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Roboticist Calls for 'Symbiotic Autonomy' Between Humans and AI to Boost Productivity

  • Roboticist Manuela Veloso realized robots need to ask humans for help with simple tasks like pressing elevator buttons. This concept is called symbiotic autonomy.

  • AI like ChatGPT can help white-collar workers be more productive, but they shouldn't rely on it fully and neglect human judgment.

  • In an experiment, consultants using ChatGPT were 12% more productive, 25% faster, and produced 40% higher quality work than those not using AI.

  • AI boosted the worst performing consultants the most, showing its value in elevating human workers.

  • Veloso argues that refusing to use AI is denying that humans also need help sometimes. We should embrace human-AI collaboration.

Relevant topic timeline:
Artificial intelligence can be integrated ethically in workplaces by creating strong human-robot teams that extend and complement human capabilities instead of replacing them, as demonstrated by NASA's robotic spacecraft teams exploring Mars.