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Singapore workers are the world's fastest in adopting AI skills, LinkedIn report says

Singapore has the highest rate of workers adopting artificial intelligence (AI) skills, followed by Finland, Ireland, India, and Canada, according to LinkedIn's Future of Work report; the report also highlights the potential for AI to augment certain skills in various occupations but emphasizes the importance of soft skills and human agency in the workplace as AI continues to automate tasks.

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Generative AI is unlikely to completely take over jobs, but rather automate certain tasks, particularly in clerical work, potentially impacting female employment; however, most other professions are only marginally exposed to automation, with the technology more likely to augment work rather than substitute it, according to a study by the International Labour Organization.
IBM's consulting business could potentially benefit from artificial intelligence by using automation to reduce labor costs, marking a potential "golden age" for the industry, according to analysts at Melius Research.
Artificial intelligence will initially impact white-collar jobs, leading to increased productivity and the need for fewer workers, according to IBM CEO Arvind Krishna. However, he also emphasized that AI will augment rather than displace human labor and that it has the potential to create more jobs and boost GDP.
Professionals are optimistic about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on their productivity and view it as an augmentation to their work rather than a complete replacement, according to a report by Thomson Reuters, with concerns centered around compromised accuracy and data security.
IBM CEO Arvind Krishna believes that AI is the solution to shrinking workforces and declining working-age populations in developed countries, as it can increase worker productivity and allow companies to do more with fewer employees.
AI tools like ChatGPT are likely to complement jobs rather than destroy them, according to a study by the International Labor Organization (ILO), which found that the technology will automate some tasks within occupations while leaving time for other duties, potentially offering benefits for developing nations, though the impact may differ significantly for men and women. The report emphasizes the importance of proactive policies, workers' opinions, skills training, and adequate social protection in managing the transition to AI.
Summary: Artificial intelligence (AI) may be an emerging technology, but it will not replace the importance of emotional intelligence, human relationships, and the human element in job roles, as knowing how to work with people and building genuine connections remains crucial. AI is a tool that can assist in various tasks, but it should not replace the humanity of work.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the accounting industry by automating tasks, providing insights, and freeing up professionals for more meaningful work, but there is a need to strike a balance between human and machine-driven intelligence to maximize its value and ensure the future of finance.
Film and television studios, including Disney, Netflix, Sony, and NBCUniversal, are actively hiring artificial intelligence (AI) experts for positions paying over $200,000 per year, despite ongoing strikes by writers and actors over concerns about the use of AI in the industry.
Around 40% of the global workforce, or approximately 1.4 billion workers, will need to reskill over the next three years as companies incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) platforms like ChatGPT into their operations, according to a study by the IBM Institute for Business Value. While there is anxiety about the potential impact of AI on jobs, the study found that 87% of executives believe AI will augment rather than replace jobs, offering more possibilities for employees and enhancing their capabilities. Successful reskilling and adaptation to AI technology can result in increased productivity and revenue growth for businesses.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to deliver significant productivity gains, but its current adoption may further consolidate the dominance of Big Tech companies, raising concerns among antitrust authorities.
Artificial intelligence should be used to build businesses rather than being just a buzzword in investor pitches, according to Peyush Bansal, CEO of Lenskart, who cited how the company used AI to predict revenue and make informed decisions about store locations.
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is driving the growth of smart manufacturing, with the use of AI expected to enhance decision-making, optimize operations, and improve automation processes in factories, as well as complementing supply chain optimization and inventory management.
The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation is causing disruptions in various industries, leading to uncertainty about future career prospects; however, experts suggest that subjects like science, engineering, cybersecurity, and healthcare professions involving human interaction will continue to be in demand, and being AI literate will be beneficial for future careers. In the creative sector, roles like copywriting and graphic design could be outsourced to AI, but there are also opportunities to learn and work with AI in order to make the industry more accessible. Overall, AI is reshaping professional workspaces and creating new career paths, but individuals need to be flexible and adaptable to navigate the changing landscape.
Tech workers fearful of being replaced by AI are now seeking AI jobs, as employers like Apple, Netflix, and Amazon are hiring specialists in AI and machine learning, offering high-paying positions in response to the AI wave.
U.S. employers are using AI to quantify and dehumanize workers in the workplace, according to author Ifeoma Ajunwa.
Architects should embrace artificial intelligence (AI) in order to enhance productivity, creativity, and the overall quality of their designs, according to Patrik Schumacher, principal of Zaha Hadid Architects. He believes that AI tools can provide a substantial boost to the architectural industry and that concerns about job redundancy are unfounded, as AI will contribute to higher quality work and more innovative design options.
