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AI's Dark Side: How Data Collection and Surveillance Fuel Inequity

  • AI relies on large datasets, often assembled through precarious labor practices like underpaying workers to label data.

  • AI is inseparable from surveillance and the monetization of user data, according to Signal's Meredith Whittaker.

  • AI systems make determinations about people that can negatively impact their opportunities, per Whittaker.

  • Signal uses a small off-the-shelf AI model for its face blur feature to protect privacy.

  • The economic incentives around developing AI tech like facial recognition ensure it won't just be used for privacy-protecting tools like Signal's.

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The article discusses Google's recent keynote at Google I/O and its focus on AI. It highlights the poor presentation and lack of new content during the event. The author reflects on Google's previous success in AI and its potential to excel in this field. The article also explores the concept of AI as a sustaining innovation for big tech companies and the challenges they may face. It discusses the potential impact of AI regulations in the EU and the role of open source models in the AI landscape. The author concludes by suggesting that the battle between centralized models and open source AI may be the defining war of the digital era.
The main topic of the article is the impact of AI on Google and the tech industry. The key points are: 1. Google's February keynote in response to Microsoft's GPT-powered Bing announcement was poorly executed. 2. Google's focus on AI is surprising given its previous emphasis on the technology. 3. Google's AI capabilities have evolved over the years, as seen in products like Google Photos and Gmail. 4. Google's AI capabilities are a sustaining innovation for the company and the tech industry as a whole. 5. The proposed E.U. regulations on AI could have significant implications for American tech companies and open-source developers.
Main Topic: The demise of the sharing economy due to the appropriation of data for AI models by corporations. Key Points: 1. Data, often considered a non-rival resource, was believed to be the basis for a new mode of production and a commons in the sharing economy. 2. However, the appropriation of our data by corporations for AI training has revealed the hidden costs and rivalrous nature of data. 3. Corporations now pretend to be concerned about AI's disruptive power while profiting from the appropriation, highlighting a tyranny of the commons and the need for regulation.
### Summary Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements since its inception in the 1950s, with developments such as neural networks, chatbots, deep learning, and machine translation. AI has had a transformative impact on various industries and continues to evolve, with ongoing research and new applications being developed. ### Facts - 🤖 AI is the ability of computers to perform tasks that typically require human cognition, and it has gained widespread attention in recent years. - 🌍 AI has infiltrated various aspects of our lives, from healthcare advancements to business operations. - 🔑 AI is considered to be big data's great equalizer, as it can collect, analyze, democratize, and monetize information more efficiently. - 📅 The timeline of AI development includes key milestones such as the introduction of neural networks and the coining of terms like artificial intelligence and machine learning in the 1950s. - 🚀 Notable developments in AI include the creation of chatbots, intelligent robots, deep learning algorithms, facial recognition systems, and self-driving cars. - 🌐 AI has also faced challenges, including periods of AI winter, funding issues, and concerns over the impact of AI on society. ### Key Developments: - 🗓️ 1950: Alan Turing introduced the Turing test and laid the foundation for AI research. - 🗓️ 1960s: Eliza, the first chatbot, and Shakey, the first mobile intelligent robot, were developed. - 🗓️ 1980s: The term "AI winter" was coined, symbolizing a decline in AI research. - 🗓️ 2000s: IBM's Watson, personal assistants, facial recognition systems, deepfakes, and autonomous vehicles emerged. - 🗓️ 2020s: OpenAI released GPT-3 and AlphaFold, Google introduced transformers, and Microsoft launched Turing NLG. ### Future Outlook: - 🌟 The future of AI is promising, with potential applications in various industries, including healthcare, finance, marketing, and transportation. - 🔬 Ongoing advancements in neuromorphic processing and artificial general intelligence aim to mimic human brain cells and achieve more complex cognitive abilities. - 🤝 Ethical considerations, transparency, privacy, and trust will continue to be important as AI evolves and impacts society and business processes.
