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Germany’s economic model is sputtering. So are its banks

Germany's economic model and banks are struggling, with forecasts showing low growth and poor profitability, highlighting issues such as politicized governance, diminished private sector, and outdated funding methods.

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Germany's business activity has seen a sharp decline, leading to concerns of a recession, as the country's Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) dipped to its lowest level in over three years. This decline in activity is impacting the wider eurozone economy as well, with the region at risk of slipping into recession. This economic downturn is accompanied by a worrying uptick in inflation and slow growth, particularly in Germany.
Germany, once known as the "sick man of Europe," is facing a new economic downturn characterized by sticky inflation, falling output, and structural issues such as an aging population and high corporate tax rate, prompting concerns of a prolonged recession; however, the country's strong employment levels, record public finances, and adaptability through its Mittelstand of small and medium-sized businesses provide hope for recovery.
The German economy stagnated in the second quarter of 2023, following a winter recession, with zero growth and a contraction in adjusted GDP, according to data from the statistics office.
The US economy is expected to slow in the coming months due to the Federal Reserve's efforts to combat inflation, which could lead to softer consumer spending and a decrease in stock market returns. Additionally, the resumption of student loan payments in October and the American consumer's credit card addiction pose further uncertainties for the economy. Meanwhile, Germany's economy is facing a contraction and a prolonged recession, which is a stark contrast to its past economic outperformance.
Central banks are likely to push western economies into a recession in order to tackle inflation, according to a member of Jeremy Hunt's advisory council. Karen Ward, an economist at JP Morgan Asset Management, believes signs of weakness will be needed before policymakers can ease their tough approach, as the message from a recent gathering of central bankers in Wyoming was that borrowing costs would need to be higher for longer than expected. Ward's comments come as Germany reports its highest wage growth figure since 2008.
Germany, once hailed as Europe's economic powerhouse, is now facing structural problems and could be on the verge of decline, according to experts, with factors such as stagnant GDP, high inflation, an aging population, overdependence on exports, and underinvestment contributing to its current predicament.
Germany is predicted to experience a prolonged recession this year, making it the only major European economy to contract in 2023, according to the European Commission, with its growth expectations also being cut for 2024; this is attributed to struggles following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the need to end energy dependency on Moscow.
The European Commission has revised down its economic forecast, citing high prices for goods and services as a significant factor, leading to reduced growth projections for the European Union and the eurozone. Germany is expected to experience a downturn, while inflation is projected to exceed the European Central Bank's target. Weak consumption, credit provisions, and natural disasters are also contributing to the loss of momentum in the economy. However, the report highlights the strength of the EU labor market with a low unemployment rate.
Germany's economy is expected to contract by 0.4% in 2023 due to higher inflation, rising interest rates, and weaker consumer spending, making it the worst-affected major country in the eurozone, according to the European Commission. The overall eurozone economy is expected to expand by 0.8% in 2023 and 1.3% in 2024, leading to a potential halt in the European Central Bank's tightening of policy. Inflation in the eurozone is projected to average 5.6% in 2023.
Germany's deep economic troubles, including three consecutive quarters of negative growth, could have significant global implications, especially considering its role as the main driver of economic growth in the euro zone and its high exposure to the Chinese economy.
Germany, once an economic powerhouse, is now the worst-performing major developed economy due to factors such as the loss of cheap Russian natural gas, a slowdown in trade with China, and government inaction on chronic problems, leading to concerns of deindustrialization and the need for urgent solutions.
Germany is facing an economic contraction due to challenges in the manufacturing sector, a disappointing China reopening boost, and higher energy costs, leading to a recession in Europe's largest economy. However, there are still some positive aspects, such as opportunities in Germany's small and mid-sized companies.