Fully remote workers, particularly those in low-level jobs like call centers and data entry, are at a higher risk of being replaced by AI technology, while jobs that require in-person work are less vulnerable to automation, according to economist Nicholas Bloom from Stanford University. However, AI technology currently lacks the capability to replace the in-person side of remote workers' jobs.
Artificial intelligence is predicted to have a significant impact on the employer-employee relationship, potentially leading to the need for a universal basic income, according to former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich.
Artificial intelligence regulation varies across countries, with Brazil focusing on user rights and risk assessments, China emphasizing "true and accurate" content generation, the EU categorizing AI into three risk levels, Israel promoting responsible innovation and self-regulation, Italy allocating funds for worker support, Japan adopting a wait-and-see approach, and the UAE prioritizing AI development and integration.
Some companies in the Phoenix area are hiring due to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), challenging the notion that AI will replace human workers and negatively impact the job market.
While AI technologies enhance operational efficiency, they cannot create a sustainable competitive advantage on their own, as the human touch with judgment, creativity, and emotional intelligence remains crucial in today's highly competitive business landscape.
AI has the potential to transform numerous industries, including medicine, law, art, retail, film, tech, education, and agriculture, by automating tasks, improving productivity, and enhancing decision-making, while still relying on the unique human abilities of empathy, creativity, and intuition. The impact of AI will be felt differently in each industry and will require professionals to adapt and develop new skills to work effectively with AI systems.
Artificial intelligence is predicted to impact a significant number of jobs in the Tampa Bay area, with over 190,000 workers considered at-risk out of a total workforce of 1.3 million, particularly in administrative, clerical, and customer service roles.
A new report from recruitment giant Randstad reveals that while there is a significant increase in job postings requiring skills in generative AI, there is a skills gap with only one in 10 workers being offered AI training opportunities, highlighting the need for employers to step up and fill this gap. Furthermore, the report indicates that businesses may be losing out on top talent, particularly Gen Z employees, by not providing AI training, and that employers have a responsibility to help create the talent of the future.
Artificial intelligence experts at the Forbes Global CEO Conference in Singapore expressed optimism about AI's future potential in enhancing various industries, including music, healthcare, and education, while acknowledging concerns about risks posed by bad actors and the integration of AI systems that emulate human cognition.
Small and medium businesses are open to using AI tools to enhance competitiveness, but have concerns about keeping up with evolving technology and fraud risks, according to a study by Visa.
Nearly half of European workers expect a significant impact on their jobs from AI within the next year, with many feeling overwhelmed and worried about keeping up with the developments, according to a survey conducted by LinkedIn.
A majority of employees in the UAE believe that artificial intelligence will significantly impact their work within the next year, with expectations of AI's influence growing over the next five years, according to research by LinkedIn.
Artificial intelligence (AI) will be highly beneficial for executives aiming to save money in various sectors such as banking, insurance, and healthcare, as it enables efficient operations, more accurate data usage, and improved decision-making.
A survey conducted by Canva found that while many professionals claim to be familiar with artificial intelligence (AI), a significant number exaggerate or even fake their knowledge of AI in order to keep up with colleagues and superiors, highlighting the need for more opportunities to learn and explore AI in the workplace.
Emerging technologies, particularly AI, pose a threat to job security and salary levels for many workers, but individuals can futureproof their careers by adapting to AI and automation, upskilling their soft skills, and staying proactive and intentional about their professional growth and learning.
Companies that delay adopting artificial intelligence (AI) risk being left behind as current AI tools can already speed up 20% of worker tasks without compromising quality, according to a report by Bain & Co.'s 2023 Technology Report.
Governments worldwide are grappling with the challenge of regulating artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, as countries like Australia, Britain, China, the European Union, France, G7 nations, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Spain, the United Nations, and the United States take steps to establish regulations and guidelines for AI usage.
Nearly half of CEOs (49%) believe that artificial intelligence (AI) could replace most or all of their roles, and 47% think it would be beneficial, according to a survey from online education platform edX. However, executives also acknowledged that "soft skills" defining a good CEO, such as critical thinking and collaboration, would be difficult for AI to replicate. Additionally, the survey found that 49% of existing skills in the current workforce may not be relevant by 2025, with 47% of workers unprepared for the future.
The World Economic Forum's "The Future of Jobs Report 2023" highlights that AI and machine learning specialists are in high demand, followed by sustainability specialists, business intelligence analysts, and information security analysts, as the fastest-growing roles driven by technology, digitalization, and sustainability.