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Senate Passes Bipartisan Bill to Avert Weekend Shutdown, Funds Government Through November

  • Senate passes bill to prevent government shutdown this weekend
  • Bill extends funding through November
  • Vote was bipartisan
  • Bill still needs to pass House and be signed by President
  • Likely a short-term solution, more work needed to avoid shutdown after November
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Main Topic: Congress likely to pass a short-term government funding bill to avoid a shutdown this fall. Key Points: 1. Speaker Kevin McCarthy believes a short-term funding bill is necessary due to lack of time for a full-year funding deal. 2. The length of the stopgap bill and policy terms still need to be agreed upon by congressional leaders. 3. The House and Senate are moving in different directions on appropriations, with the House seeking spending cuts and conservative policy provisions, while the Senate aims for bipartisan support and avoids controversial provisions.
There is a significant chance of a government shutdown as lawmakers on Capitol Hill are divided on reaching a resolution, with Senator Ted Cruz suggesting that President Biden and Senator Schumer may want a shutdown for political gain.
Lawmakers in the United States have a limited amount of time to pass crucial spending legislation and avoid a government shutdown, which could have major impacts on federal agencies, federal employees, and various services provided to Americans.
Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor advises Republican colleagues not to pursue a government shutdown unless they have a clear plan to come out as winners, citing the failed attempt to block Obamacare in 2013 as a major political headache that did little to hinder its rollout.
There is a possibility of a government shutdown as Congress faces a deadline to pass 12 spending bills, with the most likely scenario being a continuing resolution to extend last year's spending levels for a designated period of time.
Lawmakers in Congress are facing a potential government shutdown at the end of the month, with the possibility of a shutdown becoming increasingly inevitable due to the lack of progress in negotiations and disputes between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, hardliners in his party, and the US Senate.
House Republicans' approach to government funding, which includes spending cuts and conservative policy priorities, has created a stark contrast with the Senate's bipartisan strategy, potentially leading to a damaging government shutdown.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warns that government shutdowns are a political liability for the Republican Party and supports Speaker McCarthy's efforts to avoid a government shutdown.
The US government faces a potential shutdown if Congress fails to agree on funding past September 30, which would be the first shutdown since December 2018 and could result in a longer standoff between parties.
Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin has suggested that he will support a bipartisan government funding bill only if another bipartisan bill, the Prevent Government Shutdowns Act, also gets a vote, which aims to prevent federal shutdowns by triggering a Continued Resolution that maintains federal spending at its current level.
A bipartisan group of Senators and House members are pushing for legislation that would automatically fund the government past spending deadlines, effectively ending shutdown threats.
Lawmakers are preparing for a possible government shutdown as President Joe Biden's administration advises agencies to update their shutdown plans, while congressional Republicans debate on how to proceed before the current spending plan expires.
Lawmakers in the U.S. House and Senate have until September 30 to pass a spending bill to fund the government and avoid a shutdown, with Republican and Democrat leaders trying to navigate internal disagreements in their respective parties.
Senate leaders are expected to unveil a short-term government funding stopgap measure that will be clean and not contain significant amounts of money for the war in Ukraine or disaster relief, aiming to avoid a government shutdown at the end of the week.
A potential government shutdown looms as Congress struggles to pass a funding bill by Saturday night, which could result in federal workers going without pay and essential services continuing while non-essential services halt.
The House and Senate are holding crucial votes to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the week, with disagreements between lawmakers over spending bills causing a divide, particularly among House Republicans.
Senate Republicans and Democrats have reached an agreement on a stopgap spending plan to prevent a government shutdown, but it faces resistance in the Republican-led House due to opposition to aid for Ukraine and maintaining federal funding at current levels.
Senate leaders are taking control to avoid a government shutdown by advancing a stopgap funding bill, pressuring House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to bring it to the House floor for a vote.
House Republicans have rejected a bipartisan bill to fund government agencies, increasing the likelihood of a partial government shutdown by the weekend if legislation is not passed by Congress.
The House and Senate are moving forward with their own government funding plans, with the Senate unveiling a bipartisan measure that extends funding through Nov. 17 and provides money for Ukraine and disaster relief, while House Republicans advanced four GOP-crafted full-year spending bills that will not prevent a shutdown.
The Democratic-controlled Senate plans a procedural vote on a short-term spending measure to avoid a government shutdown, which Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has rejected due to disagreements over spending levels and immigration policies.
The US is facing the possibility of a government shutdown as Republicans demand deep spending cuts, risking furloughs of federal workers and halting various services.
The Senate voted 76-22 to keep a six-week government funding measure on track to pass this weekend, but it looks increasingly likely the federal government will shut down when funding runs out Saturday.
Congress is facing a potential government shutdown as the Republican-led House and Democratic-controlled Senate struggle to reach a short-term funding agreement before the looming deadline.
A government shutdown due to a short-term spending bill will cause financial hardship for federal employees and contractors, but there are steps they can take such as contacting their landlord or mortgage loan servicer for assistance.
House Republicans propose a short-term spending bill with across-the-board cuts and exemptions for national defense, veterans affairs, and homeland security, but it is uncertain if it will pass the House or Senate and a government shutdown is a possibility.
The U.S. government faces a partial shutdown if a bipartisan stopgap spending bill is not passed, leading to the closure of national parks, furloughs of federal workers, and suspension of regulatory activities, as a handful of hardline Republicans reject the bill.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy insists that he will not take up Senate legislation to prevent a government shutdown, as Congress remains divided on funding and time runs out before midnight on Saturday.
The US government is facing another shutdown as Congress fails to reach an agreement on funding federal agencies, which could have significant impacts on various sectors including air travel, national parks, and crucial nutrition programs.
Congress's failure to pass the 12 yearlong spending bills that fund the federal government has led to a looming shutdown, leaving lawmakers scrambling to find a bipartisan solution to temporarily fund federal agencies and avoid a shutdown.
Lawmakers in the United States are facing a potential government shutdown as they struggle to pass legislation that would keep the government funded beyond the start of the fiscal year, which could result in the closure of federal agencies and services.
The Senate is set to reconvene on Saturday to vote on a bipartisan proposal to extend federal funding and prevent a government shutdown, however, the bill faces significant opposition in the Republican-controlled House, making a shutdown still likely.
Congress passed a stopgap funding bill to keep the government open through mid-November, avoiding a shutdown that would have had devastating effects, allowing federal workers to continue receiving pay and preventing disruptions to air travel and relief efforts in the wake of natural disasters.
Congress passes a short-term spending bill to avert a government shutdown, which President Biden signed into law, funding the government through November 17.
Twenty Republican senators have vowed to delay any legislation unrelated to funding the government in an effort to prevent a government shutdown and avoid passing another massive omnibus spending package.
Senate Republicans plan to block non-spending bills in order to prioritize passing government spending legislation before the current Continuing Resolution expires.
The Senate has reached a deal on three bipartisan government funding bills, allowing progress on legislation that has been on the floor since last month.
The Senate has rejected an amendment aimed at preventing future government shutdowns by establishing a permanent stopgap spending measure if Congress fails to complete its appropriations work.
Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are discussing options to avert a partial government shutdown, including extending funding through mid-January or mid-April to allow for more time to negotiate government funding bills through the fiscal year.