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General Motors Teams Up with Google Cloud on AI Initiatives

General Motors and Google Cloud have collaborated to integrate conversational AI technology into GM vehicles, enabling the OnStar Interactive Virtual Assistant (IVA) to provide drivers with responses to inquiries and navigation assistance, paving the way for future generative AI implementations.

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The main topic of the passage is the startup Inworld and its use of generative AI to create dynamic dialogue in gaming. The key points include: - Inworld uses multiple machine learning models to mimic human communication in games. - The AI tools allow developers to create lifelike and immersive gaming experiences by linking dialogue and voice generation to animation and rigging systems. - NPCs powered by Inworld's tech can learn, adapt, initiate goals, and perform actions autonomously. - Users can create personalities for NPCs and control their knowledge and behavior. - Inworld has safety tech to control profanity, bias, and toxicity in character dialogue. - The startup has received significant investments and partnerships from venture capital firms, brands, and organizations. - Inworld's tools integrate with popular game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine. - The company plans to launch an open-source version of its character creation tool in the future. - Inworld aims to expand beyond gaming into marketing campaigns, customer service agents, and broader entertainment. - The startup is positioned to create novel user experiences and seize opportunities in the intersection of gaming and AI.
Main topic: Google is adding contextual images and videos to its AI-powered Search Generative Experiment (SGE) and showing the date of publishing for suggested links. Key points: 1. Google is enhancing its AI-powered Search Generative Experiment (SGE) by adding contextual images and videos related to search queries. 2. The company is also displaying the date of publishing for suggested links to provide users with information about the recency of the content. 3. Google has made performance improvements to ensure quick access to AI-powered search results. 4. Users can sign up for testing these new features through Search Labs and access them through the Google app or Chrome. 5. Google is exploring generative AI in various products, including its chatbot Bard, Workspace tools, and enterprise solutions. 6. Google Assistant is also expected to incorporate generative AI, according to recent reports.
Companies are adopting Generative AI technologies, such as Copilots, Assistants, and Chatbots, but many HR and IT professionals are still figuring out how these technologies work and how to implement them effectively. Despite the excitement and potential, the market for Gen AI is still young and vendors are still developing solutions.
Google has developed a prototype AI-powered research tool called NotebookLM, which allows users to interact with and create new things from their own notes, and could potentially be integrated into Google Docs or Drive in the future. The tool generates source guides, provides answers to questions based on the user's provided data, and offers citations for its responses. While still in the prototype phase, NotebookLM has the potential to become a powerful and personalized chatbot.
MSCI is expanding its partnership with Google Cloud to utilize generative AI for investment advisory purposes, aiming to provide investors with enhanced decision-making capabilities, deep data-driven insights, and accelerated portfolio implementation in areas such as risk signals, conversational AI, and climate generative AI.
SAP and Google Cloud have expanded their partnership to bring generative AI-powered solutions to industries such as automotive and sustainability to help improve business decision-making and enhance sustainability performance.
General Motors is using Google Cloud's conversational chatbot, Dialogflow, to enhance the capabilities of its in-car concierge, OnStar, by providing responses to common queries and improving customer engagement.
Google has expanded its Search Generative Experience (SGE) program, which aims to provide curated answers to input prompts, to Japan and India, allowing users to access AI-enhanced search through voice input in multiple languages. The company claims that users are having a positive experience with SGE, particularly young adults, although no supporting data was provided. However, the rise in misuse of generative AI systems, such as online scams, has also raised concerns among regulators and lawmakers.
Startup Hiber has integrated Google's generative AI technology into its Hiber3D development platform, allowing creators to use natural language prompts to generate in-game content and build expansive online worlds, simplifying the creative process.
General Motors is expanding its collaboration with Google to explore the future use of advanced generative AI, aiming to revolutionize the customer experience and deliver new features and services.
Google Cloud is heavily investing in generative AI, leveraging its innovations in Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) to provide accelerated computing for training and inference. They offer a wide range of foundation models, including PaLM, Imagen, Codey, and Chirp, allowing for customization and use in specific industries. Google Cloud's Vertex AI platform, combined with no-code tools, enables researchers, developers, and practitioners to easily work with generative AI models. Additionally, Google has integrated their AI assistant, Duet AI, with various cloud services to automate tasks and assist developers, operators, and security professionals.
Zoom is updating and rebranding its AI-powered features, including the generative AI assistant formerly known as Zoom IQ, to enhance user experience and productivity while prioritizing trust, safety, and privacy. The updates include the addition of a conversational interface, real-time feedback, summarization capabilities, and more.
Speech AI is being implemented across various industries, including banking, telecommunications, quick-service restaurants, healthcare, energy, the public sector, automotive, and more, to deliver personalized customer experiences, streamline operations, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.
Salesforce is introducing AI chatbots called Copilot to its applications, allowing employees to access generative AI for more efficient job performance, with the platform also integrating with its Data Cloud service to create a one-stop platform for building low-code AI-powered CRM applications.
Salesforce has introduced a conversational AI assistant, Einstein Copilot, that allows users to ask questions and retrieve information about specific business tasks, aiming to automate and assist work for white-collar companies.
AI tools from OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google are being integrated into productivity platforms like Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace, offering a wide range of AI-powered features for tasks such as text generation, image generation, and data analysis, although concerns remain regarding accuracy and cost-effectiveness.
Google has provided a select group of companies with early access to its conversational AI software, Gemini, which aims to compete with OpenAI's GPT-4 model and will be available through its Google Cloud Vertex AI service.
London-based company Wayve has developed a system called Lingo-1, which uses AI to explain its driving decisions to passengers, addressing the issue of consumer trust in autonomous vehicles. The technology combines visual inputs with language to provide users with a better understanding of how the AI "thinks" and operates, improving transparency and safety in self-driving cars.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in smartphones, with Google and Apple integrating AI features into their devices, including camera enhancements, adaptive features, and smart suggestions, while AI-powered generative chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard are challenging traditional digital assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa. The AI revolution is just beginning, with more AI and machine learning features expected to come to market in the future.
Conversational AI and generative AI are two branches of AI with distinct differences and capabilities, but they can also work together to shape the digital landscape by enabling more natural interactions and creating new content.
Google has announced updates to its Bard AI chatbot that give it access to various Google tools, including YouTube and Google Drive, enabling it to assist users in a wider range of tasks such as planning trips or summarizing meeting notes. The updates also include multilingual capabilities, fact-checking abilities, and enhancements to the language model. The move demonstrates Google's effort to enhance the functionality and usefulness of its consumer-facing AI technologies.
Toyota Research Institute (TRI) has used generative AI to teach robots how to perform individual tasks needed to make breakfast by giving them a sense of touch and plugging them into an AI model, enabling them to "learn" and carry out tasks in a matter of hours.
Amazon introduced a more conversational version of Alexa that utilizes generative AI and aims to enhance its position in the AI race, allowing the voice assistant to have human-like conversations, compose messages for users, and control smart home devices with more natural interactions.