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House Passes Stopgap Funding Bill, But Omission of Ukraine Aid Threatens Passage in Senate

  • House passes temporary funding bill to avert shutdown, but lacks Ukraine aid which may doom it in Senate

  • Bill keeps government open 45 more days, after midnight shutdown deadline

  • Ukraine aid a sticking point, with Democrats wanting it and some Republicans opposed

  • Bill passed 335-91 with more Democrats than Republicans supporting it

  • Vote came after McCarthy unveiled plan Saturday morning in gamble to avoid shutdown, still faces hurdles

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Main Topic: Congress likely to pass a short-term government funding bill to avoid a shutdown this fall. Key Points: 1. Speaker Kevin McCarthy believes a short-term funding bill is necessary due to lack of time for a full-year funding deal. 2. The length of the stopgap bill and policy terms still need to be agreed upon by congressional leaders. 3. The House and Senate are moving in different directions on appropriations, with the House seeking spending cuts and conservative policy provisions, while the Senate aims for bipartisan support and avoids controversial provisions.
Opposing GOP views on U.S. funding to Ukraine are setting up a showdown between Republicans in the House and Senate, with conservative members threatening a government shutdown if their demands are not included in the spending measure.
Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor advises Republican colleagues not to pursue a government shutdown unless they have a clear plan to come out as winners, citing the failed attempt to block Obamacare in 2013 as a major political headache that did little to hinder its rollout.
Republican lawmakers, particularly conservatives, are threatening to hold up government funding unless their demands on issues such as a border wall, investigations into the Biden family, and Ukraine aid are met, raising concerns about a potential government shutdown.
House GOP leaders are considering avoiding a government shutdown by approving a short-term continuing resolution instead of a massive bill to fund the Pentagon, as they face demands from hardliners for deeper spending cuts and specific funding levels.
Lawmakers in Congress have less than two weeks to reach a deal on funding the government past September 30, and there is a risk of a partial government shutdown if an agreement is not reached. Some GOP groups are discussing a 30-day stopgap spending patch with border security measures attached, but a shutdown is expected to be short-term.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer criticized the House GOP stopgap funding proposal for not including funding for Ukraine and accused Republicans of ignoring bipartisan solutions to keep the government open.
The fight over how to avoid a government shutdown has caused fractures within the House GOP majority, with disagreements on whether a stopgap spending bill should be passed, leading to the cancellation of a procedural vote on the bill.
House Republicans are working to find a plan that will keep the government funded and avoid a shutdown, but face opposition from conservative lawmakers who want deeper spending cuts attached to the proposed legislation.
Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has suggested that he will support a bipartisan government funding bill only if another bipartisan bill, the Prevent Government Shutdowns Act, also gets a vote, which aims to prevent federal shutdowns by triggering a Continued Resolution that maintains federal spending at its current level.
The Pentagon has announced that US aid to Ukraine will continue even if the government shuts down, as its budget for weapons and humanitarian aid has been ringfenced as part of a contingency plan to keep essential parts of Joe Biden's administration afloat.
The leaders of the bipartisan House Problem Solvers Caucus are considering all options, including a discharge petition, to force a vote on their alternative stopgap plan to avoid a government shutdown as funding is set to run out on September 30.
Warring factions within the Republican Party in the U.S. Congress have shown no signs of coming together to pass a stopgap funding bill, raising concerns of a government shutdown.
Senators from both parties are debating whether to include new military aid for Ukraine in a stopgap spending bill to prevent a government shutdown, with some Republicans concerned about complicating Speaker Kevin McCarthy's attempts to resolve the spending logjam.
Senate leaders are expected to unveil a short-term government funding stopgap measure that will be clean and not contain significant amounts of money for the war in Ukraine or disaster relief, aiming to avoid a government shutdown at the end of the week.
The U.S. is on the verge of a government shutdown as Congress debates spending levels and aid to Ukraine, which could potentially affect government operations and federal workers' paychecks.
Senate leaders are taking control to avoid a government shutdown by advancing a stopgap funding bill, pressuring House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to bring it to the House floor for a vote.
