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3 easy ways you can start using AI right now to make yourself more productive at work, according to an AI consultant

Over half of participants using AI at work experienced a 30% increase in productivity, and there are beginner-friendly ways to integrate generative AI into existing tools such as GrammarlyGo, Slack apps like DailyBot and Felix, and Canva's AI-powered design tools.

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Generative AI is unlikely to completely take over jobs, but rather automate certain tasks, particularly in clerical work, potentially impacting female employment; however, most other professions are only marginally exposed to automation, with the technology more likely to augment work rather than substitute it, according to a study by the International Labour Organization.
Google DeepMind is evaluating the use of generative AI tools to act as a personal life coach, despite previous cautionary warnings about the risks of emotional attachment to chatbots.
Artificial intelligence (AI) programmers are using the writings of authors to train AI models, but so far, the output lacks the creativity and depth of human writing.
Companies are adopting Generative AI technologies, such as Copilots, Assistants, and Chatbots, but many HR and IT professionals are still figuring out how these technologies work and how to implement them effectively. Despite the excitement and potential, the market for Gen AI is still young and vendors are still developing solutions.
Some companies are hiring AI prompt engineers to help them optimize generative AI technology, but as the tech improves at understanding user prompts, these skills may become less necessary.
McKinsey has developed "Lilli," a generative AI platform that revolutionizes knowledge retrieval and utilization, reducing time and effort for consultants while generating novel insights and enhancing problem-solving capabilities.
The new Typeface app for Microsoft Teams uses generative AI to help enterprises scale their marketing efforts and produce personalized content at a faster rate.
Artificial intelligence can benefit authors by saving time and improving efficiency in tasks such as writing, formatting, summarizing, and analyzing user-generated data, although it is important to involve artists and use the technology judiciously.
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT could potentially change the nature of certain jobs, breaking them down into smaller, less skilled roles and potentially leading to job degradation and lower pay, while also creating new job opportunities. The impact of generative AI on the workforce is uncertain, but it is important for workers to advocate for better conditions and be prepared for potential changes.
Generative artificial intelligence and machine-learning technologies have the potential to significantly boost productivity and economic output, but knowledge workers will face challenges as the nature of work evolves.
Generative AI, a technology with the potential to significantly boost productivity and add trillions of dollars to the global economy, is still in the early stages of adoption and widespread use at many companies is still years away due to concerns about data security, accuracy, and economic implications.
Generative AI tools are revolutionizing the creator economy by speeding up work, automating routine tasks, enabling efficient research, facilitating language translation, and teaching creators new skills.
Startup Hiber has integrated Google's generative AI technology into its Hiber3D development platform, allowing creators to use natural language prompts to generate in-game content and build expansive online worlds, simplifying the creative process.
AI-powered tools like Claude AI, PinwheelGPT, Reimagine, Tome, Whisper Memos, and Eleven Labs are providing helpful and creative functionalities such as explaining and summarizing text, providing kid-friendly chats, animating old photos, creating compelling visuals, transcribing voice memos with accuracy, and generating AI voices.
Generative artificial intelligence, particularly large language models, has the potential to revolutionize various industries and add trillions of dollars of value to the global economy, according to experts, as Chinese companies invest in developing their own AI models and promoting their commercial use.
Generative AI tools are causing concerns in the tech industry as they produce unreliable and low-quality content on the web, leading to issues of authorship, incorrect information, and potential information crisis.
Almost a quarter of organizations are currently using AI in software development, and the majority of them are planning to continue implementing such systems, according to a survey from GitLab. The use of AI in software development is seen as essential to avoid falling behind, with high confidence reported by those already using AI tools. The top use cases for AI in software development include natural-language chatbots, automated test generation, and code change summaries, among others. Concerns among practitioners include potential security vulnerabilities and intellectual property issues associated with AI-generated code, as well as fears of job replacement. Training and verification by human developers are seen as crucial aspects of AI implementation.
Generative AI tools like Bing Chat, Quizlet, ChatPDF, Duolingo, and Socratic have the potential to greatly enhance student learning by providing assistance with tasks such as research, studying, reading PDFs, learning new languages, and answering questions in a conversational and educational manner.
Researchers have admitted to using a chatbot to help draft an article, leading to the retraction of the paper and raising concerns about the infiltration of generative AI in academia.
