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McCarthy Concedes Far-Right Obstructionists Intent on Shutdown Despite His Spending Bill Concessions

  • Kevin McCarthy conceded far-right Republicans are set on "burning the place down" after another spending bill defeat.

  • Thursday's failed vote on a defense spending bill was supposed to show a path to averting a shutdown, now looking impossible.

  • McCarthy negotiated a modified spending bill Wednesday night he thought would pass, leaving him embarrassed.

  • Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Eli Crane voted against the bill to make a political statement, infuriating colleagues.

  • House GOP is embroiled in a nasty civil war with just 9 days until a potential shutdown, with moderates and McCarthy furious at obstructionists.

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House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy, faces the tough choice of either risking a government shutdown or alienating the hard-right flank of his party, which could lead to the loss of his speakership, as the House must pass a spending package to keep the federal government open before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.
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