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Kenya Accelerates Digital Transformation Through Infrastructure Investments, Skills Training, and Local Manufacturing

  • Government aims to enhance digital infrastructure, improve internet access, and reduce costs through Digital Masterplan and National Broadband Strategy. This includes investments in Konza Technopolis, national fibre optic backbone, and bridging the rural digital divide.

  • Digital skills programmes like Ajira and Jitume have trained over 390k youth and employed over 135k in online jobs. More centres are being set up across Kenya to boost digital jobs and entrepreneurship.

  • New local manufacturing plant launched by President is producing affordable digital devices to support digital transformation. It aims for monthly capacity of 300k devices by January 2024.

  • Digital healthcare investments made in public hospital systems and infrastructure to improve efficiency. This includes teleradiology partnerships and plans for extensive fibre optic rollouts.

  • Digital Superhighway project to establish 25k public WiFi hotspots and 1,450 digital hubs across Kenya's wards over 2 years, funded via CDF and partnerships.
