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Exxon Denied Permit to Truck Oil in California While Pipeline Repaired

  • U.S. judge refuses to overturn denial of Exxon permit to truck crude oil in California while pipeline is repaired
  • Exxon claimed trucks were essential to restart offshore platforms and onshore facility shut since 2015 pipeline rupture
  • Judge ruled Exxon has right to operate infrastructure but not fundamental right to truck oil for transport
  • Environmental groups applauded decision, called Exxon's trucking plan dangerous and unwelcome
  • Exxon had claimed 30,000 barrels per day output from idled Santa Barbara rigs, small fraction of California's oil use
Relevant topic timeline:
A federal court overturned the Biden administration's restrictions on an offshore oil and gas lease sale, granting a preliminary injunction to block the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's limitations, allowing the lease sale to proceed as planned.
Exxon Mobil Corp. is denied the ability to use truck transportation to revive oil platforms off the coast of California and must find an alternative solution due to safety concerns and lack of support from the local community.