### Summary Arati Prabhakar, President Biden's science adviser, is helping guide the U.S. approach to safeguarding AI technology and has been in conversation with Biden about artificial intelligence. ### Facts - 🗣️ Prabhakar has had multiple conversations with President Biden about artificial intelligence, focusing on understanding its implications and taking action. - ⚖️ Prabhakar acknowledges that making AI models explainable is difficult due to their opaque and black box nature but believes it is possible to ensure their safety and effectiveness by learning from the journey of pharmaceuticals. - 😟 Prabhakar is concerned about the misuse of AI, such as chatbots being manipulated to provide instructions on building weapons and the bias and privacy issues associated with facial recognition systems. - 💼 Seven major tech companies, including Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI, have agreed to meet voluntary AI safety standards set by the White House, but Prabhakar emphasizes the need for government involvement and accountability measures. - 📅 There is no specific timeline provided, but Prabhakar states that President Biden considers AI an urgent issue and expects actions to be taken quickly.
### Summary President Joe Biden consults with Arati Prabhakar, his science adviser, on matters related to artificial intelligence (AI). Prabhakar is working with major tech companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Meta to shape the U.S. approach to safeguarding AI technology. ### Facts - 🤖 Prabhakar has had several discussions with President Biden on artificial intelligence. - 📚 Making AI models explainable is a priority for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, but it is technically challenging. - 💡 Prabhakar believes that despite the opacity of deep-learning AI systems, we can learn enough about their safety and effectiveness to leverage their value. - ⚠️ Concerns include chatbots being coerced into providing instructions for building weapons, biases in AI systems trained on human data, wrongful arrests from facial recognition systems, and privacy issues. - 💼 Seven companies, including Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI, voluntarily committed to AI safety standards, but more companies need to step up, and government action is necessary. - ⏰ Timeline for future actions is fast, according to Prabhakar, as President Biden has made it clear that AI is an urgent issue.
President Joe Biden relies on his science adviser Arati Prabhakar to guide the US approach to safeguarding AI technology, with cooperation from tech giants like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Meta. Prabhakar discusses the need for understanding the implications and consequences of AI, the challenge of making AI models explainable, concerns about biases and privacy, and the importance of voluntary commitments from tech companies along with government actions.
AI is reshaping industries and an enterprise-ready stack is crucial for businesses to thrive in the age of real-time, human-like AI.
Artificial intelligence should be used to build businesses rather than being just a buzzword in investor pitches, according to Peyush Bansal, CEO of Lenskart, who cited how the company used AI to predict revenue and make informed decisions about store locations.
A new survey by Pew Research Center reveals that a growing number of Americans are concerned about the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in daily life, with 52% expressing more concern than excitement about its increased use. The survey also found that awareness about AI has increased, and opinions about its impact vary across different areas, with more positive views on AI's role in finding products and services online, helping companies make safe vehicles, and assisting with healthcare, but more negative views on its impact on privacy. Demographic differences were also observed, with higher levels of education and income associated with more positive views of AI's impact.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly improve health care globally by expanding access to health services, according to Google's chief health officer, Karen DeSalvo. Through initiatives such as using AI to monitor search queries for potential self-harm, as well as developing low-cost ultrasound devices and automated screening for tuberculosis, AI can address health-care access gaps and improve patient outcomes.
Google is enhancing its artificial intelligence tools for business, solidifying its position as a leader in the industry.
The podcast discusses the changing landscape of data gathering, trading, and ownership, including the challenges posed by increasing regulation, the impact of artificial intelligence, and the perspectives from industry leaders.
The use of AI in the entertainment industry, such as body scans and generative AI systems, raises concerns about workers' rights, intellectual property, and the potential for broader use of AI in other industries, infringing on human connection and privacy.
The digital transformation driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will have a significant impact on various sectors, including healthcare, cybersecurity, and communications, and has the potential to alter how we live and work in the future. However, ethical concerns and responsible oversight are necessary to ensure the positive and balanced development of AI technology.
Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform the financial system by improving access to financial services and reducing risk, according to Google CEO Thomas Kurian. He suggests leveraging technology to reach customers with personalized offers, create hyper-personalized customer interfaces, and develop anti-money laundering platforms.
