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Trump says he couldn’t fire Fauci, but adds doc wasn’t a ‘big...

  • Trump says he could not fire Fauci since he is a civil service employee, but claims Fauci was not a major player in his administration.

  • Trump implies he may have fired Fauci after the election, noting he told a crowd shouting "Fire Fauci!" that he would wait until after the election.

  • DeSantis has criticized Trump for not firing Fauci during his presidency.

  • Trump defends his COVID response, saying DeSantis also shut down beaches and the state, and had the 3rd worst COVID death rate.

  • DeSantis allies shared a letter showing the Trump task force requested more mandates from Florida, which Florida did not implement.

Relevant topic timeline:
Former President Donald Trump claimed ignorance about who awarded Dr. Anthony Fauci a presidential commendation, insisting he had no idea who was responsible, during an interview with journalist Megyn Kelly.
Dr. Anthony Fauci responds to attacks from the right by acknowledging that he has become a hate symbol and that politicians like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are triggering people who want to hurt him.
Senator Rand Paul believes that former White House chief medial adviser Anthony Fauci should be jailed, claiming that Fauci lied to Congress about the origins of COVID-19 and engaged in gain of function research in Wuhan.