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Companies Urged to Rapidly Expand Responsible AI Efforts as Third-Party AI Risks Soar

  • Third-party AI tools pose increasing risks like reputational damage, financial loss, and litigation if misused or if errors occur. Over half of AI failures come from third-party tools.

  • Companies should quickly expand responsible AI programs to properly evaluate and reduce risks from third-party tools. More evaluation methods lead to uncovering more AI failures.

  • Prepare for impending AI regulations by implementing structured risk management through responsible AI programs.

  • CEO engagement with responsible AI efforts can provide major benefits and help mitigate AI risks.

  • Investing in responsible AI is crucial now, as adoption and risks have soared. Falling behind on responsible AI exposes organizations to material risks.

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The main topic of the article is the integration of AI into SaaS startups and the challenges and risks associated with it. The key points include the percentage of SaaS businesses using AI, the discussion on making AI part of core products ethically and responsibly, the risks of cloud-based AI and uploading sensitive data, potential liability issues, and the impact of regulations like the EU's AI Act. The article also introduces the panelists who will discuss these topics at TechCrunch Disrupt 2023.
### Summary Artificial intelligence (AI) in operational technology (OT) raises concerns about potential impacts, testing, and reliability. AI in OT requires careful governance and risk management to ensure safety and accuracy. ### Facts - AI in OT presents significant consequences in terms of safety, liability, and brand damage. - Microsoft proposes a blueprint for public governance of AI to address emerging issues and safety concerns. - Red team and blue team exercises can help secure OT systems by simulating cyberattacks and testing defense strategies. - Using AI in red team blue team exercises can identify vulnerabilities and improve overall system security. - Digital twins, virtual replicas of OT environments, can be used to test and optimize technology changes before implementing them in real-world operations. - However, the risks of applying digital twin test results to real-world operations are significant and must be carefully managed. - AI can enhance security operations center (SOC) capabilities, minimize noise in alarm management, and support staff in OT businesses. - AI adoption in OT should prioritize safety and reliability, limiting adoption to lower-impact areas. - AI in OT has the potential to improve systems, safety, and efficiency, but safety and risk management must be prioritized. Source: [VentureBeat](https://venturebeat.com/2023/08/20/the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-operational-technology/)
### Summary President Joe Biden consults with Arati Prabhakar, his science adviser, on matters related to artificial intelligence (AI). Prabhakar is working with major tech companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Meta to shape the U.S. approach to safeguarding AI technology. ### Facts - 🤖 Prabhakar has had several discussions with President Biden on artificial intelligence. - 📚 Making AI models explainable is a priority for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, but it is technically challenging. - 💡 Prabhakar believes that despite the opacity of deep-learning AI systems, we can learn enough about their safety and effectiveness to leverage their value. - ⚠️ Concerns include chatbots being coerced into providing instructions for building weapons, biases in AI systems trained on human data, wrongful arrests from facial recognition systems, and privacy issues. - 💼 Seven companies, including Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI, voluntarily committed to AI safety standards, but more companies need to step up, and government action is necessary. - ⏰ Timeline for future actions is fast, according to Prabhakar, as President Biden has made it clear that AI is an urgent issue.
### Summary AI cybersecurity systems will play an increasingly important role in the future, leading to the emergence of AI CISOs who will have authority over the tactics, strategies, and resource priorities of organizations. However, there are potential risks and challenges associated with this development, including loss of human expertise, over-reliance on AI systems, and the need for governance and responsible practices in the field of cybersecurity. ### Facts - AI is already deployed by over a third of companies, with many more considering its potential uses. - The discourse about the utility of AI in cybersecurity often separates the roles of human operators and machine systems. - AI CISOs will become de facto authorities on the tactics, strategies, and resource priorities of organizations. - AI-augmented cyber campaigns are becoming more common, leading to the need for AI CISOs to counter rising offensive AI threats. - The use of AI CISOs can improve efficiency and standardize knowledge about cyber defense practices. - There is a potential for missteps and negative externalities in the implementation of AI CISOs, including loss of human expertise and over-assigning positive qualities to AI systems. - The emergence of AI CISOs requires careful planning, engagement in cyberpsychological research, and the establishment of a workforce culture focused on adversarial oversight. - Inter-industry learning and responsible practices are crucial to avoid pitfalls and ensure the success of AI CISOs in the future.
AI executives may be exaggerating the dangers of artificial intelligence in order to advance their own interests, according to an analysis of responses to proposed AI regulations.
The rapid development of AI technology, exemplified by OpenAI's ChatGPT, has raised concerns about the potential societal impacts and ethical implications, highlighting the need for responsible AI development and regulation to mitigate these risks.
AI-based tools are being widely used in hiring processes, but they pose a significant risk of exacerbating discrimination in the workplace, leading to calls for their regulation and the implementation of third-party assessments and transparency in their use.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to deliver significant productivity gains, but its current adoption may further consolidate the dominance of Big Tech companies, raising concerns among antitrust authorities.
