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China is doing everything it can to conceal the true extent of its economic turmoil

China's economy is experiencing a structural slowdown and becoming increasingly opaque, making it difficult for outsiders to understand the true state of the country's economic affairs, as President Xi Jinping prioritizes ideology over economic growth and transparency.

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China's economy, which has been a model of growth for the past 40 years, is facing deep distress and its long era of rapid economic expansion may be coming to an end, marked by slow growth, unfavorable demographics, and a growing divide with the US and its allies, according to the Wall Street Journal.
China's economy is facing a downward spiral due to a crisis in the debt-laden property sector, prompting seven city banks to reduce their growth forecasts for the country; concerns include falling into deflation, high unemployment rates, and the need for more proactive government support.
Beijing needs to provide clarity on its economic plans and the national security crackdown in order to rebuild confidence in the future trajectory of China and address uncertainties, according to the head of a European business lobby in China.
China's stuttering economy poses a major threat to global commodities demand, as economic activity and credit flows deteriorate, and structural challenges and weaknesses in various sectors, including base metals, iron & steel, crude oil, coal & gas, and pork, affect the market.
China's economic slowdown, marked by falling consumer prices, a deepening real estate crisis, and a slump in exports, has alarmed international leaders and investors, causing Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index to fall into a bear market and prompting major investment banks to downgrade their growth forecasts for China below 5%.
The risks of China's economic slowdown have not been factored into the markets yet, according to Insigneo Chief Investment Officer Ahmed Riesgo, who believes that the crisis of confidence in China's economy will soon become a major global risk.
China's economy is facing challenges with slowing growth, rising debt, tumbling stock markets, and a property sector crisis, and some analysts believe that heavy-handed government intervention and a lack of confidence are underlying causes that cannot be easily fixed. However, others argue that China's problems are solvable and that it remains a superpower despite its considerable problems.
China's economy is struggling and facing a lurching from one economic challenge to the next due to failures in economic policy and the centralization of power under President Xi Jinping, which is causing bad decision-making and a decline in living standards.
China's unexpected economic slowdown, driven by excessive investment in the property sector and local government spending, is leading experts to question whether a collapse is imminent, although they believe a sudden collapse is unlikely due to China's controlled financial system; however, the slowdown will have implications for global growth and emerging markets, particularly if the U.S. enters a recession next year.
China's economic slowdown, coupled with a property market bust and local government debt crisis, is posing challenges to President Xi Jinping's goals of achieving economic growth and curbing inequality, potentially affecting the Communist Party's legitimacy and Xi's grip on power.
China's economic slowdown is worrisome for global markets as it is one of the largest buyers of commodities.
China's economic model, driven by industrialization and exports, is showing weaknesses with an imbalanced economy, low demand, slumping trade, and a struggling property sector, highlighting the need for structural reforms to boost domestic consumption and confidence.
China's economic policy is being driven by ideology, with leaders hesitant to provide stimulus to the economy out of fear of "welfarism," according to Western experts.
China's economic struggles, including a real estate slump, high youth unemployment, and rising tensions with the West, could lead to deflation and sluggish growth, potentially impacting the global economy and causing a "new normal" of slower GDP growth worldwide.
China's economic slowdown is causing alarm across the world, as it is expected to have a negative impact on global economic growth, leading to reduced imports and trade, falling commodity prices, a deflationary effect on global goods prices, and a decline in tourism and luxury spending.
Investors are becoming increasingly concerned about the state of China's economy as informal gauges, such as PMI surveys and soft surveys, indicate a deep-seated confidence problem and a potential miss of the country's 5% growth target this year, leading to a retreat from global assets exposed to the slowdown.
China's economy is facing challenges, with youth unemployment at a record high, mismatched skills in the job market, and the risk of falling into the middle-income trap, jeopardizing President Xi Jinping's goal of turning China into a high-income nation.
Many ordinary Chinese are experiencing a widespread economic slowdown characterized by pessimism and resignation, despite Beijing's attempts to downplay concerns and project a positive narrative.
China's economy is not as bad as perceived, with consumer spending picking up and indicating that growth is moving in the right direction, according to an official at the British Chamber of Commerce in China.
China's economy is facing significant challenges, including a property crisis, youth unemployment, and a flawed economic model, but the government's limited response suggests they are playing the long game and prioritizing ideology over effective governance.
China's government is concealing economic figures and data, including youth unemployment rates, as experts believe it prioritizes stability over transparency, leading to concerns and doubts about the true state of the country's economy.
