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Cool new AI tools to try

AI-powered tools like Claude AI, PinwheelGPT, Reimagine, Tome, Whisper Memos, and Eleven Labs are providing helpful and creative functionalities such as explaining and summarizing text, providing kid-friendly chats, animating old photos, creating compelling visuals, transcribing voice memos with accuracy, and generating AI voices.

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This article discusses the recent advancements in AI language models, particularly OpenAI's ChatGPT. It explores the concept of hallucination in AI and the ability of these models to make predictions. The article also introduces the new plugin architecture for ChatGPT, which allows it to access live data from the web and interact with specific websites. The integration of plugins, such as Wolfram|Alpha, enhances the capabilities of ChatGPT and improves its ability to provide accurate answers. The article highlights the potential opportunities and risks associated with these advancements in AI.
The main topic of the article is the development of AI language models, specifically ChatGPT, and the introduction of plugins that expand its capabilities. The key points are: 1. ChatGPT, an AI language model, has the ability to simulate ongoing conversations and make accurate predictions based on context. 2. The author discusses the concept of intelligence and how it relates to the ability to make predictions, as proposed by Jeff Hawkins. 3. The article highlights the limitations of AI language models, such as ChatGPT, in answering precise and specific questions. 4. OpenAI has introduced a plugin architecture for ChatGPT, allowing it to access live data from the web and interact with specific websites, expanding its capabilities. 5. The integration of plugins, such as Wolfram|Alpha, enhances ChatGPT's ability to provide accurate and detailed information, bridging the gap between statistical and symbolic approaches to AI. Overall, the article explores the potential and challenges of AI language models like ChatGPT and the role of plugins in expanding their capabilities.
The main topic is the emergence of AI in 2022, particularly in the areas of image and text generation. The key points are: 1. AI models like DALL-E, MidJourney, and Stable Diffusion have revolutionized image generation. 2. ChatGPT has made significant breakthroughs in text generation. 3. The history of previous tech epochs shows that disruptive innovations often come from new entrants in the market. 4. Existing companies like Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft are well-positioned to capitalize on the AI epoch. 5. Each company has its own approach to AI, with Apple focusing on local deployment, Amazon on cloud services, Meta on personalized content, Google on search, and Microsoft on productivity apps.
The main topic of the passage is the startup Inworld and its use of generative AI to create dynamic dialogue in gaming. The key points include: - Inworld uses multiple machine learning models to mimic human communication in games. - The AI tools allow developers to create lifelike and immersive gaming experiences by linking dialogue and voice generation to animation and rigging systems. - NPCs powered by Inworld's tech can learn, adapt, initiate goals, and perform actions autonomously. - Users can create personalities for NPCs and control their knowledge and behavior. - Inworld has safety tech to control profanity, bias, and toxicity in character dialogue. - The startup has received significant investments and partnerships from venture capital firms, brands, and organizations. - Inworld's tools integrate with popular game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine. - The company plans to launch an open-source version of its character creation tool in the future. - Inworld aims to expand beyond gaming into marketing campaigns, customer service agents, and broader entertainment. - The startup is positioned to create novel user experiences and seize opportunities in the intersection of gaming and AI.
AI-powered creativity tools have been used to enhance and create an infinity quiz offering more interactive experiences.
DocuWriter.ai offers AI-powered tools for code documentation generation, code testing suite creation, code refactoring/optimization, and code language conversion, using powerful AI models like GPT-4, with a focus on Laravel programming language.
AI software like ChatGPT is being increasingly used by students to solve math problems, answer questions, and write essays, but educators, parents, and teachers need to address the responsible use of such powerful technology in the classroom to avoid academic dishonesty and consider how it can level the playing field for students with limited resources.
Claude, a new AI chatbot developed by Anthropic, offers advantages over OpenAI's ChatGPT, such as the ability to upload and summarize files and handle longer input, making it better suited for parsing large texts and documents.
Artificial intelligence (AI) meeting features provided by platforms like Zoom and Otter.ai offer benefits such as automated summaries and note-taking, allowing workers to better keep track of meetings and generate follow-up actions, but they are not perfect and may encounter issues with transcription accuracy, topic categorization, and context understanding. Privacy concerns and the need for high-quality audio feeds should also be taken into consideration before using AI for meetings.
Over half of participants using AI at work experienced a 30% increase in productivity, and there are beginner-friendly ways to integrate generative AI into existing tools such as GrammarlyGo, Slack apps like DailyBot and Felix, and Canva's AI-powered design tools.
Hollywood studios are considering the use of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, to assist in screenwriting, but concerns remain regarding copyright protection for works solely created by AI, as they currently are not copyrightable.
Companies are adopting Generative AI technologies, such as Copilots, Assistants, and Chatbots, but many HR and IT professionals are still figuring out how these technologies work and how to implement them effectively. Despite the excitement and potential, the market for Gen AI is still young and vendors are still developing solutions.
A second-year undergraduate student, Hannah Ward, has used AI tools like Chat GPT to analyze 120 transcripts and generate 30 distinctive patterns and new insights, showcasing the potential of AI in revealing remarkable new information and aiding curious learning.
McKinsey has developed "Lilli," a generative AI platform that revolutionizes knowledge retrieval and utilization, reducing time and effort for consultants while generating novel insights and enhancing problem-solving capabilities.