The rise of AI is not guaranteed to upend established companies, as incumbents have advantages in distribution, proprietary datasets, and access to AI models, limiting the opportunities for startups.
Regulating artificial intelligence (AI) should be based on real market failures and a thorough cost-benefit analysis, as over-regulating AI could hinder its potential benefits and put the US at a disadvantage in the global race for AI leadership.
C3.ai, a company that sells AI software to enterprises, is highly unprofitable and trades at a steep valuation, with no significant growth or margin expansion, making it a risky investment.
The rapid integration of AI technologies into workflows is causing potential controversies and creating a "ticking time bomb" for businesses, as AI tools often produce inaccurate or biased content and lack proper regulations, leaving companies vulnerable to confusion and lawsuits.
Despite the acknowledgement of its importance, only 6% of business leaders have established clear ethical guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence (AI), emphasizing the need for technology professionals to step up and take leadership in the safe and ethical development of AI initiatives.
The UK government has been urged to introduce new legislation to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) in order to keep up with the European Union (EU) and the United States, as the EU advances with the AI Act and US policymakers publish frameworks for AI regulations. The government's current regulatory approach risks lagging behind the fast pace of AI development, according to a report by the science, innovation, and technology committee. The report highlights 12 governance challenges, including bias in AI systems and the production of deepfake material, that need to be addressed in order to guide the upcoming global AI safety summit at Bletchley Park.
The authors propose a framework for assessing the potential harm caused by AI systems in order to address concerns about "Killer AI" and ensure responsible integration into society.
Several tech giants in the US, including Alphabet, Microsoft, Meta Platforms, and Amazon, have pledged to collaborate with the Biden administration to address the risks associated with artificial intelligence, focusing on safety, security, and trust in AI development.
Companies are increasingly exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various areas such as sales/marketing, product development, and legal, but boards and board committees often lack explicit responsibility for AI oversight, according to a survey of members of the Society for Corporate Governance.
The digital transformation driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will have a significant impact on various sectors, including healthcare, cybersecurity, and communications, and has the potential to alter how we live and work in the future. However, ethical concerns and responsible oversight are necessary to ensure the positive and balanced development of AI technology.
AI is being discussed by CEOs behind closed doors as a solution to various challenges, including cybersecurity, shopping efficiency, and video conferencing.
Eight big tech companies, including Adobe, IBM, Salesforce, and Nvidia, have pledged to conduct more testing and research on the risks of artificial intelligence (AI) in a meeting with White House officials, signaling a "bridge" to future government action on the issue. These voluntary commitments come amidst congressional scrutiny and ongoing efforts by the White House to develop policies for AI.
Adobe has joined other companies in committing to safe AI development and has proposed a federal anti-impersonation law that would allow creators to seek damages from individuals using AI to impersonate them or their style for commercial purposes, which would make the impersonator, not the tool's vendor, the target of legal action.
Small and medium businesses are open to using AI tools to enhance competitiveness, but have concerns about keeping up with evolving technology and fraud risks, according to a study by Visa.
Eight more companies, including Adobe, IBM, Palantir, Nvidia, and Salesforce, have pledged to voluntarily follow safety, security, and trust standards for artificial intelligence (AI) technology, joining the initiative led by Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and others, as concerns about the impact of AI continue to grow.
Eight additional U.S.-based AI developers, including NVIDIA, Scale AI, and Cohere, have pledged to develop generative AI tools responsibly, joining a growing list of companies committed to the safe and trustworthy deployment of AI.
Companies that delay adopting artificial intelligence (AI) risk being left behind as current AI tools can already speed up 20% of worker tasks without compromising quality, according to a report by Bain & Co.'s 2023 Technology Report.
Amazon will require publishers who use AI-generated content to disclose their use of the technology, small businesses are set to benefit from AI and cloud technologies, and President Biden warns the UN about the potential risks of AI governance, according to the latest AI technology advancements reported by Fox News.
While many experts are concerned about the existential risks posed by AI, Mustafa Suleyman, cofounder of DeepMind, believes that the focus should be on more practical issues like regulation, privacy, bias, and online moderation. He is confident that governments can effectively regulate AI by applying successful frameworks from past technologies, although critics argue that current internet regulations are flawed and insufficiently hold big tech companies accountable. Suleyman emphasizes the importance of limiting AI's ability to improve itself and establishing clear boundaries and oversight to ensure enforceable laws. Several governments, including the European Union and China, are already working on AI regulations.
AI adoption is rapidly increasing, but it is crucial for businesses to establish governance and ethical usage policies to prevent potential harm and job loss, while utilizing AI to automate tasks, augment human work, enable change management, make data-driven decisions, prioritize employee training, and establish responsible AI governance.
The U.S. government must establish regulations and enforce standards to ensure the safety and security of artificial intelligence (AI) development, including requiring developers to demonstrate the safety of their systems before deployment, according to Anthony Aguirre, the executive director and secretary of the board at the Future of Life Institute.
