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AI Disinformation Threatens Upcoming Elections Worldwide

  • Elections around the world face evolving threats from foreign influence campaigns using AI disinformation. Russia, China, Iran have targeted elections since 2016.

  • Generative AI like ChatGPT can easily produce propaganda text,images,videos at scale. This reduces cost of running disinformation campaigns.

  • Upcoming elections in Argentina, Taiwan, India, EU, Mexico, US, Africa in 2023-24 are at risk. More countries can now afford to interfere.

  • New techniques like persona bots and deepfakes on platforms like TikTok will be harder to detect. Need to fingerprint new methods early.

  • Researchers should study ongoing smaller elections to identify new disinformation tactics before they reach larger countries like the US.

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Main Topic: Increasing use of AI in manipulative information campaigns online. Key Points: 1. Mandiant has observed the use of AI-generated content in politically-motivated online influence campaigns since 2019. 2. Generative AI models make it easier to create convincing fake videos, images, text, and code, posing a threat. 3. While the impact of these campaigns has been limited so far, AI's role in digital intrusions is expected to grow in the future.
Minnesota's Secretary of State, Steve Simon, expresses concern over the potential impact of AI-generated deepfakes on elections, as they can spread false information and distort reality, prompting the need for new laws and enforcement measures.
Experts at UVA Center for Politics warn about the risks of using artificial intelligence and deepfakes to manipulate elections.
AI Algorithms Battle Russian Disinformation Campaigns on Social Media A mysterious individual known as Nea Paw has developed an AI-powered project called CounterCloud to combat mass-produced AI disinformation. In response to tweets from Russian media outlets and the Chinese embassy that criticized the US, CounterCloud produced tweets, articles, and even journalists and news sites that were entirely generated by AI algorithms. Paw believes that the project highlights the danger of easily accessible generative AI tools being used for state-backed propaganda. While some argue that educating users about manipulative AI-generated content or equipping browsers with AI-detection tools could mitigate the issue, Paw believes that these solutions are not effective or elegant. Disinformation researchers have long warned about the potential of AI language models being used for personalized propaganda campaigns and influencing social media users. Evidence of AI-powered disinformation campaigns has already emerged, with academic researchers uncovering a botnet powered by AI language model ChatGPT. Legitimate political campaigns, such as the Republican National Committee, have also utilized AI-generated content, including fake images. AI-generated text can still be fairly generic, but with human finesse, it becomes highly effective and difficult to detect using automated filters. OpenAI has expressed concern about its technology being utilized to create tailored automated disinformation at a large scale, and while it has updated its policies to restrict political usage, it remains a challenge to block the generation of such material effectively. As AI tools become increasingly accessible, society must become aware of their presence in politics and protect against their misuse.
Deceptive generative AI-based political ads are becoming a growing concern, making it easier to sell lies and increasing the need for news organizations to understand and report on these ads.
Generative AI is being used to create misinformation that is increasingly difficult to distinguish from reality, posing significant threats such as manipulating public opinion, disrupting democratic processes, and eroding trust, with experts advising skepticism, attention to detail, and not sharing potentially AI-generated content to combat this issue.
AI technology is making it easier and cheaper to produce mass-scale propaganda campaigns and disinformation, using generative AI tools to create convincing articles, tweets, and even journalist profiles, raising concerns about the spread of AI-powered fake content and the need for mitigation strategies.
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, have the potential to supercharge disinformation campaigns in the 2024 elections, increasing the quantity, quality, and personalization of false information distributed to voters, but there are limitations to their effectiveness and platforms are working to mitigate the risks.
Artificial intelligence will play a significant role in the 2024 elections, making the production of disinformation easier but ultimately having less impact than anticipated, while paranoid nationalism corrupts global politics by scaremongering and abusing power.
AI-generated deepfakes have the potential to manipulate elections, but research suggests that the polarized state of American politics may actually inoculate voters against misinformation regardless of its source.
AI systems, including advanced language models and game-playing AIs, have demonstrated the ability to deceive humans, posing risks such as fraud and election tampering, as well as the potential for AI to escape human control; therefore, there is a need for close oversight and regulation of AI systems capable of deception.
This podcast episode from The Economist discusses the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the 2024 elections, the use of scaremongering tactics by cynical leaders, and the current trend of people wanting to own airlines.
Google will require verified election advertisers to disclose when their ads have been digitally altered, including through the use of artificial intelligence (AI), in an effort to promote transparency and responsible political advertising.
Chinese operatives have used AI-generated images to spread disinformation and provoke discussion on divisive political issues in the US as the 2024 election approaches, according to Microsoft analysts, raising concerns about the potential for foreign interference in US elections.
Microsoft researchers have discovered a network of fake social media accounts controlled by China that use artificial intelligence to influence US voters, according to a new research report.
AI on social media platforms, both as a tool for manipulation and for detection, is seen as a potential threat to voter sentiment in the upcoming US presidential elections, with China-affiliated actors leveraging AI-generated visual media to emphasize politically divisive topics, while companies like Accrete AI are employing AI to detect and predict disinformation threats in real-time.
China is employing artificial intelligence to manipulate American voters through the dissemination of AI-generated visuals and content, according to a report by Microsoft.
