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Fed Pauses Rate Hikes, But Housing Market Faces Ongoing Challenges

  • The Federal Reserve has paused interest rate hikes again but housing market still faces challenges.

  • Rate hikes so far have had effects on inflation and labor market, but full impact is still unfolding.

  • Opinions divided on whether more hikes are coming or if rates will remain steady through 2024.

  • Lower rates could encourage more homeowners to sell and increase housing inventory.

  • Homebuyers may want to buy now rather than wait for potential rate cuts during recession.

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The majority of economists polled by Reuters predict that the U.S. Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates again, and they expect the central bank to wait until at least the end of March before cutting them, as the probability of a recession within a year falls to its lowest level since September 2022.
The former president of the Boston Fed suggests that the Federal Reserve can stop raising interest rates if the labor market and economic growth continue to slow at the current pace.
The Federal Reserve may be the cause of rising housing prices and the low supply of existing homes, which could lead to increased inflation and concerns about the Fed's response to the cost of living. Lowering interest rates and unlocking the supply of homes could help alleviate the issue.
Traders and investors are betting that the Federal Reserve will hold interest rates steady at its September meeting, indicating a shift in the market's interpretation of good economic news, as it suggests the Fed may be close to pausing its rate hike cycle despite inflation being above target levels and potential headwinds in the economy.
Despite elevated inflation, the Federal Reserve is not expected to lower interest rates soon, causing the Consumer Price Index to rise significantly and impacting mortgage rates and home prices.
The Federal Reserve's restrictive monetary policy, along with declining consumer savings, tightening lending standards, and increasing loan delinquencies, indicate that the economy is transitioning toward a recession, with the effectiveness of monetary policy being felt with a lag time of 11-12 months. Additionally, the end of the student debt repayment moratorium and a potential government shutdown may further negatively impact the economy. Despite this, the Fed continues to push a "higher for longer" theme regarding interest rates, despite inflation already being defeated.
High mortgage rates have frozen the US housing market, but experts predict that the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates in the next 12 to 18 months, potentially leading to a decline in mortgage rates.
The Federal Reserve faces the challenge of bringing down inflation to its target of 2 percent, with differing opinions on whether they will continue to raise interest rates or pause due to weakening economic indicators such as drops in mortgage rates and auto sales.
The Federal Reserve is expected to announce a pause on interest rate hikes due to positive economic indicators and the likelihood of a "soft landing" for the economy, but future decisions will be influenced by factors such as the resumption of student loan payments and a potential government shutdown.
The Federal Reserve has decided to pause interest rates while closely monitoring economic data, particularly unemployment and wages, as concerns about a potential recession and inflation remain.
The Federal Reserve's decision not to raise interest rates has provided little relief for Americans struggling with the high costs of borrowing, particularly in the housing market where mortgage rates have reached their highest level in over two decades, leading to challenges for potential and current homeowners.
The Federal Reserve has paused raising interest rates and projects that the US will not experience a recession until at least 2027, citing improvement in the economy and a "very smooth landing," though there are still potential risks such as surging oil prices, an auto worker strike, and the threat of a government shutdown.
High mortgage rates are expected to continue stalling homebuyers, as the Federal Reserve maintains its strict monetary policy until inflation reaches its 2% target rate.
The Federal Reserve's indication that interest rates will remain high for longer is expected to further increase housing affordability challenges, pushing potential first-time homebuyers towards renting as buying becomes less affordable, according to economists at Realtor.com.
The Federal Reserve has upgraded its economic outlook, indicating stronger growth and lower unemployment, but also plans to raise interest rates and keep borrowing costs elevated, causing disappointment in the markets and potential challenges for borrowers.
The Federal Reserve will continue to raise interest rates as inflation resurfaces, according to Wall Street investor Caitlin Long, with big corporations benefiting while other sectors of the US economy are already in recession.
The chaos in Washington and uncertainty surrounding a possible government shutdown could make it less likely for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates again this year, as the economy and inflation appear to be cooling off.
The Federal Reserve may not raise interest rates again this year due to an already uncertain political climate in Washington, as well as a cooling economy, slowing inflation, and potential negative impacts from high interest rates and a government shutdown.
The Federal Reserve is facing a tough decision on interest rates as some officials believe further rate increases are necessary to combat inflation, while others argue that the current rate tightening will continue to ease rising prices; however, the recent sell-off in government bonds could have a cooling effect on the economy, which may influence the Fed's decision.
The Federal Reserve officials suggested that they may not raise interest rates at the next meeting due to the surge in long-term interest rates, which has made borrowing more expensive and could help cool inflation without further action.
Housing trade groups have warned the Federal Reserve that further interest rate hikes could lead to a hard landing in the form of a recession, and have urged the Fed to take two steps to avoid this outcome.
Real estate trade groups are urging the Federal Reserve to halt further interest rate hikes and the sale of mortgage-backed securities to stabilize the housing market and prevent potential economic risks.
Investors are betting that the Federal Reserve may not raise interest rates again due to recent market moves that are expected to cool economic growth.
Markets are increasingly expecting a Fed pause in interest rate hikes, with the chance of a rate increase in November dropping to 15.8%, down from 23.1% a week ago and 38.4% a month ago, as volatile Treasury yields play a major role in shaping market expectations.
Several housing groups, including the Mortgage Bankers Association, are urging the Federal Reserve to reduce rates as mortgage rates climb to 7.5%, fearing that further increases may lead to a recession.
The Federal Reserve will continue with its 'higher-for-longer' interest rate narrative unless there are signs of a slowdown in the consumer sector.
Federal Reserve officials are expected to pause on raising interest rates at their next meeting due to recent increases in bond yields, but they are not ruling out future rate increases as economic data continues to show a strong economy and potential inflation risks. The Fed is cautious about signaling an end to further tightening and is focused on balancing the risk of overshooting inflation targets with the need to avoid a recession. The recent surge in bond yields may provide some restraint on the economy, but policymakers are closely monitoring financial conditions and inflation expectations.
Market veteran Ed Yardeni believes that the wobbling commercial real estate market will lead the Federal Reserve to halt interest rate hikes, as rising bond yields and office vacancies worsen the credit squeeze in the sector.