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UAW Workers Strike GM, Ford, and Stellantis Plants Seeking Wage Hikes Amid Union Resurgence

  • UAW workers at GM, Ford, and Stellantis go on strike for the first time in decades, seeking wage increases and an end to two-tier pay scales.

  • Workers say CEO pay has skyrocketed while their wages have stagnated, fueling feelings of inequality.

  • UAW adopts new strike strategy of targeting key plants while preserving strike fund.

  • Strike comes amid union resurgence in US, with workers at Starbucks, Amazon, and Apple recently unionizing.

  • UAW says strike is a historic opportunity to raise worker standards during the EV transition rather than lowering them.

  • Carmakers say meeting UAW demands would make them uncompetitive versus Tesla and foreign automakers with US plants.

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The United Auto Workers (UAW) union has taken a step closer to a potential strike, as 97 percent of its members voted to give their leaders permission to call a work stoppage at the Big Three automakers after contract negotiations if necessary, with demands for a 40 percent pay increase and other concessions making a strike likely.
The United Auto Workers union and three Detroit automakers are facing a looming strike as contract negotiations stall, potentially impacting the U.S. economy and the companies' profits amid the shift to electric vehicles and demands for improved wages and benefits.
Businesses near auto plants in Michigan are planning to support United Auto Workers (UAW) members if they go on strike, which could have a ripple effect on the economy.
Approximately 146,000 U.S. auto workers are poised to go on strike if General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis fail to meet their demands for substantial pay raises and restored benefits, potentially causing significant disruptions in auto production and impacting the U.S. economy.
The United Auto Workers (UAW) president, Shawn Fain, has rallied workers ahead of a possible strike against Detroit's "Big Three" carmakers, highlighting workers' loss while companies profit, which may test President Biden's support for unions as strikes could potentially damage the economy.
The United Auto Workers (UAW) held a limited and targeted strike against General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis over issues including pay, pensions, and work hours, with demands for a 40% wage increase over four years and improvements to retiree benefits; the automakers have offered wage increases of around 14.5% to 20% over the same period, citing investments in electric vehicle production and the need to balance wage increases with costs associated with EV development.
The UAW union has launched strikes at Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis plants after failing to reach a new labor agreement, resulting in temporary layoffs and potential impacts on the economy.
The United Auto Workers (UAW) union is rejecting the 21% pay hike offered by Stellantis, the parent company of Chrysler, as autoworkers from Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis went on strike demanding fair wages and improved benefits.
The president of the United Auto Workers (UAW) has announced plans for a possible strike against the Big Three automakers if a fair contract is not reached, using a new tactic called the "stand-up strike," which will involve striking at targeted locations rather than all facilities at once.
The migration of automakers to the anti-union South and the shift to electric vehicles is threatening the United Auto Workers (UAW) union, as fewer plants in the South are unionized and EV jobs pay less than traditional auto jobs, raising concerns about lower compensation and the future of unions in the auto industry.
The ongoing United Auto Workers strike against the Big Three automakers could result in gains for Tesla and foreign automakers as Ford, GM, and Stellantis face challenges in transitioning to electric vehicles and potentially raising prices, according to Wedbush analysts.
Tesla's non-union workforce and unfair labor practices have allowed the company to gain an advantage over the American auto industry, leading to a current UAW strike, while legacy automakers are building new EV-specific plants in union-hostile states to compete with Tesla but also taking advantage of their workforce, highlighting the need for Tesla workers to unionize for better working conditions and a larger share of the company's profits.
The United Auto Workers union is set to escalate their strike against the Big Three automakers in an effort to combat stagnant wages and other concessions, with UAW President Shawn Fain expected to announce which plants will join the strike next.
Despite expanding its strike against GM and Stellantis, the United Auto Workers (UAW) union has decided not to expand the number of Ford workers on strike due to progress in negotiations with Ford.
Negotiators for the United Auto Workers (UAW) and Ford Motor have made progress on pay increases, but significant issues such as pay and union representation at future battery plants remain unresolved, as the ongoing strike against the Detroit Three automakers enters its 20th day.
The United Auto Workers (UAW) called for a surprise strike at Ford's Kentucky Truck Plant, affecting about 9,000 workers, in an effort to push for a fair contract.
The United Auto Workers union expanded its strike to Ford's largest truck and SUV factory in Louisville, affecting 8,700 workers and disrupting the company's global sales, after Ford failed to make progress in contract negotiations, bringing the total number of striking UAW workers at major automakers to roughly 22 percent of the union's workers, leading to severe disruptions in the industry and ripple effects on suppliers and non-striking UAW members.
The United Auto Workers union escalated its strikes against Detroit Three automakers by walking off their jobs at Ford's Kentucky truck plant, affecting the largest and most profitable Ford plant in the world.
The United Auto Workers (UAW) has expanded its strike by calling 8,700 workers at Ford Motor Co.'s Kentucky Truck Plant to join the picket lines, increasing the total number of striking Detroit Three autoworkers to 34,000 and halting production at Ford's largest and most profitable plant, further impacting production at other Ford plants and suppliers, in an effort to gain a fair contract at Ford and the rest of the Big Three.
The president of the United Auto Workers (UAW) labor union leading the strike against major U.S. automakers earned a high salary of $347,389, placing him in the top 5% of earners in his home state of Indiana.
The United Auto Workers (UAW) president, Shawn Fain, announced that the union is prepared to expand its strike against the Big Three automakers at any time, marking a new phase in their fight for better contracts.
Ford executive chairman, Bill Ford, has called on the United Auto Workers (UAW) union to end their 32-day strike and reach a new labor agreement, warning of the growing impact to the automaker and the U.S. economy.
United Auto Workers (UAW) President Shawn Fain is close to reaching a deal with all three unionized automakers, but further strikes at plants may be necessary to secure final concessions on wage increases, retirement benefits, job security measures, and including future battery plant workers in the contract.