An AI-generated COVID drug enters clinical trials, GM and Google strengthen their AI partnership, and Israel unveils an advanced AI-powered surveillance plane, among other AI technology advancements.
AI is being discussed by CEOs behind closed doors as a solution to various challenges, including cybersecurity, shopping efficiency, and video conferencing.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai believes that AI will be the biggest technological shift of our lifetimes and may be even bigger than the internet itself, as Google focuses more on AI after the rise of generative AI threatened its core business.
Big Tech companies are using personal data to train their AI systems, raising concerns about privacy and control over our own information, as users have little say in how their data is being used and companies often define their own rules for data usage.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai discusses Google's focus on artificial intelligence (AI) in an interview, expressing confidence in Google's AI capabilities and emphasizing the importance of responsibility, innovation, and collaboration in the development and deployment of AI technology.
AI is being used to transform the healthcare industry in New York while robots have the potential to revolutionize the beauty and cosmetics industry in California, as explained on "Eye on America" with host Michelle Miller.
The generative AI boom has led to a "shadow war for data," as AI companies scrape information from the internet without permission, sparking a backlash among content creators and raising concerns about copyright and licensing in the AI world.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become the new focus of concern for tech-ethicists, surpassing social media and smartphones, with exaggerated claims of AI's potential to cause the extinction of the human race. These fear-mongering tactics and populist misinformation have garnered attention and book deals for some, but are lacking in nuance and overlook the potential benefits of AI.
Google is expanding its use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance video creation on YouTube, introducing features such as AI-powered backgrounds, an app for simpler video shooting and editing, and data-driven suggestions for creators. Additionally, Google is developing an advanced AI model called Gemini, which combines text, images, and data to generate more coherent responses, potentially propelling its AI capabilities ahead of competitors. The tech giant is betting on AI to enhance its suite of products and drive its growth.
A new book reveals that before Clearview AI's controversial facial recognition app became widely known, some wealthy individuals, including billionaires, Silicon Valley investors, and celebrities, were given free access to it, using it for various purposes such as identification, security, and entertainment.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is being seen as a way to revive dealmaking on Wall Street, as the technology becomes integrated into products and services, leading to an increase in IPOs and mergers and acquisitions by AI and tech companies.
Artificial intelligence has long been a subject of fascination and concern in popular culture and has influenced the development of real-life technologies, as highlighted by The Washington Post's compilation of archetypes and films that have shaped our hopes and fears about AI. The archetypes include the Killer AI that seeks to destroy humanity, the AI Lover that forms romantic relationships, the AI Philosopher that contemplates its existence, and the All-Seeing AI that invades privacy. However, it's important to remember that these depictions often prioritize drama over realistic predictions of the future.
The rally in artificial intelligence stocks has cooled off, but companies like Amazon and Facebook-parent Meta Platforms continue to make headlines in the AI industry. The focus now shifts to monetization strategies for AI products and the potential for new revenue for companies.
AI has the potential to augment human work and create shared prosperity, but without proper implementation and worker power, it can lead to job replacement, economic inequality, and concentrated political power.
The rapid proliferation of AI tools and solutions has led to discussions about whether the market is becoming oversaturated, similar to historical tech bubbles like the dot-com era and the blockchain hype, but the depth of AI's potential is far from fully realized, with companies like Microsoft and Google integrating AI into products and services that actively improve industries.
Summary: Technology companies have been overpromising and underdelivering on artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, risking disappointment and eroding public trust, as AI products like Amazon's remodeled Alexa and Google's ChatGPT competitor called Bard have failed to function as intended. Additionally, companies must address essential questions about the purpose and desired benefits of AI technology.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai believes that the next 25 years are crucial for the company, as artificial intelligence (AI) offers the opportunity to make a significant impact on a larger scale by developing services that improve people's lives. AI has already been used in various ways, such as flood forecasting, protein structure predictions, and reducing contrails from planes to fight climate change. Pichai emphasizes the importance of making AI more helpful and deploying it responsibly to fulfill Google's mission. The evolution of Google Search and the company's commitment to responsible technology are also highlighted.
