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Biden Addresses UN as Zelenskyy Shuffles Cabinet Amid Corruption Scandal; McCarthy Takes Hard Line With GOP Rebels; PA Expands Voter Registration Before 2024; Trump Woos Unions in Detroit; Rep. Van Orden Accused of Harassing Pages

  • Biden to address UN General Assembly and meet with world leaders in New York as Zelenskyy shuffles Ukraine's ministry amid corruption concerns

  • House GOP leader McCarthy signals more aggressive stance against conservative critics of spending deal, daring them to vote no

  • Pennsylvania to implement automatic voter registration ahead of 2024 election, potentially adding tens of thousands to rolls

  • Trump counterprograms GOP primary debate with union speech in Detroit as he tries to cast himself as workers' champion

  • Rep. Van Orden took "celebratory bow" after allegedly yelling at teenage Senate pages during late-night Capitol tour

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Hardline conservatives in the U.S. House Freedom Caucus are increasing pressure on Speaker Kevin McCarthy, demanding specific policy areas be addressed in a short-term funding bill to prevent a government shutdown.
Conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives are threatening spending levels and Speaker Kevin McCarthy, creating a complicated funding debate that could potentially jeopardize McCarthy's leadership role.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces a challenging political standoff as he returns to the House with the looming threats of a government shutdown, support for Ukraine in the war, and launching an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden amid pressure from far-right Republicans.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vented his frustration about hard-line conservatives holding up appropriations, daring his critics to attempt a vote to oust him.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy challenges his hard-right colleagues to follow through with their threat to oust him as he struggles to lead a divided Republican majority and avoid a government shutdown.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces an open revolt among hard-right members of his party, who are threatening to remove him from power and potentially throw the House into chaos, as he navigates negotiations to avoid a government shutdown before the end of September.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy's plan to pass a stopgap measure and prevent a government shutdown is facing opposition from the far-right flank of his Republican House majority, despite including hardline border security provisions.
Hard-line Republicans threatening to force a vote to remove Speaker Kevin McCarthy are putting Democrats in a difficult position of deciding whether to save him or join in his ousting.
Despite threats from conservative Republicans to remove him, Rep. Kevin McCarthy's position as Speaker of the House is secure as there are no viable alternatives that the majority of Republicans would support.
GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy, facing a government shutdown and potential ousting, continues to placate his far-right detractors despite criticism, as his loyalists view his malleability as the only way to navigate the challenges of an ungovernable majority.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy challenges his hardline conservative critics to try and remove him from the Speakership over his decision to bring a "clean" continuing resolution to fund the government.
House Freedom Caucus members and other hardline Republican conservatives are furious with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for relying on Democratic votes to pass a short-term funding extension, but it remains uncertain whether they will take action to oust him as speaker.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faced a critical challenge as he pushed through a 45-day stopgap spending measure to keep the government funded through November and avert a shutdown, highlighting the precarious position of the GOP with their razor-thin majority.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is facing a conservative revolt as Congressmen threaten to remove him from his speakership using a procedural tool called a motion to vacate.
Congressman Matt Gaetz continues to attack Kevin McCarthy over the House Republican speaker's efforts to avoid a government shutdown, accusing McCarthy of cutting a secret deal with Joe Biden to provide additional funding to Ukraine, and vowing to introduce a motion to remove McCarthy as speaker.
The ousting of Kevin McCarthy from the speakership is a reflection of the current state of the modern GOP, which is characterized by a politics of contempt, personal animus, and a lack of effective leadership.
A group of GOP representatives wrote a letter expressing their disapproval of the ousting of Rep. Kevin McCarthy as speaker, stating that it goes against the will of the majority of Republicans and calling for a review of the rules changes made earlier this year; meanwhile, House Republicans are scrambling to elect a new speaker and pass spending bills before government funding runs out.
Despite being voted out by his own caucus, Republican Kevin McCarthy is open to retaking the position of Speaker of the House if asked, while his fellow Republicans contemplate their next move amidst the international crisis in Israel.
The recent vote to oust Speaker Kevin McCarthy in the House of Representatives is a sign that the institution is becoming more like a parliamentary system, with party leaders having increased power and bipartisanship becoming more difficult.
Summary: Rep. Kevin McCarthy blames Democrats for 'disrupting the country' after being ousted as the GOP's Speaker of the House.
California Rep. Kevin McCarthy criticizes the eight House Republicans who joined Democrats in his ouster as speaker, vowing to support Rep. Jim Jordan as his replacement and calling their actions a disruptive mistake.