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The new spreadsheet? OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Enterprise for businesses

OpenAI has introduced ChatGPT Enterprise, an AI assistant for businesses that provides unlimited access to GPT-4 at faster speeds, extended context windows, encryption, and enterprise-grade security features.

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This article discusses the recent advancements in AI language models, particularly OpenAI's ChatGPT. It explores the concept of hallucination in AI and the ability of these models to make predictions. The article also introduces the new plugin architecture for ChatGPT, which allows it to access live data from the web and interact with specific websites. The integration of plugins, such as Wolfram|Alpha, enhances the capabilities of ChatGPT and improves its ability to provide accurate answers. The article highlights the potential opportunities and risks associated with these advancements in AI.
Main topic: OpenAI's web crawler, GPTBot, and its potential impact on AI models. Key points: 1. OpenAI has added details about GPTBot, its web crawler, to its online documentation. 2. GPTBot is used to retrieve webpages and train AI models like ChatGPT. 3. Allowing GPTBot access to websites can help improve AI models' accuracy, capabilities, and safety.
Main topic: OpenAI acquires Global Illumination, a New York-based startup leveraging AI for creative tools and digital experiences. Key points: 1. OpenAI's first public acquisition in its history. 2. Global Illumination team joins OpenAI to work on core products, including ChatGPT. 3. Global Illumination's previous projects include work at Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Google, Pixar, and Riot Games. Hint on Elon Musk: Elon Musk is one of the co-founders of OpenAI and has been involved in the company's development and vision.
Claude, a new AI chatbot developed by Anthropic, offers advantages over OpenAI's ChatGPT, such as the ability to upload and summarize files and handle longer input, making it better suited for parsing large texts and documents.
OpenAI now allows businesses to fine-tune GPT-3.5 Turbo with their own data, enabling customization of the model to match or exceed the abilities of GPT-4 for specific tasks.
Google Gemini is an upcoming AI project that aims to compete with OpenAI's ChatGPT app, combining the language capabilities of GPT-4 and the strengths of AlphaGo-type systems to enhance Google's enterprise-based products, challenge Microsoft, and potentially advance developments in medical science.
The rapid development of AI technology, exemplified by OpenAI's ChatGPT, has raised concerns about the potential societal impacts and ethical implications, highlighting the need for responsible AI development and regulation to mitigate these risks.
A research paper reveals that ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool, exhibits political bias towards liberal parties, but there are limitations to the study's findings and challenges in understanding the behavior of the software without greater transparency from OpenAI, the company behind it. Meanwhile, the UK plans to host a global summit on AI policy to discuss the risks of AI and how to mitigate them, and AI was mentioned during a GOP debate as a comparison to generic, unoriginal thinking and writing.
The use of AI tools, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, is raising concerns about the creation of self-amplifying echo chambers of flawed information and the potential for algorithmic manipulation, leading to a polluted information environment and a breakdown of meaningful communication.
OpenAI, the AI startup behind the popular chatbot ChatGPT, is projected to generate over $1 billion in annual revenue, surpassing previous expectations, largely driven by the success of its AI chatbot that has gained 100 million users.
Microsoft-backed OpenAI's announcement of ChatGPT Enterprise is discussed, exploring its potential impact on Palantir and whether it could pose a threat to the company.
OpenAI has proposed several ways for teachers to use its conversational AI agent, ChatGPT, in classrooms, including assisting language learners, formulating test questions, and teaching critical thinking skills, despite concerns about potential misuse such as plagiarism.
The Guardian has blocked OpenAI from using its content for AI products like ChatGPT due to concerns about unlicensed usage, leading to lawsuits from writers and calls for intellectual property safeguards.
OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, has stated that AI detectors are unreliable in determining if students are using the chatbot to cheat, causing concern among teachers and professors.
Morgan Stanley plans to introduce a chatbot developed with OpenAI to assist financial advisers by quickly finding research or forms and potentially creating meeting summaries and follow-up emails.
OpenAI's ChatGPT, the popular AI chatbot, experienced a decline in monthly website visits for the third consecutive month in August, but there are indications that the decline may be leveling off, with an increase in unique visitors and a potential boost from schools embracing the platform.
AI-powered chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT can effectively and cost-efficiently operate a software development company with minimal human intervention, completing the full software development process in under seven minutes at a cost of less than one dollar on average.
Microsoft-backed OpenAI has consumed a significant amount of water from the Raccoon and Des Moines rivers in Iowa to cool its supercomputer used for training language models like ChatGPT, highlighting the high costs associated with developing generative AI technologies.
Google aims to improve its chatbot, Bard, by integrating it with popular consumer services like Gmail and YouTube, making it a close contender to OpenAI's ChatGPT, with nearly 200 million visits in August; Google also introduced new features to replicate the capabilities of its search engine and address the issue of misinformation by implementing a fact-checking system.
OpenAI has released an upgraded version of its text-to-image tool, DALL-E 3, which integrates ChatGPT to improve prompt engineering and generate higher-quality images, while also reducing algorithmic bias and improving safety.
An anonymous Ethereum developer has created code that combines OpenAI's ChatGPT API with his own script to enable an AI chatbot to generate new ERC-20 tokens automatically. The developer has already launched a public token called AstroPepeX (APX), which has generated significant trading volume, and plans to publish a user interface for non-technical users to launch their own tokens on Ethereum using ChatGPT.