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China's fiscal revenue slows as economy struggles

China's fiscal revenue growth slowed in the first seven months of 2023 due to signs of an economic slowdown, with fiscal revenue rising 11.5% compared to the previous year.

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China's economy, which has been a model of growth for the past 40 years, is facing deep distress and its long era of rapid economic expansion may be coming to an end, marked by slow growth, unfavorable demographics, and a growing divide with the US and its allies, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Thailand's economy grew at a slower pace in the second quarter due to weak exports and slower investment, prompting the government to lower its 2023 growth forecast, while the central bank may not raise rates again amidst faltering economic recovery and low inflation.
Malaysia's economic growth in the second quarter of 2023 was the slowest in nearly two years due to sliding exports and a global slowdown, prompting the central bank to warn of lower full-year growth and the possibility of the target being hard to reach.
China's budget deficit has shrunk by more than a third this year, indicating cautious fiscal policy despite economic slowdown and a worsening housing market.
U.S. economic growth may be accelerating in the second half of 2023, defying earlier recession forecasts and leading to a repricing of long-term inflation and interest rate assumptions.
China's economic slowdown, marked by falling consumer prices, a deepening real estate crisis, and a slump in exports, has alarmed international leaders and investors, causing Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index to fall into a bear market and prompting major investment banks to downgrade their growth forecasts for China below 5%.
China's economic challenges, including deflationary pressures and a slowdown in various sectors such as real estate, are likely to have a global impact and may continue to depress inflation in both China and other markets, with discounting expected to increase in the coming quarters.
China's tourism industry is expected to grow faster than its GDP as Chinese consumers shift their spending from property to travel experiences, according to the CFO of Tongcheng Travel.
China's economy is at risk of entering a debt-deflation loop, similar to Japan's in the 1990s, but this can be avoided if policymakers keep interest rates below a crucial level to stimulate economic growth.
China's unexpected economic slowdown, driven by excessive investment in the property sector and local government spending, is leading experts to question whether a collapse is imminent, although they believe a sudden collapse is unlikely due to China's controlled financial system; however, the slowdown will have implications for global growth and emerging markets, particularly if the U.S. enters a recession next year.
China's economic slowdown, coupled with a property market bust and local government debt crisis, is posing challenges to President Xi Jinping's goals of achieving economic growth and curbing inequality, potentially affecting the Communist Party's legitimacy and Xi's grip on power.
China's economic slump, including a real estate crisis and high youth unemployment, coupled with rising tensions with the West, could lead to deflation and sluggish growth that could spread to the rest of the world, impacting global GDP growth and potentially causing a new normal of slower economic growth.
China's economic slowdown is causing alarm across the world, as it is expected to have a negative impact on global economic growth, leading to reduced imports and trade, falling commodity prices, a deflationary effect on global goods prices, and a decline in tourism and luxury spending.
The global economy may face slow growth due to record levels of government debt, geopolitical tensions, and weak productivity gains, which could hinder development in some countries even before it begins.
Thailand's employment growth slowed in the second quarter of 2023 as economic growth decelerated, with job growth mainly in the tourism and construction sectors, according to the state planning agency.
China's economy is experiencing a structural slowdown and becoming increasingly opaque, making it difficult for outsiders to understand the true state of the country's economic affairs, as President Xi Jinping prioritizes ideology over economic growth and transparency.
Forecasters have decreased their growth expectations for China due to deflation, rising youth unemployment, and a property-market crisis, with GDP predicted to rise by only 5.1% in 2023 and 4.5% in 2024.
China's economy is not as bad as perceived, with consumer spending picking up and indicating that growth is moving in the right direction, according to an official at the British Chamber of Commerce in China.
China's economy will struggle with low growth under 5% through 2024, leading to a "structural hard landing" due to tight monetary policy, disappointing economic reopening, and challenges in real estate and stock markets, according to TS Lombard strategists.
If China were to slip into a deflationary spiral like Japan in the 1990s, it could lead to a decrease in consumer spending, a weakened economy, and negative consequences for the rest of the world, including a slowdown in imports for the US and adverse effects on developing economies reliant on Chinese exports and investment.
The global economy is expected to slow down due to persistently high inflation, higher interest rates, China's slowing growth, and financial system stresses, according to Moody's Investors Service, although there may be pockets of resilience in markets like India and Indonesia.
China's services sector experienced a slowdown in business activity, resulting in the lowest level in eight months, as weaker foreign demand and sluggish overseas orders impacted consumption, despite economic stimulus efforts.
Forecasts for China's economic growth in 2023 and 2024 have been cut, potentially hindering the country's goal of becoming a "medium-developed country" by 2035 and surpassing the US as the world's No.1 economy.
China's economy is showing signs of slowing down, including a decrease in GDP growth rate, declining exports, deflationary consumer price index, high youth unemployment, a weakening yuan, and a decrease in new loans, which could have global implications.
China's economic growth has slowed but has not collapsed, and while there are concerns about financial risks and a potential property crisis, there are also bright spots such as the growth of the new energy and technology sectors that could boost the economy.
Policymakers expect slower growth in China, potentially below 4%, as the country transitions to a consumption-driven economy, which could have a negative impact on the global economy and alleviate inflationary pressures.
China is showing signs of a balance-sheet recession similar to Japan's, with accumulating debt and falling house prices, but there are key differences that suggest it may not face the same fate. State-owned enterprises and property developers account for much of China's debt, and households have low debt relative to their assets. However, the Chinese government's reluctance to increase spending could prolong the recession.
China's factory output and retail sales grew at a faster pace in August, but declining investment in the property sector poses a threat to the country's economic recovery.
China's economy requires three more years and increased fiscal spending to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to think tank researcher Zhang Yansheng.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen states that U.S. growth needs to slow to its potential rate in order to bring inflation back to target levels, as the robust economy has been growing above potential since emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. Yellen also expects China to use its fiscal and monetary policy space to avoid a major economic slowdown and minimize spillover effects on the U.S. economy.