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McCarthy Struggles to Unite House GOP to Avoid Shutdown

  • Speaker Kevin McCarthy says the House will work on Saturday to avoid a government shutdown at the end of September.

  • Some House Republicans oppose the proposed stopgap spending bill and want deeper spending cuts. McCarthy can only lose 4 votes.

  • The House and Senate have not passed any of the 12 annual appropriations bills to fund the government.

  • Gaetz has threatened to seek a vote to remove McCarthy as Speaker if demands aren't met.

  • The federal budget deficit could reach around $2 trillion for the 2023 fiscal year.

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House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy, faces the tough choice of either risking a government shutdown or alienating the hard-right flank of his party, which could lead to the loss of his speakership, as the House must pass a spending package to keep the federal government open before the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces a challenging political standoff as he returns to the House with the looming threats of a government shutdown, support for Ukraine in the war, and launching an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden amid pressure from far-right Republicans.
Lawmakers are anxiously waiting to see how House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will navigate the divide within his caucus as Congress faces the challenge of avoiding a government shutdown.
Lawmakers in Congress are facing a potential government shutdown at the end of the month, with the possibility of a shutdown becoming increasingly inevitable due to the lack of progress in negotiations and disputes between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, hardliners in his party, and the US Senate.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vows to bring a defense spending bill to a vote despite resistance from hardline Republicans, as a possible government shutdown looms in two weeks amidst a Republican "civil war."
Senate Republican leaders, including Mitch McConnell, are growing increasingly concerned that Speaker Kevin McCarthy's inability to pass spending legislation may lead to a government shutdown and have warned that shutdowns are politically detrimental for Republicans.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy's strategy of giving in to hard-right lawmakers to maintain his hold on House leadership is causing chaos and uncertainty as the government shutdown deadline draws near.
Despite lawmakers' efforts to avert a government shutdown, the country is headed for a shutdown due to the ongoing conflict between conservative hardliners and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, with some lawmakers resigning themselves to the prospect.
Lawmakers are facing a tight deadline to reach an agreement on a budget resolution to avoid a government shutdown as spending laws are set to expire on September 30. House Republicans, led by Speaker Kevin McCarthy, are struggling to unite the GOP caucus and secure enough votes for a deal, while Democratic support would come with political consequences. Failure to reach an agreement would result in paused paychecks for federal employees and disruption of government services.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy remains hopeful and determined to find a solution to prevent a government shutdown, despite facing resistance from both Democrats and a small group of rebellious Republicans.
As a government shutdown looms, lawmakers are scrambling to avoid it despite an earlier agreement between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Biden that was intended to prevent this outcome.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy believes it is crucial to have a meeting with President Joe Biden to address the government shutdown and emphasize the importance of passing the GOP's border security package.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is asking hard-right Republicans to approve their own temporary House measure to prevent a government shutdown, despite their previous objections, as Congress approaches a Sunday deadline for funding.
The Democratic-controlled Senate plans a procedural vote on a short-term spending measure to avoid a government shutdown, which Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has rejected due to disagreements over spending levels and immigration policies.
More than two dozen members of the House Freedom Caucus are pressing Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for answers on his plan to advance spending bills before advancing a short-term funding measure to avert a government shutdown.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy insists that he will not take up Senate legislation to prevent a government shutdown, as Congress remains divided on funding and time runs out before midnight on Saturday.
House Republicans are in a funding standoff that may lead to a government shutdown, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy proposing a stopgap funding bill and facing threats from within his own party.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faced a critical challenge as he pushed through a 45-day stopgap spending measure to keep the government funded through November and avert a shutdown, highlighting the precarious position of the GOP with their razor-thin majority.
Lawmakers avoided a government shutdown by passing a 47-day stopgap funding measure, but will need to find a solution by November 17th to prevent a Thanksgiving shutdown, while House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces threats to his position and potential removal from Rep. Matt Gaetz.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was recently ousted from his position, is reportedly considering resigning from Congress before his term ends, according to sources familiar with the matter.
Despite being voted out by his own caucus, Republican Kevin McCarthy is open to retaking the position of Speaker of the House if asked, while his fellow Republicans contemplate their next move amidst the international crisis in Israel.