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House GOP Effort to Advance Pentagon Funding Fails as Conservatives Seek Deeper Cuts

  • House conservatives sink vote on advancing Pentagon funding bill in significant setback for Speaker McCarthy

  • 5 Republicans joined Democrats in voting against the rule for the appropriations bill, bringing the final vote to 214-212

  • The conservative opposition prevents the House from debating the legislation and subsequently voting to pass it

  • The failed vote came hours after House GOP pulled a procedural vote on their proposal for a short-term funding bill

  • Hard-line conservatives demand steeper spending cuts as part of the appropriations process

Relevant topic timeline:
Main Topic: The ultraconservative House Freedom Caucus is demanding conservative policy changes in exchange for their support of a short-term funding measure to avert a government shutdown. Key points: 1. The Freedom Caucus is demanding preferred language on border security, addressing the "weaponization" of the Justice Department and FBI, and a shift in Pentagon policies. 2. They refuse to support any short-term bill that continues Democrats' bloated COVID-era spending and fails to hold the Biden Administration accountable. 3. If their demands are not met, conservatives have threatened to retaliate by forcing a vote to overthrow House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's announcement of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden was an attempt to appease the far right of his party and secure their votes for funding the government, but the hard-liners in the Freedom Caucus remain adamant in their demands for border security and an end to "woke" Pentagon policies.
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Speaker Kevin McCarthy and his allies are pushing for a short-term spending plan that includes conservative priorities, but it remains uncertain if it can pass the House and avert a government shutdown.
House GOP hardliners blocked debate on their party's defense spending bill, causing a stunning loss for Speaker Kevin McCarthy and hawks, and making Pentagon funding the latest casualty of a civil war within the Republican party.
Hard-line Republicans threatening to force a vote to remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy are putting Democrats in a difficult position of deciding whether to save him or join in his ousting.
Hard-right Republicans are pushing for a disruptive federal shutdown as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's latest funding plan fails, leaving no endgame in sight and resulting in the White House telling federal agencies to prepare for a shutdown.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to remove $300 million in funding for Ukraine from a Pentagon spending bill after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and other conservatives blocked the legislation from advancing.
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is attempting to advance spending cuts that are unlikely to become law, potentially leading to a partial government shutdown, as some members of the party threaten to depose House Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he does not support steeper cuts.
Lawmakers express concern over the possibility of a government shutdown as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces pressure to secure votes for a spending bill, with the House Freedom Caucus complicating budget negotiations and potential compromise with Democrats risking McCarthy's speakership.
Roughly 10 House Republicans, representing a small percentage of the population, are blocking a short-term funding deal, leading to the possibility of a government shutdown and impeding legislative priorities of Speaker Kevin McCarthy.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy criticized a Senate government funding bill for not addressing border security, raising concerns of a possible government shutdown, as lawmakers race to reach an agreement before a looming deadline.
The Democratic-controlled Senate plans a procedural vote on a short-term spending measure to avoid a government shutdown, which Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has rejected due to disagreements over spending levels and immigration policies.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy challenges his hardline conservative critics to try and remove him from the Speakership over his decision to bring a "clean" continuing resolution to fund the government.
House Freedom Caucus members and other hardline Republican conservatives are furious with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for relying on Democratic votes to pass a short-term funding extension, but it remains uncertain whether they will take action to oust him as speaker.