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Auto Workers Launch Targeted Strikes at Ford, GM, and Stellantis Plants Over Contract Disputes

  • Auto workers launched strikes after failing to reach a new contract agreement with Ford, GM, and Stellantis. The UAW president says the strikes will be limited and targeted to start.

  • The union is demanding a 40% pay raise, end to tiered wages, and restoration of past benefits like healthcare. Automakers have seen huge profits recently.

  • The strikes started at 3 plants critical for profitable vehicle production. Broader strikes could happen if talks don't progress positively.

  • Automakers say the union's demands are unaffordable and will decimate profit-sharing. The union cites past concessions and automaker profits.

  • The Biden administration may aid suppliers affected. Other unions pledged support, halting deliveries. Public support for the UAW is significant.

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