House Republicans have rejected a bipartisan bill to fund government agencies, increasing the likelihood of a partial government shutdown by the weekend if legislation is not passed by Congress.
The Senate has passed a bipartisan bill to extend funding and prevent a government shutdown, although it may not be sufficient to avoid a shutdown entirely.
The House and Senate are moving forward with their own government funding plans, with the Senate unveiling a bipartisan measure that extends funding through Nov. 17 and provides money for Ukraine and disaster relief, while House Republicans advanced four GOP-crafted full-year spending bills that will not prevent a shutdown.
House Republicans voted to open debate on a package of spending bills in an attempt to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the week, aiming to put themselves in a better negotiating position with Democrats and the White House; however, a federal shutdown is still likely given disagreements over funding levels and aid for Ukraine.
House Democrats and Republicans defeated proposals to cut Ukraine funding in defense spending legislation, revealing significant GOP opposition to continued aid for Ukraine amidst the ongoing war with Russia.
The House of Representatives passed multiple appropriations bills to fund the State Department, Department of Defense, and Department of Homeland Security through fiscal year 2024, as lawmakers work to avert a government shutdown, with provisions to provide $300 million to Ukraine facing opposition from some Republican House members.
The U.S. government faces a partial shutdown if a bipartisan stopgap spending bill is not passed, leading to the closure of national parks, furloughs of federal workers, and suspension of regulatory activities, as a handful of hardline Republicans reject the bill.
The House of Representatives failed to pass a stopgap funding bill, leading to a potential government shutdown, with 21 Republican members of Congress voting against it.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has suggested passing a "clean" continuing resolution without Ukraine aid as a possible solution to avert a shutdown, but it is uncertain if such a measure will be put to a vote, as Republicans are still exploring other possibilities within their own party.
House Republicans are frustrated and without a clear plan to avert a government shutdown as the deadline for funding runs out today, with no agreement in sight.
House Republicans are in a funding standoff that may lead to a government shutdown, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proposing a stopgap funding bill and facing threats from within his own party.
The House of Representatives passes a 45-day stopgap spending bill in a bipartisan vote, as the U.S. government is approaching a potential massive shutdown.
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a stopgap funding bill, which maintains current spending levels for 45 days, includes $16 billion in disaster relief, but excludes Ukraine aid and border policy changes, and the bill has been sent to the Senate for a vote.
President Joe Biden signed a stopgap funding bill to avert a government shutdown, but the absence of aid for Ukraine puts it in serious jeopardy.
Congress passed a stopgap funding bill to keep the government open through mid-November, avoiding a shutdown that would have had devastating effects, allowing federal workers to continue receiving pay and preventing disruptions to air travel and relief efforts in the wake of natural disasters.
Congress passes a short-term spending bill to avert a government shutdown, which President Biden signed into law, funding the government through November 17.
President Biden criticized Republicans for bringing the nation close to a government shutdown but commended the passage of a short-term funding bill to prevent it, while urging Congress to pass a separate bill providing more aid to Ukraine.
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley criticized Congress for not including Ukraine aid in their stopgap measure, calling for spending cuts and arguing that funding for Ukraine is necessary to prevent war and counter the influence of Russia and China.
Lawmakers avoided a government shutdown by passing a 47-day stopgap funding measure, but will need to find a solution by November 17th to prevent a Thanksgiving shutdown, while House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces threats to his position and potential removal from Rep. Matt Gaetz.
Congress averted a government shutdown by agreeing to 45 days of funding, with Democrats attempting to shut down the government over their desire for increases in Ukraine war funding, while Republicans opposed such funding.
Republican House speaker nominee Jim Jordan has proposed passing a stopgap bill to prevent a government shutdown, utilizing automatic cuts as leverage over Democrats, although some Republicans are skeptical of the plan.
The Senate has rejected an amendment aimed at preventing future government shutdowns by establishing a permanent stopgap spending measure if Congress fails to complete its appropriations work.
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are discussing options to avert a partial government shutdown, including extending funding through mid-January or mid-April to allow for more time to negotiate government funding bills through the fiscal year.