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Crisis-hit China is right to avoid Japan’s failed example

China should resist the urge to use monetary easing to combat deflation and focus instead on market-driven restructuring and real economic activities in order to achieve healthier and more sustainable growth, according to economist Andy Xie. Japan's reliance on quantitative easing and zero interest rates has perpetuated asset bubbles and hindered innovation and productivity, serving as a cautionary tale for China.

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China is facing a severe economic downturn, with record youth unemployment, a slumping housing market, stagnant spending, and deflation, which has led to a sense of despair and reluctance to spend among consumers and business owners, potentially fueling a dangerous cycle.
China's economy has slipped into deflation for the first time in two years, raising concerns about its post-pandemic recovery and drawing comparisons to Japan's struggles with stagnant growth and deflation in the 1990s, as China faces challenges in its property sector and a need to shift towards consumer spending.
An economic crisis in China is unlikely to have a major impact on the US due to limited exposure in terms of investments and trade, and it may even benefit the US by lowering inflation, according to economist Paul Krugman.
China's economy is facing challenges with slowing growth, rising debt, tumbling stock markets, and a property sector crisis, and some analysts believe that heavy-handed government intervention and a lack of confidence are underlying causes that cannot be easily fixed. However, others argue that China's problems are solvable and that it remains a superpower despite its considerable problems.
China's economic challenges, including deflationary pressures and a slowdown in various sectors such as real estate, are likely to have a global impact and may continue to depress inflation in both China and other markets, with discounting expected to increase in the coming quarters.
China's economy is at risk of entering a debt-deflation loop, similar to Japan's in the 1990s, but this can be avoided if policymakers keep interest rates below a crucial level to stimulate economic growth.
China needs to fully utilize policy space to bolster economic growth and market expectations by making significant adjustments in fiscal and monetary policies, according to a senior economist and political adviser. The economist emphasizes the importance of sending strong signals to the market and considers options such as interest rate cuts, increased deficit-to-GDP ratio, and infrastructural improvements to address economic challenges caused by global demand stagnation and tightened US monetary measures.
China's economic slowdown is causing alarm worldwide, with countries experiencing a slump in trade, falling commodity prices, and a decrease in Chinese demand for goods and services, while global investors are pulling billions of dollars from China's stock markets and cutting their targets for Chinese equities.
China's economy is struggling due to an imbalance between investments and consumption, resulting in increased debt and limited household spending, and without a shift towards consumption and increased policy measures, the economic slowdown may have profound consequences for China and the world.
China's largest banks are preparing to cut interest rates on existing mortgages and deposits in an effort to stimulate consumer spending and support economic growth; the move is part of the government's targeted measures to alleviate pressure on lenders' profit margins and encourage investment in the stock market.
China's economic troubles, including a real estate crisis, an aging population, and rising debt, resemble Japan's long-standing issues, leading some experts to predict a potential "lost decade" for China similar to Japan's economic stagnation in the 1990s, while Japan is showing signs of climbing out of its deflationary nightmare.
China's currency, the yuan, is at its lowest level against the dollar since the 2008 financial crash, which raises concerns about the country's economic stability and its ability to boost domestic consumption.
If China were to slip into a deflationary spiral like Japan in the 1990s, it could lead to a decrease in consumer spending, a weakened economy, and negative consequences for the rest of the world, including a slowdown in imports for the US and adverse effects on developing economies reliant on Chinese exports and investment.
China's failure to restructure its economy according to President Xi Jinping's bold reform plans has raised concerns about the country's future, with the possibility of a financial or economic crisis looming and a slow drift towards stagnation being the most likely outcome. The three potential paths for China include a swift, painful crisis; a gradual winding down of excesses at the expense of growth; or a switch to a consumer-led model with structural reforms that bring short-term pain but lead to a faster and stronger emergence.
China's economy has faced numerous challenges in 2023, including deflation and a property crisis, but another significant threat is the increasing number of wealthy individuals leaving the country, contributing to a brain drain.
China's economic boom, once seen as a miracle, now appears to be a mirage due to failed reforms, an outdated reliance on old economic models, and a growing debt burden, raising concerns about the nation's economic future and the potential for a financial crisis.
