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Government Shutdown Looms as Congress Fails to Agree on Spending Bill Over Border Security Demands

  • The U.S. Senate and House are holding procedural votes as a partial government shutdown looms starting Saturday if new spending legislation is not passed.

  • House Republicans are demanding $120 billion in additional spending cuts and policies to stop immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border.

  • Senate has passed a stopgap funding bill but House Speaker McCarthy has rejected it over border security demands.

  • President Biden has blamed McCarthy for choosing "speakership over American interests" in shutdown threat.

  • Government shutdowns can negatively impact the U.S. credit rating and federal services like economic data releases and benefit programs.

Relevant topic timeline:
Main Topic: Congress likely to pass a short-term government funding bill to avoid a shutdown this fall. Key Points: 1. Speaker Kevin McCarthy believes a short-term funding bill is necessary due to lack of time for a full-year funding deal. 2. The length of the stopgap bill and policy terms still need to be agreed upon by congressional leaders. 3. The House and Senate are moving in different directions on appropriations, with the House seeking spending cuts and conservative policy provisions, while the Senate aims for bipartisan support and avoids controversial provisions.
The crystal ball predicts that the Senate will advance some appropriations bills and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will try to pass an interim spending package, but it remains unclear if the House will accept a bipartisan continuing resolution from the Senate to avoid a government shutdown.
House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy, faces the tough choice of either risking a government shutdown or alienating the hard-right flank of his party, which could lead to the loss of his speakership, as the House must pass a spending package to keep the federal government open before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.
Conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives are threatening spending levels and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, creating a complicated funding debate that could potentially jeopardize McCarthy's leadership role.
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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy warns his caucus about the negative consequences of a government shutdown and emphasizes the need to pass spending bills to continue running the government.
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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has demanded an 8% temporary spending cut for domestic agencies and a resumption of border wall construction to hold off a US government shutdown, but the demands are unlikely to be accepted by the Democratic-led Senate.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his allies are pushing for a short-term spending plan that includes conservative priorities, but it remains uncertain if it can pass the House and avert a government shutdown.
Senate Republican leaders, including Mitch McConnell, are growing increasingly concerned that Speaker Kevin McCarthy's inability to pass spending legislation may lead to a government shutdown and have warned that shutdowns are politically detrimental for Republicans.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is pressuring Speaker Kevin McCarthy to avoid a government shutdown by passing a stopgap funding bill in the Senate and urging McCarthy to bring it to the House for a vote.
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is attempting to advance spending cuts that are unlikely to become law, potentially leading to a partial government shutdown, as some members of the party threaten to depose House Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he does not support steeper cuts.
Lawmakers are facing a tight deadline to reach an agreement on a budget resolution to avoid a government shutdown as spending laws are set to expire on September 30. House Republicans, led by Speaker Kevin McCarthy, are struggling to unite the GOP caucus and secure enough votes for a deal, while Democratic support would come with political consequences. Failure to reach an agreement would result in paused paychecks for federal employees and disruption of government services.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy remains hopeful and determined to find a solution to prevent a government shutdown, despite facing resistance from both Democrats and a small group of rebellious Republicans.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is proposing significant cuts to housing subsidies, nutritional assistance, and home heating aid in an attempt to appease far-right Republicans and gain leverage in negotiations with the Democratic-controlled Senate and White House.
Senate leaders are taking control to avoid a government shutdown by advancing a stopgap funding bill, pressuring House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to bring it to the House floor for a vote.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has rejected a bipartisan Senate stopgap measure that funds the government and provides aid to Ukraine, citing the lack of border security measures.
House Republicans reject a bipartisan Senate plan to fund the government and a government shutdown appears increasingly likely as the two chambers work against one another to reach an agreement on a short-term spending bill.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is asking hard-right Republicans to approve their own temporary House measure to prevent a government shutdown, despite their previous objections, as Congress approaches a Sunday deadline for funding.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy insists that he will not take up Senate legislation to prevent a government shutdown, as Congress remains divided on funding and time runs out before midnight on Saturday.
As Speaker Kevin McCarthy resists scheduling a House vote on a spending bill, President Joe Biden's aides believe that any government shutdown will be blamed on McCarthy and his fellow Republicans rather than the White House, according to officials.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faced a critical challenge as he pushed through a 45-day stopgap spending measure to keep the government funded through November and avert a shutdown, highlighting the precarious position of the GOP with their razor-thin majority.
Republican senators are concerned about the sudden collapse of Speaker Kevin McCarthy's career in leadership and fear that it will lead to a government shutdown, putting pressure on finding a successor who can avoid such a scenario.