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High Mortgage Rates Deter Homebuyers, But Relief May Come in 12-18 Months

  • High mortgage rates deter prospective homebuyers and existing homeowners from making moves. This contributes to low housing inventory and propped up prices.

  • Interest rates may not stay high forever. Experts predict the Fed will cut rates in 12-18 months in response to slowing inflation and economic weakness.

  • Some experts project the first Fed rate cut coming as soon as year-end or early 2023. Others see it happening in spring or summer 2024.

  • Lower rates won't directly cause mortgage rates to fall, but the two tend to move together. Homebuyers should watch for the Fed's first cut.

  • Rates unlikely to return to pre-2022 lows anytime soon. The consensus is it'll take significant inflation cooling before cuts come.

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### Summary Mortgage rates have reached a 21-year high, making home buying more expensive and deterring potential buyers. The increase in rates is largely due to the Fed's monetary policy, including interest rate hikes to combat inflation. Higher rates have also impacted sellers, leading to a decrease in housing supply. ### Facts - Mortgage rates have climbed to 7.09 percent, a significant increase from the previous year's 5.13 percent. - Higher mortgage rates have led to more expensive monthly payments for homebuyers, even if the house price remains the same. - The Fed's interest rate hikes have indirectly affected long-term mortgage rates by making it costlier for banks to borrow money. - The increase in rates has deterred potential buyers, with 66 percent of them waiting for rates to decrease before purchasing a home. - Sellers have been less likely to list their homes due to the high rates, leading to a decrease in housing supply. - It may take some time for rates to come back down, and experts predict downward pressure on rates throughout 2024.
### Summary The majority of economists believe that the U.S. Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates again and may even cut them by the end of March, due to positive economic indicators and low unemployment. ### Facts - 90% of economists polled expect the Fed to keep interest rates in the 5.25-5.50% range at its September meeting. - Roughly 80% of economists expect no further interest rate increases this year. - The Fed's preferred measure of inflation is not expected to reach its 2% target until at least 2025. - Confidence in the economy's ability to avoid a major downturn has led to expectations that interest rates will remain higher for a longer period, causing fluctuations in bond markets. - 23 economists predict one more rate increase this year, while two expect two more increases to 5.75-6.00%. - A majority of 95 economists expect rates to decrease at least once by mid-2024, but there is no agreement on the timing of the first cut. - Nearly three-quarters of economists believe that shelter costs, a main driver of inflation, will decrease in the coming months. - The real interest rate may be adjusted by the Fed based on inflation, which could prompt a rate reduction next year rather than a stimulus. Source: [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/business/futures-touch-fifers-hopes-us-fed-rate-cut-rise-boosted-2019-08-23/)
The majority of economists polled by Reuters predict that the U.S. Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates again, and they expect the central bank to wait until at least the end of March before cutting them, as the probability of a recession within a year falls to its lowest level since September 2022.
The average interest rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage decreased, but the rate for a 15-year fixed mortgage increased, and there was a hike in the average rate for 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgages in the past seven days.
Mortgage rates in the US are at a 22-year high, impacting the already tight housing market due to high prices, and economists predict that rates will remain elevated for a few more months before starting to come down, but are expected to settle well above the rates seen during the early stages of the pandemic.
Mortgage rates have been high this month due to the Federal Reserve's rate increase and rising inflation, but they may go down if inflation calms and the Fed stops hiking rates.
The US housing market may be broken due to the Federal Reserve's aggressive interest rate hikes, which have driven up mortgage rates and negatively impacted both supply and demand, according to economist Mohamed El-Erian.
Mortgage rates have been decreasing and could fall further this month if inflation continues to come down.
Mortgage rates remain elevated, slowing housing market activity, and while home prices are not likely to fall significantly, rates are projected to decrease in 2023 and 2024.
The Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates by about one percentage point next year as economic growth slows and unemployment rises, according to chief economists at major North American banks.
The average 30-year fixed mortgage rate has jumped to 7.19%, the second-highest rate since November, signaling a decline in U.S. housing affordability; experts predict varying future rates, with some expecting a decline and others projecting rates to remain relatively high.
The stock market is currently stagnant and the key question is when the Federal Reserve will start cutting interest rates, as the market struggles when the Fed tightens monetary policy.
