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Capitol Caterers Face Financial Hardship If Government Shuts Down Again

  • Capitol catering staff work for contractors and won't get back pay if there's a shutdown, unlike federal employees.

  • One 17-year veteran said they "live check by check" and a shutdown would impact them "very badly."

  • The caterers see lawmakers frequently and develop relationships, but don't lobby them directly.

  • The head of the caterers' union said they're mostly Black and immigrants who love their jobs and thought they had security.

  • In 2019 contractors didn't get back pay after the shutdown; some in Congress want to change that this time.

Relevant topic timeline:
Millions of government employees face the prospect of not receiving their paychecks at the end of the month and are preparing for financial hardships as Congress nears a government shutdown.
Unless Congress acts soon, the federal government is at risk of shutting down again, leaving millions of federal workers without pay, as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his caucus clash over maintaining government operations or implementing drastic spending cuts demanded by conservatives.
The federal government is likely to shut down, resulting in the disruption of services and forcing some employees to work without pay until funding is restored.