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SpaceX’s Botched Starship Launch Left Wildlife Officials Stunned

The explosion of SpaceX's Starship during its first orbital flight attempt caused extensive damage to the launchpad and surrounding area, leading wildlife officials to suspect that they were initially prevented from investigating the site, and experts believe that the failure to implement standard safety measures, such as a flame diverter and water deluge system, likely contributed to the destruction.

Relevant topic timeline:
Main topic: The Federal Aviation Administration is reviewing SpaceX's mishap investigation report on the April test flight of its Starship rocket. Key points: 1. SpaceX has completed its investigation into the test launch, which ended in engine failures and other problems. 2. The FAA's review is important for ensuring public safety during commercial launch operations. 3. Once the final mishap report is approved, SpaceX will be required to make corrective actions and modify its license before being authorized to launch again.
The FAA has closed its investigation into the SpaceX Starship Super Heavy mishap and has listed 63 corrective actions that SpaceX must take before the next launch can occur.
The Federal Aviation Administration has completed its investigation into SpaceX's Starship rocket test launch in April, stating that the company must address multiple issues before launching again at Boca Chica in Texas.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has released its final report on SpaceX's Starship explosion, citing various contributing factors and recommending 63 actions to address flaws in the spacecraft's systems before it can resume flight testing, potentially causing delays in human-crewed space exploration and altering NASA's Artemis III mission.