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CPI Report Expected to Show Inflation edged Higher in August, Keeping Fed on Course for Rate Hikes

  • Inflation likely increased in August due to rising energy costs, though not enough to spur the Fed to hike rates when it meets next week.

  • Stock futures slipped ahead of the CPI report, with the S&P 500, Dow, and Nasdaq futures all down slightly.

  • The Inflation Reduction Act passed this summer impacts the economy through changes like capping insulin prices, implementing a corporate minimum tax, and reducing carbon emissions.

  • The CPI helps the Fed assess price stability, which guides its interest rate decisions. High inflation remains a political issue.

  • August CPI is forecast to be 3.6-3.7%, up from 3.2% in July. The report comes out at 830 AM ET Wednesday.

Relevant topic timeline:
Main Topic: The U.S. Federal Reserve's need to raise interest rates further to bring down inflation. Key Points: 1. Governor Michelle Bowman supports the Fed's quarter-point increase in interest rates last month due to high inflation, strong consumer spending, a rebound in the housing market, and a tight labor market. 2. Bowman expects additional rate increases to reach the Fed's 2 percent inflation target. 3. Monetary policy is not predetermined, and future decisions will be data-driven. Bowman will consider consistent evidence of inflation decline, signs of slowing consumer spending, and loosening labor market conditions.
Main Topic: Federal Reserve officials express concern about inflation and suggest more rate hikes may be necessary. Key Points: 1. Inflation remains above the Committee's goal, and most participants see significant upside risks to inflation. 2. The recent rate hike brought the federal funds rate to its highest level in over 22 years. 3. There is uncertainty about the future direction of policy, with some members suggesting further rate hikes and others cautious about the impact on the economy.
### Summary The majority of economists believe that the U.S. Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates again and may even cut them by the end of March, due to positive economic indicators and low unemployment. ### Facts - 90% of economists polled expect the Fed to keep interest rates in the 5.25-5.50% range at its September meeting. - Roughly 80% of economists expect no further interest rate increases this year. - The Fed's preferred measure of inflation is not expected to reach its 2% target until at least 2025. - Confidence in the economy's ability to avoid a major downturn has led to expectations that interest rates will remain higher for a longer period, causing fluctuations in bond markets. - 23 economists predict one more rate increase this year, while two expect two more increases to 5.75-6.00%. - A majority of 95 economists expect rates to decrease at least once by mid-2024, but there is no agreement on the timing of the first cut. - Nearly three-quarters of economists believe that shelter costs, a main driver of inflation, will decrease in the coming months. - The real interest rate may be adjusted by the Fed based on inflation, which could prompt a rate reduction next year rather than a stimulus. Source: [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/business/futures-touch-fifers-hopes-us-fed-rate-cut-rise-boosted-2019-08-23/)
The majority of economists polled by Reuters predict that the U.S. Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates again, and they expect the central bank to wait until at least the end of March before cutting them, as the probability of a recession within a year falls to its lowest level since September 2022.
Experts are divided on whether the US Federal Reserve should raise its interest rate target to 3% to combat inflation and cushion against recessions, with some arguing that raising inflation targets would be futile.
Two Federal Reserve officials suggest that interest-rate increases may be coming to an end, but one of them believes that further hikes may still be necessary depending on inflation trends.
The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia believes that the US central bank has already raised interest rates enough to bring inflation down to pre-pandemic levels of around 2%.
Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank President Loretta Mester believes that beating inflation will likely require one more interest-rate hike in the U.S. and then pausing for a while, although she may reassess her previous view of rate cuts starting in late 2024, and she aims to set policy so that inflation reaches the Fed's 2% goal by the end of 2025 to prevent further economic harm.
The Bank of England may have to increase interest rates if the US Federal Reserve decides to raise rates to cut inflation, in order to prevent the pound from weakening and inflation from rising further.
Former White House economist Kevin Hassett predicts that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates again due to increasing inflation and energy prices.
The latest inflation data suggests that price increases are cooling down, increasing the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates unchanged in their upcoming meeting.
The Federal Reserve's preferred inflation gauge increased slightly in July, suggesting that the fight against inflation may be challenging, but the absence of worse news indicates that officials are likely to maintain interest rates.
The Federal Reserve is considering whether to raise interest rates even higher to combat inflation, but some policymakers, like Raphael Bostic, believe it is unnecessary and advocate for keeping the rates at their current level until 2024.
