Companies Tap Data Science to Gain Business Insights
Identifying growth opportunities in specific geographic regions using data like satellite imagery and census data. Companies like JPMorgan Chase, Visa, and Columbia Threadneedle want to find areas primed for growth.
Empowering front-line workers with data-driven tools to improve efficiency, accuracy, and sales. Coca-Cola, Handle Global, and others want to build tools to help workers in the field.
Making the most of large, complex datasets like insurance pricing data and vehicle registration documents using AI/ML techniques. Wellmark Blue Cross and Wolters Kluwer need ways to process unwieldy data.
Building machine learning tools to handle unstructured data, which is difficult to digitize. CogniSure wants to automate processing of complex documents.
Getting insight into business problems through capstone projects that partner students with companies. The projects provide a pulse check on industry needs.