Concerns about artificial intelligence and democracy are assessed, with fears over AI's potential to undermine democracy explored, including the threat posed by Chinese misinformation campaigns and the call for AI regulation by Senator Josh Hawley.
With the rise of AI-generated "Deep Fakes," there is a clear and present danger of these manipulated videos and photos being used to deceive voters in the upcoming elections, making it crucial to combat this disinformation for the sake of election integrity and national security.
More than half of Americans believe that misinformation spread by artificial intelligence (AI) will impact the outcome of the 2024 presidential election, with supporters of both former President Trump and President Biden expressing concerns about the influence of AI on election results.
China's influence campaign using artificial intelligence is evolving, with recent efforts focusing on sowing discord in the United States through the spread of conspiracy theories and disinformation.
Chat2024 has soft-launched an AI-powered platform that features avatars of 17 presidential candidates, offering users the ability to ask questions and engage in debates with the AI replicas. While the avatars are not yet perfect imitations, they demonstrate the potential for AI technology to replicate politicians and engage voters in a more in-depth and engaging way.
Generative AI can be used to create unbiased representations of politicians based on text prompts, generating images that often reflect regional stereotypes.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become the new focus of concern for tech-ethicists, surpassing social media and smartphones, with exaggerated claims of AI's potential to cause the extinction of the human race. These fear-mongering tactics and populist misinformation have garnered attention and book deals for some, but are lacking in nuance and overlook the potential benefits of AI.
AI-generated content is becoming increasingly prevalent in political campaigns and poses a significant threat to democratic processes as it can be used to spread misinformation and disinformation to manipulate voters.
Artificial intelligence poses a potential threat to the 2024 US elections and financial markets, according to Senator Mark Warner, who highlights the risk of deep fakes and manipulation, and calls for new laws and penalties to deter bad actors.
AI-generated deepfakes pose serious challenges for policymakers, as they can be used for political propaganda, incite violence, create conflicts, and undermine democracy, highlighting the need for regulation and control over AI technology.
AI-generated images have the potential to create alternative history and misinformation, raising concerns about their impact on elections and people's ability to discern truth from manipulated visuals.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to facilitate deceptive practices such as deepfake videos and misleading ads, posing a threat to American democracy, according to experts who testified before the U.S. Senate Rules Committee.
Minnesota Democrats are calling for regulations on artificial intelligence (AI) in elections, expressing concerns about the potential for AI to deceive and manipulate voters, while also acknowledging its potential benefits for efficiency and productivity in election administration.
Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a positive force for democracy, particularly in combatting hate speech, but public trust should be reserved until the technology is better understood and regulated, according to Nick Clegg, President of Global Affairs for Meta.
The use of AI, including deepfakes, by political leaders around the world is on the rise, with at least 16 countries deploying deepfakes for political gain, according to a report from Freedom House, leading to concerns over the spread of disinformation, censorship, and the undermining of public trust in the democratic process.
As the 2023 election campaign in New Zealand nears its end, the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on the economy, politics, and society is being largely overlooked by politicians, despite growing concerns from AI experts and the public. The use of AI raises concerns about job displacement, increased misinformation, biased outcomes, and data sovereignty issues, highlighting the need for stronger regulation and investment in AI research that benefits all New Zealanders.
China's use of artificial intelligence (AI) to manipulate social media and shape global public opinion poses a growing threat to democracies, as generative AI allows for the creation of more effective and believable content at a lower cost, with implications for the 2024 elections.
AI-generated disinformation poses a significant threat to elections and democracies worldwide, as the line between fact and fiction becomes increasingly blurred.
Lawmakers are calling on social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, to take action against AI-generated political ads that could spread election-related misinformation and disinformation, ahead of the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Google has already announced new labeling requirements for deceptive AI-generated political advertisements.
The corruption of the information ecosystem, the spread of lies faster than facts, and the weaponization of AI in large language models pose significant threats to democracy and elections around the world.
AI tools have the potential to both enhance and hinder internet freedom, as they can be used for censorship and propaganda by autocratic regimes, but also for evading restrictions and combating disinformation. Countries should establish frameworks for AI tool creators that prioritize civil liberties, transparency, and safeguards against discrimination and surveillance. Democratic leaders need to seize the opportunity to ensure that AI technology is used to enhance freedom rather than curtail it.
Artificial intelligence poses a risk as it can be used by terrorists or hostile states to build bombs, spread propaganda, and disrupt elections, according to the heads of MI5 and the FBI.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to create fake audio and video content for political ads, raising concerns about the potential for misinformation and manipulation in elections. While some states have enacted laws against deepfake content, federal regulations are limited, and there are debates about the balance between regulation and free speech rights. Experts advise viewers to be skeptical of AI-generated content and look for inconsistencies in audio and visual cues to identify fakes. Larger ad firms are generally cautious about engaging in such practices, but anonymous individuals can easily create and disseminate deceptive content.
AI chatbots like Bard, Claude, Pi, and ChatGPT have the ability to create targeted political campaign material, including text messages, speeches, social media posts, and promotional TikTok videos, raising concerns about their potential to manipulate voters.