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McCarthy and McConnell Face Tests of Leadership Despite Past Cooperation

  • McCarthy and McConnell have worked together in the past, but face challenges ahead on spending bills, impeachment, and Ukraine aid.

  • The two have different personalities and political situations - McCarthy facing pressure from the right, while McConnell takes the long view.

  • They have split over Biden's infrastructure bill and CHIPS funding, which McConnell backed and McCarthy opposed.

  • McConnell has warned about impeaching Biden, while McCarthy continues to entertain the idea.

  • Though not close, they've committed to not openly criticize each other's leadership. But tensions may rise given divides within the GOP.

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The ouster of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy could have far-reaching political consequences for the Republican Party, potentially jeopardizing their majority and fundraising efforts for the upcoming elections, as his shoes will be hard to fill in terms of fundraising prowess and campaign strategy.
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