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McCarthy Pursues Hunter Biden Probe, Vows to Subpoena Him for Testimony

  • McCarthy says Hunter Biden will be subpoenaed but won't commit to timing, says it should happen at "appropriate time"

  • McCarthy launched impeachment inquiry into Biden over Hunter's business dealings, wants to investigate Biden's involvement

  • Probe began without House floor vote, seen as move to shore up support from Republican hardliners

  • McCarthy wants more evidence like bank statements before calling Hunter Biden to testify

  • Wants to know where money went, have questions to ask Hunter Biden during testimony

Relevant topic timeline:
Main Topic: House Republican committee chairmen investigating the circumstances of the plea agreement with Hunter Biden. Key Points: 1. Investigation into the provision in the plea agreement that would have allowed the judge to determine if Biden violated the terms over a 24-month period. 2. Concerns raised about the clause granting Biden immunity from all other crimes in exchange for completing the pretrial diversion program. 3. Allegations of preferential treatment and requests for information about similar provisions in other pretrial diversion agreements.
Main Topic: President Joe Biden's family-oriented brand and reputation are being tested ahead of the 2024 election due to family drama and Republican attacks. Key Points: 1. President Biden is facing scrutiny over his son Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings and a failed plea deal on federal charges. 2. A federal special counsel is investigating Biden's handling of classified documents. 3. Concerns are growing among Democrats about the potential political damage to Biden's reputation and the distraction from substantive policy issues.
Main Topic: The appointment of a special counsel in the Hunter Biden probe creates challenges for President Joe Biden's re-election campaign. Key Points: 1. The appointment distracts from Biden's message and draws attention away from Trump's legal problems. 2. Republicans may attempt to exploit Hunter Biden's predicament, similar to how they weaponized Hillary Clinton's private email server in 2016. 3. The investigation into Hunter Biden's business dealings could tarnish President Biden's image and create potential pitfalls for Democrats.
Main Topic: House GOP committee chairmen issue subpoenas to IRS and FBI officials regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden's tax violation allegations. Key points: 1. The subpoenas are issued to IRS and FBI officials who were present at or had direct knowledge of a meeting where the investigation into Hunter Biden was discussed. 2. The House GOP committee chairmen have been looking into potential political interference in the federal probe. 3. The subpoenas are crucial to understanding if Hunter Biden received special treatment and who made the ultimate decision in his case.
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has subpoenaed Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and other officials as part of an inquiry into whether the Justice Department improperly informed the Secret Service about plans to interview Hunter Biden over alleged tax crimes.
Special counsel overseeing the investigation into Hunter Biden plans to seek a grand jury indictment of the president's son before the end of September, according to a court filing.
House Democrats have differing views on how to best address GOP allegations regarding Hunter Biden, with some wanting a more forceful response and others believing it is a distraction from former President Donald Trump's criminal charges; however, Democrats are confident they can defend President Joe Biden against a potential impeachment inquiry.
The White House is preparing for a potential impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden as prosecutors seek a criminal indictment against his son, Hunter Biden, on a gun possession charge, further fueling Republican efforts to investigate the president and potentially leading to political trench warfare.
Republicans are continuing their investigations into Hunter Biden, with two IRS employees testifying privately about the federal probe into President Biden's son, raising concerns of interference from the Biden White House or Justice Department.
House Republicans accuse Hunter Biden's legal team of intimidating and harassing IRS whistleblowers involved in the Hunter Biden tax probe.
Some Democrats, like Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, are distancing themselves from Hunter Biden while still supporting President Joe Biden, as they believe the evidence points to Hunter's guilt but not Joe's involvement in any wrongdoing.
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has not yet subpoenaed Hunter Biden due to the legal complexities, but indicated that he is open to Hunter Biden voluntarily testifying before the committee to clear his name.
House Republicans are moving to impeach Joe Biden as congressional investigators focus on a breakfast meeting he hosted in 2015 for his son Hunter Biden and two business partners, where conversation revolved around lobbying Biden to support his friend Karim Massimov to be Secretary-General of the United Nations.
President Biden's son, Hunter Biden, has been charged with lying about his drug use in connection with the purchase of a handgun in 2018, potentially putting him on trial next year as his father runs for re-election.
House Democrats have acknowledged that Hunter Biden's former business partner, Eric Schwerin, handled President Biden's finances during his vice presidency, according to a statement from a spokesperson for the Democrat minority of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.
Hunter Biden's lawyer alleges that House Republicans' political pressure influenced the indictment of the president's son on charges related to gun possession.
