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Gaetz Speaks Out Against McCarthy's Impeachment Announcement

  • Rep. Matt Gaetz called out Speaker McCarthy from House floor following McCarthy's call for impeachment inquiry into Biden
  • Gaetz delivered message after McCarthy announced committees will open formal impeachment inquiry
  • Source CNN Politics
  • Video shows Gaetz speaking out against McCarthy's impeachment announcement
  • CNN provides 16 videos of latest politics news including Gaetz comments
Relevant topic timeline:
Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing political pressure from former President Trump and GOP voters to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, but moderate members of his conference are skeptical and there is concern that an impeachment effort could backfire politically.
Rep. Matt Gaetz warns Speaker Kevin McCarthy that if he stands in the way of forcing votes on impeachment, he may not have the job for long.
Republican lawmakers, including Rep. Matt Gaetz, may push for a vote on impeaching President Biden, and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy could face consequences if he obstructs their efforts, according to Gaetz.
House conservatives are wary of Speaker Kevin McCarthy's talk of a potential impeachment inquiry of President Biden, believing he is using it as leverage in government spending negotiations.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces the challenge of avoiding a government shutdown and handling calls for impeaching President Joe Biden from the right-wing of his party, as well as the growing threats to his speakership if he fails to meet the demands of his more conservative members.
Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz insists on social media that he will follow through on threats to remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy if a vote to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden is not held.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has announced a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden based on allegations of abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption, despite the lack of direct evidence that the president financially benefitted from his son's business dealings.
Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz threatens to remove House Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his position due to a lack of compliance with agreements and failure to address key issues.
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) criticizes House Republicans, calling them "out of control" and accusing Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) of opening an impeachment inquiry as a diversion from their struggles to fund the government, while also expressing concerns about Hunter Biden's business dealings.
Rep. Matt Gaetz criticizes Speaker Kevin McCarthy, calling him "unhinged" and accusing him of being misogynistic in his attacks against him and Rep. Victoria Spartz.
Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz's opposition to a short-term stopgap bill to avert a government shutdown is being questioned as a personal vendetta against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy by Fox News host Maria Bartiromo.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for being "too weak" to stand up to far-right Republicans using impeachment as a political weapon against President Joe Biden, stating that they have no interest in solving problems but rather want to create political turmoil for their own benefit.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing opposition from hard-right Republicans who want to cut spending, potentially leading to a government shutdown, as tensions rise and options become limited, with President Joe Biden urging Republicans to fulfill their basic responsibility of funding the federal government.
Rep. Matt Gaetz threatens to force a vote to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, citing poor leadership in the House and calling on his Democratic colleagues to "bail out our failed Speaker."
Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz accused House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of being behind a social media campaign targeting Gaetz, which McCarthy denied, during a heated exchange behind closed doors at a House GOP conference meeting.
Republicans are seeking retribution against Rep. Matt Gaetz after his successful rebellion against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, with some calling for his expulsion from the GOP and Congress itself.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing criticism for denouncing Democratic Congressman Jamaal Bowman for misconduct while failing to denounce GOP members who have also engaged in misconduct.
Representative Matt Gaetz's successful motion to remove Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker has solidified his position as a major player in Capitol Hill's drama and raised speculations about his future political ambitions, including a potential run for governor of Florida.