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Mace Challenges Gaetz to 'Put Up or Shut Up' on Ousting McCarthy as Speaker Tensions Rise

  • Rep. Nancy Mace says Rep. Matt Gaetz should "put his money where his mouth is" and file a motion to remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy if he is serious about doing so.

  • Gaetz has threatened to force a vote to oust McCarthy if demands on spending and legislation aren't met, but some Republicans doubt his seriousness.

  • Mace says promises made to her by GOP leadership have not been kept, noting "everything is on the table" regarding her support for McCarthy.

  • Mace says she was promised focus on women's issues and gun violence prevention, but it's "fallen on deaf ears."

  • Tensions rising between McCarthy and Gaetz; McCarthy told Gaetz to "file the f---ing motion" if he wants to remove him as Speaker.

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