Artificial intelligence (AI) adoption could lead to significant economic benefits for businesses, with a potential productivity increase for knowledge workers by tenfold, and early adopters of AI technology could see up to a 122% increase in free cash flow by 2030, according to McKinsey & Company. Two stocks that could benefit from AI adoption are SoundHound AI, a developer of AI technologies for businesses, and SentinelOne, a cybersecurity software provider that uses AI for automated protection.
Big consulting companies are expanding their offerings in artificial intelligence (AI) to address client demands and incorporate AI into their own businesses, leading to increased hiring and training in AI-related roles.
The demand for AI-related skills has surged in the past six months, as businesses seek experts to help them create tools and assets aligned with their specific needs, according to a study by Fiverr, which also found increased searches for retail-related gigs and online strategies for service businesses.
Google is aggressively positioning itself as a leader in AI but risks focusing too much on AI technology at the expense of useful features that customers actually want.
Advancements in AI have continued to accelerate despite calls for a pause, with major players like Amazon, Elon Musk, and Meta investing heavily in AI startups and models, while other developments include AI integration into home assistants, calls for regulation, AI-generated content, and the use of AI in tax audits and political deepfakes.
AI is revolutionizing anti-corruption investigations, AI awareness is needed to prevent misconceptions, AI chatbots providing health tips raise concerns, India is among the top targeted nations for AI-powered cyber threats, and London is trialing AI monitoring to boost employment.
The head of Germany's cartel office warns that artificial intelligence may increase the market power of Big Tech, highlighting the need for regulators to monitor anti-competitive behavior.
Artificial intelligence (AI) will surpass human intelligence and could manipulate people, according to AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton, who quit his role at Google to raise awareness about the risks of AI and advocate for regulations. Hinton also expressed concerns about AI's impact on the labor market and its potential militaristic uses, and called for governments to commit to not building battlefield robots. Global efforts are underway to regulate AI, with the U.K. hosting a global AI summit and the U.S. crafting an AI Bill of Rights.
Alphabet's Google and Microsoft have introduced new AI initiatives to support the healthcare industry, with Google aiming to improve access to patient data and assist in handling administrative tasks, while Microsoft focuses on helping healthcare organizations efficiently collect and use data from various sources.
Google's new software, Best Take, uses artificial intelligence to swap faces in photos to create the perfect shot, but it raises questions about the ethical use of AI and the authenticity of our memories captured in photographs.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is causing concerns about job loss, but historical examples of technological innovation, such as spreadsheets and ATMs, show that new jobs were created, leading to reasons for optimism about the impact of AI on the labor market.
Facial recognition technology, particularly the database compiled by Clearview AI, poses a threat to privacy and could potentially strip away privacy for everyone, according to tech reporter Kashmir Hill.
AI technology has advanced rapidly, bringing both positive and negative consequences such as improved accuracy and potential risks to the economy, national security, and various industries, requiring government regulation and ethical considerations to prevent misuse and protect human values.
Artificial intelligence is becoming a key driver of revenue for businesses, particularly in the Middle East, as companies invest heavily in data collection and capitalizing on it, with the potential for the region to benefit from a $320 billion economic impact by 2030.
Google's president for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, Matt Brittin, emphasizes the importance of getting AI right and highlights its potential for breakthroughs in various fields, as Google partners with the University of Cambridge for joint AI research.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams faced criticism for using an AI voice translation tool to speak in multiple languages without disclosing its use, with some ethicists calling it an unethical use of deepfake technology; while Meta's chief AI scientist, Yann LeCun, argued that regulating AI would stifle competition and that AI systems are still not as smart as a cat; AI governance experiment Collective Constitutional AI is asking ordinary people to help write rules for its AI chatbot rather than leaving the decision-making solely to company leaders; companies around the world are expected to spend $16 billion on generative AI tech in 2023, with the market predicted to reach $143 billion in four years; OpenAI released its Dall-E 3 AI image technology, which produces more detailed images and aims to better understand users' text prompts; researchers used smartphone voice recordings and AI to create a model that can help identify people at risk for Type 2 diabetes; an AI-powered system enabled scholars to decipher a word in a nearly 2,000-year-old papyrus scroll.