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Latest market-sensitive news and views - Aug. 22

Hardline conservatives in the U.S. House Freedom Caucus are increasing pressure on Speaker Kevin McCarthy, demanding specific policy areas be addressed in a short-term funding bill to prevent a government shutdown.

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Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing political pressure from former President Trump and GOP voters to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, but moderate members of his conference are skeptical and there is concern that an impeachment effort could backfire politically.
House conservatives are wary of Speaker Kevin McCarthy's talk of a potential impeachment inquiry of President Biden, believing he is using it as leverage in government spending negotiations.
The White House is pressuring House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to approve aid for Ukraine and disaster relief funding ahead of a government funding showdown, calling on him to keep his word about government funding and address urgent bipartisan priorities.
House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy, faces the tough choice of either risking a government shutdown or alienating the hard-right flank of his party, which could lead to the loss of his speakership, as the House must pass a spending package to keep the federal government open before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.
Conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives are threatening spending levels and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, creating a complicated funding debate that could potentially jeopardize McCarthy's leadership role.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing a significant threat to his position as factions within the Republican Party feud and consider turning on him during the battle to fund the government, with some ultra-conservatives and centrist Republicans expressing dissatisfaction with his leadership.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces the challenge of avoiding a government shutdown and handling calls for impeaching President Joe Biden from the right-wing of his party, as well as the growing threats to his speakership if he fails to meet the demands of his more conservative members.
Lawmakers are anxiously waiting to see how House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will navigate the divide within his caucus as Congress faces the challenge of avoiding a government shutdown.
Far-right Republicans are refusing to soften their demands for spending cuts in government funding legislation despite the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, leaving House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in a bind as a government shutdown looms at the end of the month.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vented his frustration about hard-line conservatives holding up appropriations, daring his critics to attempt a vote to oust him.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's announcement of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden was an attempt to appease the far right of his party and secure their votes for funding the government, but the hard-liners in the Freedom Caucus remain adamant in their demands for border security and an end to "woke" Pentagon policies.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to resurrect a stalled Pentagon spending measure and push it to the House floor in an effort to pressure far-right Republicans to drop their demands for spending cuts or face backlash for voting against military funding.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vows to bring a defense spending bill to a vote despite resistance from hardline Republicans, as a possible government shutdown looms in two weeks amidst a Republican "civil war."
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has demanded an 8% temporary spending cut for domestic agencies and a resumption of border wall construction to hold off a US government shutdown, but the demands are unlikely to be accepted by the Democratic-led Senate.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his allies are pushing for a short-term spending plan that includes conservative priorities, but it remains uncertain if it can pass the House and avert a government shutdown.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is standing firm on a short-term government funding deal negotiated by members of the House Freedom Caucus and Main Street Caucus, despite opposition from conservative members who claim they have not read the deal.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is taking a more aggressive approach towards his conservative critics, daring them to vote against a proposed GOP stopgap and potentially isolating them from the rest of the party.
House Republicans are in the midst of a major internal revolt over the latest spending plan, with more than a dozen Republicans, including members of the Freedom Caucus, openly opposing the plan and threatening to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he relies on Democratic votes to avoid a government shutdown.
Procedural vote on Pentagon funding bill is blocked by hard-line conservatives, dealing a blow to Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
Hard-line Republicans threatening to force a vote to remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy are putting Democrats in a difficult position of deciding whether to save him or join in his ousting.
House Democrats are privately discussing the possibility of helping Speaker Kevin McCarthy avoid a right-wing uprising by demanding a bipartisan deal to avoid a government shutdown, though they are wary of coming to his rescue due to potential backlash from the left.