The Federal Reserve's restrictive monetary policy, along with declining consumer savings, tightening lending standards, and increasing loan delinquencies, indicate that the economy is transitioning toward a recession, with the effectiveness of monetary policy being felt with a lag time of 11-12 months. Additionally, the end of the student debt repayment moratorium and a potential government shutdown may further negatively impact the economy. Despite this, the Fed continues to push a "higher for longer" theme regarding interest rates, despite inflation already being defeated.
The Federal Reserve has paused raising interest rates and projects that the US will not experience a recession until at least 2027, citing improvement in the economy and a "very smooth landing," though there are still potential risks such as surging oil prices, an auto worker strike, and the threat of a government shutdown.
The Federal Reserve has paused its campaign of increasing interest rates, indicating that they may stabilize in the coming months; however, this offers little relief to home buyers in a challenging housing market.
High mortgage rates are expected to continue stalling homebuyers, as the Federal Reserve maintains its strict monetary policy until inflation reaches its 2% target rate.
The Federal Reserve's indication that interest rates will remain high for longer is expected to further increase housing affordability challenges, pushing potential first-time homebuyers towards renting as buying becomes less affordable, according to economists at Realtor.com.
The Federal Reserve's mortgage bond holdings may take up to six more years to shrink below $1 trillion due to slow progress and climbing U.S. mortgage rates, hindering refinancing and sales activity.
The recent surge in long-term interest rates, reaching the highest levels in 16 years, poses a threat to the US economy by putting the housing market recovery at risk and hindering business investment, as well as affecting equity markets and potentially slowing down economic growth.
Mortgage rates have increased in the past week, with average rates for 15-year fixed, 30-year fixed, and 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgages experiencing upticks; however, it is still uncertain whether rates will continue to rise in 2023.
The average long-term U.S. mortgage rate has reached its highest level since December 2000, making it more challenging for potential homebuyers to afford a house and discouraging homeowners from selling due to locked-in low rates from two years ago. The combination of high rates and low home inventory has exacerbated the affordability issue, pushing home prices near all-time highs and leading to a 21% drop in sales of previously owned homes. The increase in mortgage rates is attributed to various factors, including inflation shifts, labor market changes, and uncertainty surrounding the Federal Reserve's next move.
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) may cut interest rates in the second half of 2024, according to major bank economists, but the interest rate futures market does not anticipate any rate cuts until March 2025; historical data suggests that rate cut cycles following periods of high inflation have led to varying impacts on housing prices and unemployment, and it remains to be seen how the current economic conditions will affect these indicators.
Mortgage rates have increased over the last seven days, with both 15-year fixed and 30-year fixed rates rising, and there has also been an inflation in the average rate of 5/1 adjustable-rate mortgages. The Federal Reserve's rate hikes to combat inflation have indirectly influenced the mortgage rates, but there is still potential for further rate increases if inflation doesn't moderate.
Top real estate and banking officials are urging the Federal Reserve to stop raising interest rates due to surging housing costs and a "historic shortage" of available homes, expressing concern about the impact on the real estate market.
Real estate trade groups are urging the Federal Reserve to halt further interest rate hikes and the sale of mortgage-backed securities to stabilize the housing market and prevent potential economic risks.
Several housing groups, including the Mortgage Bankers Association, are urging the Federal Reserve to reduce rates as mortgage rates climb to 7.5%, fearing that further increases may lead to a recession.
High mortgage rates are expected to fall over the next year, with rates projected to decrease to 6.1% by the end of 2024 and the 30-year mortgage rate falling to 5.5% by the end of 2025, driven by a slowing U.S. economy and signs of a weakening economy, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.
The Federal Reserve is expected to reach its 2% inflation target rate by early 2025 and is unlikely to raise interest rates in the near future, according to Mike Fratantoni, Chief Economist of the Mortgage Bankers Association. Fratantoni also predicts that the 10-year treasury rate will drop below 4% by the end of the year, leading to a decrease in mortgage rates over the next two years. The U.S. government's fiscal policy and debt limit impasse could continue to impact mortgage rates.
Average 30-year mortgage rates are expected to trend down in the next few months, but more substantial drops are not likely until next year, making the end of 2024 a better time for potential homebuyers to start the process, while current homeowners may have an opportunity to refinance in the next year or two.