The FBI has established a dedicated unit to investigate threats against agents and prosecutors involved in the Hunter Biden case, as right-wing individuals accuse them of being too lenient, despite the recent indictment of Hunter Biden on federal felony charges for lying on a gun form; however, critics argue that Hunter Biden's alleged crimes would never have been prosecuted if he weren't the president's son.
Hunter Biden's indictment on federal gun charges could potentially overlap with his father's re-election campaign, with the best case scenario being a quick resolution and the worst case scenario being a guilty verdict shortly before voters make their decision.
Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden's legal troubles and potential trials stemming from his conduct during his drug addiction are raising concerns about how they could divide the president's attention during a crucial election year, as well as adding to the emotional toll on the Biden family.
Hunter Biden has been indicted and House Republicans have initiated an impeachment inquiry against President Biden, exposing the media's bias and their inability to protect the president from scandal.
House Republicans are seeking to initiate the impeachment process against Joe Biden based on allegations of corruption and influence peddling involving his son Hunter, but the claims are largely unsupported by evidence.
Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has filed a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), accusing whistleblowers of unlawfully disclosing his tax information and violating his privacy.
House Republicans will hold their first impeachment inquiry hearing to investigate allegations of corruption and abuse of power against President Biden, with the House Oversight Committee likely to subpoena bank records of Hunter Biden and James Biden as part of the investigation.
Summary: Republicans in Congress are set to hold an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden's family business dealings, while also risking a government shutdown, demonstrating how both impeachment and shutdowns have become political weapons wielded with increasing frequency, to the detriment of US democracy.
President Joe Biden's allies are preparing for a potential impeachment by House Republicans and aiming to use it against GOP candidates in the 2024 elections, painting the impeachment effort as a baseless political stunt and highlighting the disarray within the Republican Party.
The House Oversight Committee has subpoenaed a bank for Hunter Biden's records and obtained two wire transfers from Chinese nationals to Hunter Biden in 2019 that listed President Joe Biden's home as the beneficiary address, marking the first time the committee has issued a subpoena specifically for his records.
House Republicans claim to have evidence that Hunter Biden received payments from Beijing that were listed under President Joe Biden's Delaware address, leading to questions about the Bidens' financial entanglements and national security concerns, although Hunter Biden's attorney denies any wrongdoing and attributes the transfers to loans and personal investments.
House Republicans released more than 700 pages of IRS whistleblower documents that they claim demonstrate Hunter Biden's use of his father's political position in a global influence-peddling scheme, fueling the House GOP impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden centered on his son's foreign business dealings.
Newly released documents confirm that Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, traveled internationally to sell influence and access to the Biden "brand" and that there was a campaign by the Justice Department to protect the Biden family from investigation, particularly actions taken by Joe Biden himself.
House Republicans released documents suggesting that IRS agents investigating Hunter Biden faced obstacles whenever President Joe Biden's name came up in the probe, though senior Justice Department prosecutors believed the investigators had legitimate reasons to avoid the elder Biden, and there is no evidence that DOJ officials acted at the request of senior leadership.
House Republicans begin their first impeachment hearing, but the witnesses do not have firsthand knowledge of Hunter Biden's business dealings or his father's involvement, while Democrats argue that the impeachment inquiry is an attempt to distract from the indictments against former President Trump.
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announced that he will issue subpoenas for bank records of Hunter Biden and James Biden, as part of the House GOP impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, in an effort to find possible evidence of financial wrongdoing.
House Democrats in the House Oversight Committee hearing argue that President Joe Biden is innocent of any wrongdoing in his involvement with his son Hunter's foreign business dealings, claiming that he is only guilty of loving his child unconditionally.
House Republicans are raising concerns about a former Biden aide's messages to Hunter Biden in 2017, revealing that Hunter's CCP-linked business partner was willing to wire him tens of thousands of dollars, indicating potential influence peddling by the Biden family.
Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has appeared in federal court in Delaware to be arraigned on firearms charges, marking the first time a child of a sitting president has faced criminal charges.
Hunter Biden, the president's son, is grappling with over $10 million in legal fees and is seeking new ways to fundraise for his trial on gun charges, while his father, Joe Biden, has not provided financial assistance, leading Hunter's team to explore potential obstacles in raising money without interfering with his father's re-election efforts.
President Joe Biden's denial of discussing business with his son Hunter has been contradicted by new FOIA-obtained emails, revealing extensive communication between Joe, Hunter, and their respective firms during his vice presidency, adding to the GOP investigation into the alleged Biden family influence-peddling operation.