for Ukraine and disaster relief funding ahead of a government funding showdown, calling on him to keep his word about government funding and address urgent bipartisan priorities.
Conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives are threatening spending levels and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, creating a complicated funding debate that could potentially jeopardize McCarthy's leadership role.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing a leadership challenge as he navigates a government funding battle between House Republican hard-liners opposing Ukraine aid and threatening a government shutdown, and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who supports Ukraine aid and opposes a shutdown.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to resurrect a stalled Pentagon spending measure and push it to the House floor in an effort to pressure far-right Republicans to drop their demands for spending cuts or face backlash for voting against military funding.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vows to bring a defense spending bill to a vote despite resistance from hardline Republicans, as a possible government shutdown looms in two weeks amidst a Republican "civil war."
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has demanded an 8% temporary spending cut for domestic agencies and a resumption of border wall construction to hold off a US government shutdown, but the demands are unlikely to be accepted by the Democratic-led Senate.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his allies are pushing for a short-term spending plan that includes conservative priorities, but it remains uncertain if it can pass the House and avert a government shutdown.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is taking a more aggressive approach towards his conservative critics, daring them to vote against a proposed GOP stopgap and potentially isolating them from the rest of the party.
House Republicans are in the midst of a major internal revolt over the latest spending plan, with more than a dozen Republicans, including members of the Freedom Caucus, openly opposing the plan and threatening to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he relies on Democratic votes to avoid a government shutdown.
House Democrats are privately discussing the possibility of helping Speaker Kevin McCarthy avoid a right-wing uprising by demanding a bipartisan deal to avoid a government shutdown, though they are wary of coming to his rescue due to potential backlash from the left.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to remove $300 million in funding for Ukraine from a Pentagon spending bill after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and other conservatives blocked the legislation from advancing.
Rep. Tim Burchett is considering supporting the removal of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy if McCarthy strikes a deal with Democrats to avoid a government shutdown, amid criticism from fellow Republicans.
Senators from both parties are debating whether to include new military aid for Ukraine in a stopgap spending bill to prevent a government shutdown, with some Republicans concerned about complicating Speaker Kevin McCarthy's attempts to resolve the spending logjam.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy remains hopeful and determined to find a solution to prevent a government shutdown, despite facing resistance from both Democrats and a small group of rebellious Republicans.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is proposing significant cuts to housing subsidies, nutritional assistance, and home heating aid in an attempt to appease far-right Republicans and gain leverage in negotiations with the Democratic-controlled Senate and White House.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has rejected a bipartisan Senate stopgap measure that funds the government and provides aid to Ukraine, citing the lack of border security measures.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer accuses Speaker Kevin McCarthy of reneging on a funding agreement and warns that McCarthy's actions increase the likelihood of a government shutdown.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has suggested passing a "clean" continuing resolution without Ukraine aid as a possible solution to avert a shutdown, but it is uncertain if such a measure will be put to a vote, as Republicans are still exploring other possibilities within their own party.
As Speaker Kevin McCarthy resists scheduling a House vote on a spending bill, President Joe Biden's aides believe that any government shutdown will be blamed on McCarthy and his fellow Republicans rather than the White House, according to officials.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy challenges his hardline conservative critics to try and remove him from the Speakership over his decision to bring a "clean" continuing resolution to fund the government.
Summary: GOP Rep. Byron Donalds expressed uncertainty about whether he would vote to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy from his position as House Speaker, but acknowledged that McCarthy may be in danger of losing his leadership role due to distrust within the chamber; Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi advised Democrats to follow the lead of House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries on the potential vote to remove McCarthy; White House budget director Shalanda Young called on Congress to pass full-year funding bills and avoid another government shutdown; GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz announced his intention to file a motion to remove McCarthy as Speaker of the House, citing concerns about trustworthiness and broken promises; Ukrainian officials are working with the US government to secure funding for Ukraine in the new budget being worked on over the next 45 days; Speaker McCarthy avoided a government shutdown by relying on Democratic votes to pass a stopgap funding bill, prompting criticism from conservatives within his party who may attempt to remove him from his leadership position; Bipartisan Senate leaders pledged to vote on further funding for Ukraine in the coming weeks; Congress passed a short-term funding bill to prevent a government shutdown, but disagreements over funding for Ukraine and border security remain.
Kevin McCarthy allies threatened GOP Rep. Nancy Mace that the party might withhold funding for her campaign if she voted to oust McCarthy as speaker, highlighting the deep divisions and fallout within the Republican party after McCarthy's removal.
Rep. McCarthy's removal as House speaker and the inclusion of questionable spending in a 50,000-page bill exemplify politicians paying back donors through pork projects, exposing a corrupt system that undermines efforts to reduce inflation and deceives the public.
The recent removal of Kevin McCarthy as the speaker of the House highlights the dysfunction and chaos within the House Republican Party, ultimately hindering bipartisan dealmaking and responsible governance, which is particularly concerning for Ukraine and its need for funding in the face of regional tensions.
A group of GOP representatives wrote a letter expressing their disapproval of the ousting of Rep. Kevin McCarthy as speaker, stating that it goes against the will of the majority of Republicans and calling for a review of the rules changes made earlier this year; meanwhile, House Republicans are scrambling to elect a new speaker and pass spending bills before government funding runs out.
The recent attacks in Israel and the need for U.S. aid have led centrist House Republicans to discuss reinstating Kevin McCarthy as House speaker in order to address the crisis more quickly.
The chaos in the House resulting from the demise of Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s Speakership poses both political opportunities and threats to President Biden's agenda, including aid to Ukraine.
Multiple House Democrats had indicated their willingness to help former Speaker Kevin McCarthy avoid being ousted, potentially by voting "present," but ultimately joined with Republicans to remove McCarthy from leadership.
Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy is urging President Biden to refreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds, criticizing the Biden administration's prisoner swap and decision to unfreeze the funds, which many Republicans believe has supported Iran's military and terrorism efforts.
Despite being voted out by his own caucus, Republican Kevin McCarthy is open to retaking the position of Speaker of the House if asked, while his fellow Republicans contemplate their next move amidst the international crisis in Israel.
Summary: Rep. Kevin McCarthy blames Democrats for 'disrupting the country' after being ousted as the GOP's Speaker of the House.
House Republicans' decision to remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy with a small number of votes will be seen as a bipartisan failure, according to Rep. Larry Bucshon, causing concern about America's ability to function and appear strong on the global stage.