Federal Reserve policymakers are not eager to raise interest rates, but they are cautious about declaring victory as they monitor data such as inflation and job growth; most do not expect a rate hike at the upcoming policy-setting meeting.
Rising oil prices are making it harder for the Federal Reserve to achieve its 2% inflation target, as increased energy costs could lead to higher prices for goods and services, potentially complicating the Fed's plan to hold interest rates steady and achieve a "soft landing" for the economy.
Economist Campbell Harvey warns that the Federal Reserve should not raise rates later this year, as he believes a recession may occur in 2024 due to an inverted yield curve and potential distortions in Bureau of Labor Statistics and GDP figures.
New research suggests that elevated interest rates may not have been the main cause of the decline in inflation, sparking a debate about whether the Federal Reserve needs to raise rates again.
Goldman Sachs strategists predict that the Federal Reserve is unlikely to raise interest rates at its upcoming meeting, but expect the central bank to increase its economic growth projections and make slight adjustments to its interest rate projections.
A survey conducted by Bloomberg shows that most economists expect the Federal Reserve to hold interest rates steady until May and project one additional rate increase this year, although they do not believe the Fed will actually implement another increase.
The Federal Reserve will continue raising interest rates until inflation decreases, even if it means more people losing their jobs, according to CNBC's Jim Cramer.
At least one more interest-rate hike is possible, according to Federal Reserve officials, who suggest that borrowing costs may need to remain higher for longer in order to address inflation concerns and reach the central bank's 2% target.
The Federal Reserve has upgraded its economic outlook, indicating stronger growth and lower unemployment, but also plans to raise interest rates and keep borrowing costs elevated, causing disappointment in the markets and potential challenges for borrowers.
Minneapolis Federal Reserve President Neel Kashkari believes there is a 50% chance that interest rates will need to significantly increase in order to combat inflation, citing a strong case for the U.S. economy heading towards a "high-pressure equilibrium."
The Federal Reserve's expected interest rate hikes have had a significant impact on gold and bonds, causing gold prices to decline and the US Dollar to reach a ten-month peak; however, concerns have been raised about whether these measures are sufficient to counteract inflation, leading to speculation about potential adjustments in rate policy.
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The Federal Reserve will continue to raise interest rates as inflation resurfaces, according to Wall Street investor Caitlin Long, with big corporations benefiting while other sectors of the US economy are already in recession.
Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman suggests that further interest rate hikes may be necessary to bring inflation back to the central bank's target of 2%, despite recent data showing slower price increases.
Billionaire investor Bill Ackman predicts that the Federal Reserve is likely done raising interest rates as the economy slows down, but warns of continuing spillover effects and expects bond yields to rise further.
Interest rates for certificates of deposit and high-yield savings accounts have increased significantly in recent years due to the Federal Reserve's rate hikes, but it is uncertain if rates will continue to rise or if they have reached their peak.
Federal Reserve officials indicate that monetary policy will remain restrictive for a while to bring inflation back to 2%, but there is ongoing debate over whether to increase rates further this year.
Atlanta Federal Reserve president Raphael Bostic stated that given the slowing economy and falling inflation, there is no immediate need for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates, but it will likely be a while before rate cuts are appropriate.
The Federal Reserve may not raise interest rates again this year due to an already uncertain political climate in Washington, as well as a cooling economy, slowing inflation, and potential negative impacts from high interest rates and a government shutdown.
Underlying US inflation is expected to rise, supporting the idea that interest rates will need to remain higher for a longer period of time, as indicated by central bankers.
Rising bond yields may remove the need for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates in November, as some investors believe, but a stronger-than-expected inflation report could change that perspective.
Investors are betting that the Federal Reserve may not raise interest rates again due to recent market moves that are expected to cool economic growth.
Federal Reserve officials are cautious about raising interest rates further due to the risks of stifling economic growth and increasing unemployment, despite expectations of a potential rate hike, according to newly released minutes from their September meeting.
The upcoming monthly inflation report is expected to show that inflation in the US is cooling off, with overall prices for consumers rising by 0.2% compared to August and 3.6% compared to a year ago, indicating slower price increases in September than in August. However, if the report reveals that inflation remained higher than expected, especially in core areas, it may prompt the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates again, further slowing the economy.