Google has developed a prototype AI-powered research tool called NotebookLM, which allows users to interact with and create new things from their own notes, and could potentially be integrated into Google Docs or Drive in the future. The tool generates source guides, provides answers to questions based on the user's provided data, and offers citations for its responses. While still in the prototype phase, NotebookLM has the potential to become a powerful and personalized chatbot.
Generative AI tools are revolutionizing the creator economy by speeding up work, automating routine tasks, enabling efficient research, facilitating language translation, and teaching creators new skills.
Baidu has made its generative AI product and large language model, ERNIE Bot, publicly available, allowing users to fully experience its abilities, such as understanding, generation, reasoning, and memory, and obtain human feedback to improve the user experience.
Anthropic's chatbot Claude 2, accessible through its website or as a Slack app, offers advanced AI features such as processing large amounts of text, answering questions about current events, and analyzing web pages and files.
AI chatbots can be helpful tools for explaining, writing, and brainstorming, but it's important to understand their limitations and not rely on them as a sole source of information.
OpenAI has released a Teaching with AI guide that provides educators with prompts, FAQs, and suggested uses for ChatGPT as a teaching tool, emphasizing the importance of oversight, collaboration, and AI literacy in the classroom.
Zoom has announced updates to its generative AI tool, now called Zoom AI Companion, which will expand its capabilities and be available at no extra cost for existing Zoom users. The tool will provide features such as catching up on missed meetings, generating meeting summaries, and offering real-time feedback on performance. Zoom uses its own language models as well as other AI technologies to power its AI features.
Apple has increased its spending on artificial intelligence, particularly in the areas of conversational AI, voice-controlled automation, and multimodal AI for videos, images, and text.
Generative AI tools like Bing Chat, Quizlet, ChatPDF, Duolingo, and Socratic have the potential to greatly enhance student learning by providing assistance with tasks such as research, studying, reading PDFs, learning new languages, and answering questions in a conversational and educational manner.
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT are rapidly being adopted in the financial services industry, with major investment banks like JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley developing AI models and chatbots to assist financial advisers and provide personalized investment advice, although challenges such as data limitations and ethical concerns need to be addressed.
Researchers have admitted to using a chatbot to help draft an article, leading to the retraction of the paper and raising concerns about the infiltration of generative AI in academia.
Generative AI is being explored for augmenting infrastructure as code tools, with developers considering using AI models to analyze IT through logfiles and potentially recommend infrastructure recipes needed to execute code. However, building complex AI tools like interactive tutors is harder and more expensive, and securing funding for big AI investments can be challenging.
Artificial intelligence can greatly benefit entrepreneurs by allowing them to do more in less time, make a bigger impact with less effort, and save costs, and there are 20 AI tools that can help entrepreneurs in various aspects of their business, including content generation, image creation, automation, note-taking, scheduling, email management, social media scheduling, grammar checking, presentation creation, news aggregation, chatbot testing, research, information discovery, and data organization.
Salesforce has introduced a conversational AI assistant, Einstein Copilot, that allows users to ask questions and retrieve information about specific business tasks, aiming to automate and assist work for white-collar companies.
AI tools from OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google are being integrated into productivity platforms like Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace, offering a wide range of AI-powered features for tasks such as text generation, image generation, and data analysis, although concerns remain regarding accuracy and cost-effectiveness.
AI tools are increasingly being used to improve productivity and simplify various aspects of life, including time management with tools like Reclaim.ai, budget management with Cleo, mindfulness with Breathhh, content moderation with ActiveFence, workout routines with Gymbuddy, and content summarization with Wordtune. These tools leverage AI to make tasks more efficient and accessible to all.
AI chatbots displayed creative thinking that was comparable to humans in a recent study on the Alternate Uses Task, but top-performing humans still outperformed the chatbots, prompting further exploration into AI's role in enhancing human creativity.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in smartphones, with Google and Apple integrating AI features into their devices, including camera enhancements, adaptive features, and smart suggestions, while AI-powered generative chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard are challenging traditional digital assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa. The AI revolution is just beginning, with more AI and machine learning features expected to come to market in the future.
AI assistants like ChatGPT and Joy's Writer's Block Assistant are helping a couple write their vows and other wedding details, easing pre-wedding stress and streamlining the writing process.
Conversational AI and generative AI are two branches of AI with distinct differences and capabilities, but they can also work together to shape the digital landscape by enabling more natural interactions and creating new content.
Google's Bard AI chatbot can now scan your Gmail, Docs, and Drive to find information and perform tasks based on the contents, including summarizing emails and documents, creating charts, and more.
Google has a variety of AI projects under development that can transform workflows and generate music, and users can sign up for early access to these experiments through Google Labs.
AI productivity tools, such as Clara, Alli AI, Grain, Lex, Vervoe, Slides AI, Goblin.tools, and Lumen5, offer efficient and time-saving solutions for tasks like scheduling meetings, optimizing websites, transcribing and summarizing meetings, capturing notes, assessing job candidates, creating presentations, breaking down tasks, and creating videos.
YouTube has announced new AI-powered tools for creators, including AI-generated photo and video backgrounds, video topic suggestions, music search, and AI dubbing, signaling a shift in how digital creators make, plan, and structure content.