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McCarthy and CNN's Raju Spar Over Impeachment Inquiry Procedure

  • McCarthy spars with CNN's Manu Raju over opening impeachment inquiry without vote
  • Raju questions why McCarthy changed position on impeaching Biden in two weeks
  • McCarthy alleges Biden family has benefited financially from his status
  • Speaker accuses Raju of not caring about facts, only process
  • McCarthy says Pelosi changed precedent by opening Trump impeachment without vote
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Main Topic: Speaker Kevin McCarthy's suggestion of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden over unproven claims of corruption. Key Points: 1. McCarthy's suggestion of an impeachment inquiry is drawing strong pushback from Democrats. 2. Republicans have mixed reviews of McCarthy's suggestion, with some supporting it and others hesitant. 3. Impeachment is a political decision and carries political risks, but it is unlikely to succeed in the Democratic-controlled Senate.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has stated that any impeachment inquiry proceedings against President Joe Biden will only move forward with the consent of a complete House vote.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing political pressure from former President Trump and GOP voters to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, but moderate members of his conference are skeptical and there is concern that an impeachment effort could backfire politically.
House conservatives are wary of Speaker Kevin McCarthy's talk of a potential impeachment inquiry of President Biden, believing he is using it as leverage in government spending negotiations.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces a challenging political standoff as he returns to the House with the looming threats of a government shutdown, support for Ukraine in the war, and launching an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden amid pressure from far-right Republicans.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to endorse an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden as the "logical next step" in obtaining bank records and other documents, although he currently lacks the votes to open one.
Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz criticizes House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for calling for a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, stating that McCarthy is "out of compliance."
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) criticizes House Republicans, calling them "out of control" and accusing Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) of opening an impeachment inquiry as a diversion from their struggles to fund the government, while also expressing concerns about Hunter Biden's business dealings.
CNN reporter confronts House Speaker Kevin McCarthy after he reneges on his call for an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy defiantly challenges hard-right members of his Republican conference to attempt to oust him as they demand to avoid a government shutdown; tensions rise within the GOP conference as lawmakers struggle to avert a shutdown and find consensus.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy engaged in a heated exchange with an Associated Press reporter, challenging the assertion that his impeachment inquiry was launched "without evidence," and providing a list of instances that could be considered evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy plans to resurrect a stalled Pentagon spending measure and push it to the House floor in an effort to pressure far-right Republicans to drop their demands for spending cuts or face backlash for voting against military funding.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Biden managed to reach an agreement on the debt ceiling, averting default, but the House GOP is now in disarray, with infighting and threats of unseating McCarthy, leading to the possibility of another government shutdown.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton criticized House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for being "too weak" to stand up to far-right Republicans using impeachment as a political weapon against President Joe Biden, stating that they have no interest in solving problems but rather want to create political turmoil for their own benefit.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is facing opposition from hard-right Republicans who want to cut spending, potentially leading to a government shutdown, as tensions rise and options become limited, with President Joe Biden urging Republicans to fulfill their basic responsibility of funding the federal government.
Congress and Washington, D.C. are questioning whether President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made a secret deal to protect future aid for Ukraine in exchange for avoiding a government shutdown.
The removal of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is unlikely to hinder ongoing investigations into the Biden family and the impeachment inquiry against President Biden, as committees can continue their operations and the speaker pro tempore has the powers of the speakership, according to experts.
House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy was ousted as speaker after a small group of GOP rebels joined with Democrats in an unprecedented vote, marking the latest downfall of Republican leaders who helped launch the populist movement that led to Donald Trump's ascent to the White House.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denied promising to support Rep. Kevin McCarthy as he was ousted as speaker by a group of hardline Republicans, stating that the decision was made by Democratic members and citing reasons such as the impeachment inquiry into President Biden and McCarthy's support for former President Trump.
The recent attacks in Israel and the need for U.S. aid have led centrist House Republicans to discuss reinstating Kevin McCarthy as House speaker in order to address the crisis more quickly.
Less than a week after being voted out as Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy says he would take the job back if asked, as House Republicans contemplate their next move amidst the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Despite being voted out by his own caucus, Republican Kevin McCarthy is open to retaking the position of Speaker of the House if asked, while his fellow Republicans contemplate their next move amidst the international crisis in Israel.
Kevin McCarthy, who was ousted as Speaker of the House last week, said he is open to retaking the position, despite earlier claiming he would not seek the gavel; however, it remains unlikely that McCarthy will regain the necessary support from his party to be reinstated.
Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy questions how a small number of Republicans led to ongoing turmoil among the GOP conference as they struggle to find a new Speaker.