China's economy is showing signs of slowing down, including a decrease in GDP growth rate, declining exports, deflationary consumer price index, high youth unemployment, a weakening yuan, and a decrease in new loans, which could have global implications.
China is considering further easing measures in the property market and increasing fiscal support for infrastructure investment to boost economic growth in the fourth quarter, as sluggish demand remains a challenge.
China's economy risks falling into a vicious cycle of debt and deflation, but economist Shang-Jin Wei suggests that launching an aggressive bond-buying campaign and allowing the yuan to lose value may be necessary to avoid this trap.
China's economic growth has slowed but has not collapsed, and while there are concerns about financial risks and a potential property crisis, there are also bright spots such as the growth of the new energy and technology sectors that could boost the economy.
China is showing signs of a balance-sheet recession similar to Japan's, with accumulating debt and falling house prices, but there are key differences that suggest it may not face the same fate. State-owned enterprises and property developers account for much of China's debt, and households have low debt relative to their assets. However, the Chinese government's reluctance to increase spending could prolong the recession.
China's increasing public debt could harm Asian economies, while the US's debt may divide society and hinder support for its green energy transition, according to analysts.
China's currency, the yuan, has depreciated over 8% against the dollar as the Chinese economy grows less than expected, making it harder to reach its growth target of 5% for 2023, and worries about the economy have intensified due to issues in the real estate sector and financial health of local governments, causing concerns about the future of the yuan which may experience a slow but steady depreciation in the face of a weak dollar and a desire to maintain a trade surplus.
China's macroeconomic challenges, including deflationary pressures, yuan depreciation, and a struggling property sector, could have broader implications beyond its borders, impacting global metal exporters, trade deals, and global inflation; however, investing in China's stocks may offer compelling valuations despite the current downturn.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) plans to advise China to address issues such as weak domestic consumption, the troubled real estate sector, and local government debt, in order to boost both Chinese and global growth, according to IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva. The IMF will urge China to shift its growth model away from debt-driven infrastructure investment and real estate and focus more on domestic consumption. China's aging population, falling productivity, and problems in the real estate sector are factors hindering its growth rate. The IMF is set to release new global growth forecasts, reflecting concerns about low GDP growth worldwide, with the United States being the only major economy to have recovered pre-pandemic levels. China's growth rate is crucial for both Asia and the rest of the world, given its significant contribution to global growth. However, there is a trend of some outflow from China, which needs to be monitored.
China is unlikely to devalue its currency, the yuan, despite concerns that it could do so to boost exports, as such a move would risk intensifying capital flight and tightening financial conditions, according to the Institute of International Finance. Instead, the focus will be on domestic easing measures to maintain steady growth, although there is the challenge of balancing the yuan's stability against the strengthening US dollar and other major currencies.
China's economy is facing challenges due to its real estate crisis and high levels of mortgage debt, but the government is hesitant to provide fiscal stimulus or redistribute wealth, instead aiming to rely on lending to avoid a potential recession. Banks have cut interest rates and reserve requirements, but it is unlikely to stimulate borrowing. However, economists predict that policymakers will intensify efforts in the coming months, such as changing the definition of first-time home buyers and implementing property easing measures, to address the economic downturn.
A retreat of funds from Chinese stocks and bonds is diminishing China's global market influence and accelerating its decoupling from the rest of the world, due to economic concerns, tensions with the West, and a property market crisis.
Signs of improvement in China's economy, such as improving credit demand and easing deflationary pressures, may not be enough to stabilize the economy due to bigger concerns of decreasing affordability, tight wages, and rising costs that have not been addressed. A comprehensive policy revamp may be necessary for China's economy to recover.
China has continued to decrease its holdings of US Treasury bills, but there are suggestions that as the rate-hike cycle nears its end, policymakers in Beijing may need to reconsider their decision to unload Treasuries.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen states that U.S. growth needs to slow to its potential rate in order to bring inflation back to target levels, as the robust economy has been growing above potential since emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. Yellen also expects China to use its fiscal and monetary policy space to avoid a major economic slowdown and minimize spillover effects on the U.S. economy.