Generative AI is being used by 75% of people for work purposes, with 70% of Gen Z also utilizing this technology, according to a survey by Salesforce, which highlights a generational divide in adoption and usage.
The rise of generative AI is driving a surge in freelance tech jobs, with job postings and searches related to AI increasing on platforms like LinkedIn, Upwork, and Fiverr, indicating a growing demand for AI experts.
Generative AI is being explored for augmenting infrastructure as code tools, with developers considering using AI models to analyze IT through logfiles and potentially recommend infrastructure recipes needed to execute code. However, building complex AI tools like interactive tutors is harder and more expensive, and securing funding for big AI investments can be challenging.
Artificial intelligence can greatly benefit entrepreneurs by allowing them to do more in less time, make a bigger impact with less effort, and save costs, and there are 20 AI tools that can help entrepreneurs in various aspects of their business, including content generation, image creation, automation, note-taking, scheduling, email management, social media scheduling, grammar checking, presentation creation, news aggregation, chatbot testing, research, information discovery, and data organization.
Generative AI can help small businesses manage their social media presence, personalize customer service, streamline content creation, identify growth opportunities, optimize scheduling and operations, enhance decision-making, revolutionize inventory management, transform supply chain management, refine employee recruitment, accelerate design processes, strengthen data security, and introduce predictive maintenance systems, ultimately leading to increased productivity, cost savings, and overall growth.
AI tools from OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google are being integrated into productivity platforms like Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace, offering a wide range of AI-powered features for tasks such as text generation, image generation, and data analysis, although concerns remain regarding accuracy and cost-effectiveness.
As generative AI continues to gain attention and interest, business leaders must also focus on other areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation to effectively lead and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.
Eight additional U.S.-based AI developers, including NVIDIA, Scale AI, and Cohere, have pledged to develop generative AI tools responsibly, joining a growing list of companies committed to the safe and trustworthy deployment of AI.
AI tools are increasingly being used to improve productivity and simplify various aspects of life, including time management with tools like Reclaim.ai, budget management with Cleo, mindfulness with Breathhh, content moderation with ActiveFence, workout routines with Gymbuddy, and content summarization with Wordtune. These tools leverage AI to make tasks more efficient and accessible to all.
A survey conducted by Canva found that while many professionals claim to be familiar with artificial intelligence (AI), a significant number exaggerate or even fake their knowledge of AI in order to keep up with colleagues and superiors, highlighting the need for more opportunities to learn and explore AI in the workplace.
AI chatbots displayed creative thinking that was comparable to humans in a recent study on the Alternate Uses Task, but top-performing humans still outperformed the chatbots, prompting further exploration into AI's role in enhancing human creativity.
Generative AI is set to revolutionize game development, allowing developers like King to create more levels and content for games like Candy Crush, freeing up artists and designers to focus on their creative skills.
Artificial intelligence is transforming workplace messaging platform Slack, allowing for the use of generative AI to summarize content, automate tasks, and provide assistance, positioning Slack as a strong competitor against Microsoft Teams.
Conversational AI and generative AI are two branches of AI with distinct differences and capabilities, but they can also work together to shape the digital landscape by enabling more natural interactions and creating new content.
AI technology, particularly generative language models, is starting to replace human writers, with the author of this article experiencing firsthand the impact of AI on his own job and the writing industry as a whole.
AI productivity tools, such as Clara, Alli AI, Grain, Lex, Vervoe, Slides AI, Goblin.tools, and Lumen5, offer efficient and time-saving solutions for tasks like scheduling meetings, optimizing websites, transcribing and summarizing meetings, capturing notes, assessing job candidates, creating presentations, breaking down tasks, and creating videos.
The era of intelligence driven by artificial intelligence is changing the landscape of human resources, allowing employees to access and utilize information more easily and quickly through generative AI language models, but HR teams need to be ready to help employees take advantage of this new technology.
Generative AI is expected to have a significant impact on jobs, with some roles benefiting from enhanced job quality and growth, while others face disruption and a shift in required skills, according to a report from the World Economic Forum. The integration of AI into the workforce brings mixed reactions but emphasizes the need for proactive measures to maximize benefits and minimize risks. Additionally, the report highlights the importance of a balanced workforce that values both technical AI skills and people skills for future success.