Summary: To ensure ethical and responsible adoption of AI technology, organizations should establish an AI ethics advisor, stay updated on regulations, invest in AI training, and collaborate with an AI consortium.
The United Nations General Assembly has seen a significant increase in discussions surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) this year, as governments and industry leaders recognize the need for regulation and the potential risks and benefits of AI. The United Nations is set to launch an AI advisory board to address these issues and reach a common understanding of governance and minimize risks while maximizing opportunities for good.
The advancement of AI tools and invasive monitoring apps used by corporations could potentially lead to workers inadvertently training AI programs to replace them, which could result in job displacement and the need for social safety net programs to support affected individuals.
Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are expected to disrupt professions, boost productivity, and transform business workflows, according to Marco Argenti, the Chief Information Officer at Goldman Sachs, who believes that companies are already seeing practical results from AI and expecting real gains. AI can enhance productivity, change the nature of certain professions, and expand the universe of use cases, particularly when applied to business processes and workflows. However, Argenti also highlighted the potential risks associated with AI, such as social engineering and the generation of toxic content.
Eight more AI companies have committed to following security safeguards voluntarily, bringing the total number of companies committed to responsible AI to thirteen, including big names such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Adobe.
An organization dedicated to the safe development of artificial intelligence has released a breakthrough paper on understanding and controlling AI systems to mitigate risks such as deception and bias.
Security concerns are a top priority for businesses integrating generative AI tools, with 49% of leaders citing safety and security risks as their main worry, but the benefits of early adoption outweigh the downsides, according to Jason Rader, CISO at Insight Enterprises. To ensure safe use, companies should establish and continuously update safe-use policies and involve stakeholders from across the business to address unique security risks. Additionally, allowing citizen developers to access AI tools can help identify use cases and refine outputs.
CEOs prioritize investments in generative AI, but there are concerns about the allocation of capital, ethical challenges, cybersecurity risks, and the lack of regulation in the AI landscape.
The responsibility of determining how generative AI innovations will be implemented across the economy lies with all individuals, from AI experts to finance professionals, who should have a baseline understanding of responsible AI and contribute to the decision-making process, according to experts. The National Institute for Standards and Technology has released an AI risk management framework to guide organizations in reducing discrimination, increasing transparency, and ensuring trustworthiness in AI systems. CEOs and executive committees must take responsibility for assessing the use of AI within their organizations, and strong governance is essential for successful implementation. Additionally, concerns about the impact of AI on the workforce can be addressed through training programs that focus on responsible AI practices.
Generative AI is disrupting various industries with its transformative power, offering real-world use cases such as drug discovery in life sciences and optimizing drilling paths in the oil and gas industry, but organizations need to carefully manage the risks associated with integration complexity, legal compliance, model flaws, workforce disruption, reputational risks, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities to ensure responsible adoption and maximize the potential of generative AI.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to disrupt industries and requires the attention of boards of directors to consider the strategic implications, risks, compliance, and governance issues associated with its use.
The advancement of AI presents promising solutions but also carries the risks of misuse by malicious actors and the potential for AI systems to break free from human control, highlighting the need for regulating the hardware underpinnings of AI.
Companies are increasingly creating the role of chief AI officer to advocate for safe and effective AI practices, with responsibilities including understanding and applying AI technologies, ensuring safety and ethical considerations, and delivering quantifiable results.
IBM CEO Arvind Krishna believes that companies developing and using AI should be held liable for any harms caused by the technology, calling for accountability and regulation in the industry. This stance puts IBM at odds with other tech firms advocating for lighter regulation.
Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayan highlighted the promise of "accountability, responsibility, and transparency" in AI technology during the company's annual Max conference, emphasizing that AI is a creative co-pilot rather than a replacement for human ingenuity. Adobe also unveiled new AI-driven features for its creative software and discussed efforts to address unintentional harm and bias in content creation through transparency and the development of AI standards. CTO Ely Greenfield encouraged creatives to lean into AI adoption and see it as an opportunity rather than a threat.
AI technology has advanced rapidly, bringing both positive and negative consequences such as improved accuracy and potential risks to the economy, national security, and various industries, requiring government regulation and ethical considerations to prevent misuse and protect human values.
Japan is drafting AI guidelines to reduce overreliance on the technology, the SEC Chair warns of AI risks to financial stability, and a pastor who used AI for a church service says it won't happen again. Additionally, creative professionals are embracing AI image generators but warn about their potential misuse, while India plans to set up a large AI compute infrastructure.
Tech companies are attempting to "capture" the upcoming AI safety summit organized by Rishi Sunak, but experts argue that the conference needs to go beyond vague promises and implement a moratorium on developing highly advanced AI to prevent unforeseen risks.