The global economy is expected to slow down due to persistently high inflation, higher interest rates, China's slowing growth, and financial system stresses, according to Moody's Investors Service, although there may be pockets of resilience in markets like India and Indonesia.
The slowdown in China's property market continues despite government measures to revive the economy, with analysts warning that the sentiment among many Chinese is too weak for these moves to be effective.
China's failure to restructure its economy according to President Xi Jinping's bold reform plans has raised concerns about the country's future, with the possibility of a financial or economic crisis looming and a slow drift towards stagnation being the most likely outcome. The three potential paths for China include a swift, painful crisis; a gradual winding down of excesses at the expense of growth; or a switch to a consumer-led model with structural reforms that bring short-term pain but lead to a faster and stronger emergence.
China's economic slowdown, driven by a debt-ridden and overbuilt property sector, is not expected to have a significant impact on the global economy or US exports, although a prolonged downturn could have broader consequences. While companies like elevator maker Otis will feel the effects, China's reduced growth is unlikely to be contagious beyond its borders.
China's economic boom, once seen as a miracle, now appears to be a mirage due to failed reforms, an outdated reliance on old economic models, and a growing debt burden, raising concerns about the nation's economic future and the potential for a financial crisis.
China's services sector experienced a slowdown in business activity, resulting in the lowest level in eight months, as weaker foreign demand and sluggish overseas orders impacted consumption, despite economic stimulus efforts.
China's economy is showing signs of slowing down, including a decrease in GDP growth rate, declining exports, deflationary consumer price index, high youth unemployment, a weakening yuan, and a decrease in new loans, which could have global implications.
China's economic slowdown is posing a significant challenge to President Xi Jinping's agenda, forcing him to make difficult choices and potentially relinquish some control over the economy. The slump in housing sales and the crackdown on private capital are among the factors contributing to the economic setbacks, prompting calls for change and a reevaluation of economic policies under Xi's highly centralized leadership. However, Xi seems reluctant to make major changes to his strategy, opting for a hands-off approach and avoiding a big rescue plan for distressed developers and local governments. The central government's control over taxes and the need to revamp the fiscal system further complicate the situation. Restoring government finances while reassuring private investors is a daunting task that requires strong leadership and potentially contentious policy changes. The upcoming Communist Party meetings will shed light on how Xi plans to restore confidence in his economic agenda, but some economists and former officials warn that time may be running out for China to embrace necessary reforms.
China's economic growth has slowed but has not collapsed, and while there are concerns about financial risks and a potential property crisis, there are also bright spots such as the growth of the new energy and technology sectors that could boost the economy.
Policymakers expect slower growth in China, potentially below 4%, as the country transitions to a consumption-driven economy, which could have a negative impact on the global economy and alleviate inflationary pressures.
China's economic challenges, including debt, unfavorable demographics, and a stagnating growth rate, have implications for global trade and the ambitions of President Xi Jinping, potentially leading to unforeseen consequences and strategic shifts.
China's economic problems are more likely to impact its neighboring countries and Europe than the United States, according to US deputy treasury secretary Wally Adeyemo, who noted China's short-term capacity to handle its economy but stressed the need for addressing long-term structural economic challenges.
China's economy is expected to grow less than previously anticipated due to struggles in the property market, leading economists to predict further downgrades and posing risks to both the domestic and global economy.
China's factory output and retail sales grew at a faster pace in August, but declining investment in the property sector poses a threat to the country's economic recovery.
The disappearance and investigation of China's Defence Minister Li Shangfu, along with other recent upheavals in the country's top ranks, is raising concerns about the stability and predictability of President Xi Jinping's rule and may undermine confidence in the leadership of the world's second-largest economy.
Signs of improvement in China's economy, such as improving credit demand and easing deflationary pressures, may not be enough to stabilize the economy due to bigger concerns of decreasing affordability, tight wages, and rising costs that have not been addressed. A comprehensive policy revamp may be necessary for China's economy to recover.
The recent disappearance of China's defense minister and former foreign minister highlights the opacity and unpredictability of Xi Jinping's government, posing challenges for foreign businesses and governments dealing with China's lack of transparency and potential changes in policy direction.
China's government has been less transparent and tolerant of bad economic news, leading to concerns about the country's economic stability and potential risks for investors.
China's President Xi Jinping faces criticism as China shifts away from its previous economic success and becomes a "pariah state," with some scholars suggesting he is dealing with structural problems inherited from previous leaders that now threaten the Chinese Communist Party.