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Psaki Doubts McCarthy's Ability to Avoid Shutdown Given Republican Extremism

  • Psaki isn't convinced by McCarthy's concern that some Republicans may cause a shutdown. She says this isn't a new concept.

  • Psaki points out Republicans were responsible for shutdowns in 2013 and 2018/19.

  • She says when the Capitol was attacked, most Republicans "waved it off" and pledged loyalty to Trump.

  • Psaki believes Trump is effectively running the House and pulling McCarthy's strings.

  • Psaki questions if McCarthy can avoid a shutdown, given he sold his soul to the extreme right for the speakership.

Relevant topic timeline:
House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy, faces the tough choice of either risking a government shutdown or alienating the hard-right flank of his party, which could lead to the loss of his speakership, as the House must pass a spending package to keep the federal government open before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.
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Facing threats to his speakership, Kevin McCarthy is confident that his critics won't have enough votes to oust him, and he is ready to fight it out on the floor if necessary; however, his critics are determined to proceed with a motion to vacate the chair, putting the House GOP in a state of turmoil.
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President Biden's chief of staff Jeff Zients is preparing for a government shutdown and states that a meeting with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is unnecessary as funding the government is the responsibility of House Republicans.
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The recent removal of Kevin McCarthy as the speaker of the House highlights the dysfunction and chaos within the House Republican Party, ultimately hindering bipartisan dealmaking and responsible governance, which is particularly concerning for Ukraine and its need for funding in the face of regional tensions.
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California Rep. Kevin McCarthy criticized the eight House Republicans who voted against him, accusing them of working with Democrats and disrupting government, while endorsing Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan as his replacement.